function hexStringToByteString($hexString){
for ($i=0;$i
return $byteString;
// BCmath version for huge numbers
function bc_arb_encode($num, $basestr) {
if( ! function_exists('bcadd') ) {
Throw new Exception('You need the BCmath extension.');
$base = strlen($basestr);
$rep = '';
while( true ){
if( strlen($num) < 2 ) {
if( intval($num) <= 0 ) {
$rem = bcmod($num, $base);
$rep = $basestr[intval($rem)] . $rep;
$num = bcdiv(bcsub($num, $rem), $base);
return $rep;
function bc_arb_decode($num, $basestr) {
if( ! function_exists('bcadd') ) {
Throw new Exception('You need the BCmath extension.');
$base = strlen($basestr);
$dec = '0';
$num_arr = str_split((string)$num);
$cnt = strlen($num);
for($i=0; $i < $cnt; $i++) {
$pos = strpos($basestr, $num_arr[$i]);
if( $pos === false ) {
Throw new Exception(sprintf('Unknown character %s at offset %d', $num_arr[$i], $i));
$dec = bcadd(bcmul($dec, $base), $pos);
return $dec;
// base 58 alias
function bc_base58_encode($num) {
return bc_arb_encode($num, '123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz');
function bc_base58_decode($num) {
return bc_arb_decode($num, '123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz');
//hexdec with BCmath
function bc_hexdec($num) {
return bc_arb_decode(strtolower($num), '0123456789abcdef');
function bc_dechex($num) {
return bc_arb_encode($num, '0123456789abcdef');
// step 1
//echo "step1 ".$step1."
// step 2
echo "step2 ".$step2."
// step 3
echo "step3 ".$step3."
// step 4
echo "step4 ".$step4."
// step 5
echo "step5 ".$step5."
// step 6
// $step6=hash("sha256",hexStringToByteString($step5));
// echo "step6 ".$step6."
// step 7
echo "step7 ".$checksum."
// step 8
echo "step8 ".$step8."
// step 9
// base conversion is from hex to base58 via decimal.
// Leading hex zero converts to 1 in base58 but it is dropped
// in the intermediate decimal stage. Simply added back manually.
echo "step9 ".$step9."
step1 04D166177BBC050D53ABD5197A1A0D1DAC31B14795E0A1C2267918FBEAF28DDCBB200D313541E8E5374E573FA570D8EA94FC44905243FAC2726D625C11A36C9A3E
step2 6cf59dae61a5b2a4ca2990c644fa7d444928175f1c454f0cf2f4d98081dc6f63
step3 c07de396ef663b22ccab46fc87d067eaad408aa3
step4 55c07de396ef663b22ccab46fc87d067eaad408aa3
step5 12c5b0698d8dd8bd9a9d653c6d09beaf67cb0b967107f835537f0ebd4e97df0d
step7 12c5b069
step8 55c07de396ef663b22ccab46fc87d067eaad408aa312c5b069
step9 PbWH5Ez522wiao4Lrgh6j6Vz2uMHSDNMRbe
function hexStringToByteString($hexString){
for ($i=0;$i
return $byteString;
// BCmath version for huge numbers
function bc_arb_encode($num, $basestr) {
if( ! function_exists('bcadd') ) {
Throw new Exception('You need the BCmath extension.');
$base = strlen($basestr);
$rep = '';
while( true ){
if( strlen($num) < 2 ) {
if( intval($num) <= 0 ) {
$rem = bcmod($num, $base);
$rep = $basestr[intval($rem)] . $rep;
$num = bcdiv(bcsub($num, $rem), $base);
return $rep;
function bc_arb_decode($num, $basestr) {
if( ! function_exists('bcadd') ) {
Throw new Exception('You need the BCmath extension.');
$base = strlen($basestr);
$dec = '0';
$num_arr = str_split((string)$num);
$cnt = strlen($num);
for($i=0; $i < $cnt; $i++) {
$pos = strpos($basestr, $num_arr[$i]);
if( $pos === false ) {
Throw new Exception(sprintf('Unknown character %s at offset %d', $num_arr[$i], $i));
$dec = bcadd(bcmul($dec, $base), $pos);
return $dec;
// base 58 alias
function bc_base58_encode($num) {
return bc_arb_encode($num, '123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz');
function bc_base58_decode($num) {
return bc_arb_decode($num, '123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz');
//hexdec with BCmath
function bc_hexdec($num) {
return bc_arb_decode(strtolower($num), '0123456789abcdef');
function bc_dechex($num) {
return bc_arb_encode($num, '0123456789abcdef');
//step1 is just converting the 130-hex-character publickey in bytes
echo "step1 ".$publickey."
// step 2 sha256 hashes the publickey from step 1
echo "step2 ".$step2."
// step 3 ripemd160 hashes step2
echo "step3 ".$step3."
// step 4 is the tricky part: add 37(hexadecimal of 55)the
// version number to step 3
echo "step4 ".$step4."
// step 5 sha256 hash step4
echo "step5 ".$step5."
// step 6 sha256 hash step 5
echo "step6 ".$step6."
// step 7 takes the first 8 characters (4 bytes) of step 6 as a checksum
echo "step7 ".$checksum."
// step 8 adds the checksum to step 4
echo "step8 ".$step8."
//step 9 converts step 8 into decimal
//step 10 encodes step 9 into base58
echo "step9 ".$step10."
step1 04D166177BBC050D53ABD5197A1A0D1DAC31B14795E0A1C2267918FBEAF28DDCBB200D313541E8E5374E573FA570D8EA94FC44905243FAC2726D625C11A36C9A3E
step2 6cf59dae61a5b2a4ca2990c644fa7d444928175f1c454f0cf2f4d98081dc6f63
step3 c07de396ef663b22ccab46fc87d067eaad408aa3
step4 37c07de396ef663b22ccab46fc87d067eaad408aa3
step5 a4237928cd0a9cbb001325a9b4726633ed67fd0ce15bf50c7d19260a297f488b
step6 443e1443a9fbdc855b88865e621fc5b35fe4515bc35229460ccb9f277dd35c21
step7 443e1443
step8 37c07de396ef663b22ccab46fc87d067eaad408aa3443e1443
step9 PS8yhj8NjXpJG4AFx77AYjpS2DZ8ucCGJe
来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20190703/1365744.html