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IELTS11 Test2 laws are needed to make people recycle more of their waste


IELTS11 TEST2 的一篇作文,我的观点是,政府应该立法,但是在立法的同时,应该保证法律的有效实施,然后加强宣传,特别是针对年长的人,只要人人作出一点改变,这个社会就会变得更好。


Some people claim that not enough of the waste from homes is recycled.
They say that the only way to increase recycling is for governments to make it a legal requirement.

To what extent do you think laws are needed to make people recycle more of their waste?

My writing

In my opinion, it’s a good way to increase recycling through the laws. The laws are the weapons that regulate good behaviors of the public. We can achieve better effects with the help of the government.

First of all, in the age of high-tech, we produce much waste, such as outdated electronic appliances, disposable chopsticks and plates, plastic bags and bottles. As the saying goes, “waste is the misplaced treasures”. From this point, recycling can be extremely important in our daily life, we are always accustomed to throw the litter into the dustbin without considering recycling. Moreover, most aged people were not well educated in their childhood, they don’t have any concepts of recycling in their mind, but if the laws come into effect, they may pay more attention to their bad behavior with the rigid control of policeman. Even a slight change they make in their life,  and the society will be better and better.

What’s more, the governments should take measures to educate the public, because as I mentioned above, not all people have the awareness of recycling, and not all people are lucky to get high level of education in their lifetime, only when they realized the importance of recycling can they begin to try to regulate their behavior. In addition, the governments should put a lot of efforts to construct basic facilities related to recycling, such as more recycled dustbins, more convenient vehicles, more recycled electronic appliances and more preferential policies, etc. I think the city will become better if these proposals come into practice.

As for individuals, especially for people with high level of education, we should carry out loads of charity projects to assist the government to educate the public, people also recycle more if condition permits. The whole society will be better if all individuals take part in these group.

The governments are essentially advantageous, as long as the governments become the launcher of the program, there will be a better society in the near future, people will be grateful for what the governments have done for civilizations of the society. 



