作业项目:将客户端的 Python + OpenCV 程式移植到 Swift + OpenCV Native
OpenCV Native 安裝
- Install 参考 https://vovkos.github.io/doxyrest-showcase/opencv/sphinx_rtd_theme/page_tutorial_ios_install.html
- Xcode-select 需先安装
- brew 需先安装
- brew install cmake
- sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer (optional)
- 安装完成后会有一个 opencv2.framework,将它加入 swift project 中
Python OpenCV 与 OpenCV Native 使用上的不同点
- 在 Python 一般很常用 Numpy,但在 OpenCV Native 中要用 Mat 代替一部分工作
- Syntax, Python 基本没有类型,Swift 强制类型,转换起来很烦躁
- Swift -> Objective-C -> C++ 可能会需要共且引用时在资料传送上很困难
- 当用到 OpenCV 以外的 package (如skimage, PIL) 时要想法找替代方案
- Matrix 的运算问题
- 好处是 Swift 语法很大程度上与 Python 很接近 ex: print 基本可以直接套用
使用 OpenCV Native, 在 Python 统一在 cv2 这个套件, OpenCV Native 分散在不同套件中
- import opencv2
- Mat
- Scalar
- Imgproc
- Core
- 需自行实践的功能
- from skimage.metrics import structural_similarity
使用 Imgproc.matchTemplate 替代 |
- 裁剪
static func cropped(frame: Mat, point: Point, w: Int32) -> Mat { let py = Point(x: point.x - w, y: point.y - w) let px = Point(x: point.x + w, y: point.y + w) let rect = Rect(point: py, point: px) return Mat(mat: frame, rect: rect).clone() } |
- 存档 Mat, 首先要将 Mat 转化为 UIImage
来源 https://vovkos.github.io/doxyrest-showcase/opencv/sphinx_rtd_theme/page_tutorial_image_manipulation.html
从 C++ 转为 Swift
static func UIImageFromCVMat(mat: Mat) -> UIImage { let colorSpace: CGColorSpace if (mat.elemSize() == 1) { colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceGray() } else { colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB() } guard let providerRef = CGDataProvider(data: NSData(bytes: mat.dataPointer(), length: mat.elemSize()*mat.total())) else { debugPrint("mat.empty()") return UIImage() } let mapInfo = CGBitmapInfo(rawValue: CGImageAlphaInfo.none.rawValue) let imageRef = CGImage.init( width: Int(mat.cols()), height: Int(mat.rows()), bitsPerComponent: 8, bitsPerPixel: 8 * mat.elemSize(), bytesPerRow: Int(mat.step1()), space: colorSpace, bitmapInfo: mapInfo, provider: providerRef, decode: nil, shouldInterpolate: true, intent: .defaultIntent ) let finalImage = UIImage(cgImage: imageRef!) return finalImage; } |
- sum()
func sum(array1: Array<Int>, p: Int) -> Int { let x = p if x >= array1.count { return array1.reduce(0, +) } else if x==0 { return array1.reduce(0, +) } let slice: ArraySlice<Int> = array1[0...x] return slice.reduce(0, +) } |
- 计算三个点形成的角度
来源 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3486172/angle-between-3-points
从 C++ 转为 Swift
func get_angle(a: Point , b: Point, c: Point) -> Int32 { let ab: Point = Point(x: b.x - a.x, y: b.y - a.y) let cb: Point = Point(x: b.x - c.x, y: b.y - c.y) let dot: Double = Double(ab.x * cb.x + ab.y * cb.y) let cross: Double = Double(ab.x * cb.y - ab.y * cb.x) let alpha: Double = atan2(cross, dot); let ret = Int32(floor(alpha * 180.0 / Double.pi + 0.5)) if c.y < b.y { return 360 - ret } return ret } |
- 求最远的点
来源 https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/maximum-distance-between-two-points-in-coordinate-plane-using-rotating-calipers-method/
从 C++ 转 Swift
private func dist(p1: Point, p2: Point) -> Int32 { let x0: Int32 = p1.x - p2.x let y0: Int32 = p1.y - p2.y return x0 * x0 + y0 * y0 } // Function to find the maximum // distance between any two points // src : https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/maximum-distance-between-two-points-in-coordinate-plane-using-rotating-calipers-method/ func furthest_node(p: Point, array: Array<Point>) -> Point { var largest: Int = 0; var arr: Dictionary<Int32, Int> = [:] if array.count == 0 { debugPrint("empty array", array.count) return Point(x: -1, y: -1) } // Iterate over all possible pairs for i in 0...array.count-1 { // Update max let x = dist(p1: p, p2: array[i]) arr.updateValue(i, forKey: x) largest = max(largest, Int(x)) } largest = arr[Int32(largest)] ?? 0 return array[largest] } |
使用到的 OpenCV function
Core.bitwise_and() | 计算两个数组的按位连接 (dst = src1 & src2) 计算 two arrays or an array and a scalar |
Core.bitwise_or() | 计算 two arrays or an array and a scalar |
Core.bitwise_xor() | 在two arrays or an array and a scalar上计算每个元素的按位“异或”运算。 |
Core.findNonZero() | 返回非零像素的位置列表 |
Mat.zeros() | 返回零像素的 Mat |
Imgproc.ellipse() | Mat.zeros() 返回零像素的 Mat Imgproc.ellipse() |
Imgproc.cvtColor() | 将图像从一种颜色转换为另一种颜色。 |
Imgproc.threshold() | 对每个数组元素应用固定级别的阈值。 |
Imgproc.findContours() | 在二值图像中查找轮廓。 |
Imgproc.erode() | 通过使用特定的结构元素腐蚀图像。 |
Imgproc.resize() | 调整图像大小。 |
Imgproc.HoughCircles() | 使用霍夫变换在灰度图像中查找圆。 |
opencv2 Reference : http://xtravision.stars.ne.jp/opencv44/docs/index.html
Installation in iOS : Installation in iOS — OpenCV Documentation
OpenCV iOS Image Processing : OpenCV iOS - Image Processing — OpenCV Documentation
Crop Mat image in OpenCV : Crop Mat image in OpenCV 2.4.3 (iOS) - Stack Overflow
OpenCV的基本矩阵操作与示例 : https://www.itread01.com/content/1548511039.html
Finding sum of elements in Swift array : Finding sum of elements in Swift array - Stack Overflow
Maximum distance between two points : Maximum distance between two points in coordinate plane using Rotating Caliper's Method - GeeksforGeeks
线性代数(3)矩阵与向量的乘积的两种理解 : 线性代数(3)矩阵与向量的乘积的两种理解_洪流之源-CSDN博客_矩阵乘向量
Angle between 3 points? : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3486172/angle-between-3-points