如何在Node.js的console.log()中获得完整的对象,而不是“ [Object]”?


本文翻译自:How can I get the full object in Node.js's console.log(), rather than '[Object]'?

When debugging using console.log() , how can I get the full object? 使用console.log()调试时,如何获取完整的对象?

const myObject = {

Outputs: 输出:

{ a: 'a', b: { c: 'c', d: { e: 'e', f: [Object] } } }

But I want to also see the content of property f . 但我也想看看属性f的内容。




You need to use util.inspect() : 您需要使用util.inspect()

const util = require('util')

console.log(util.inspect(myObject, {showHidden: false, depth: null}))

// alternative shortcut
console.log(util.inspect(myObject, false, null, true /* enable colors */))

Outputs 产出

{ a: 'a',  b: { c: 'c', d: { e: 'e', f: { g: 'g', h: { i: 'i' } } } } }

See util.inspect() docs . 请参阅util.inspect() docs


You can use JSON.stringify , and get some nice indentation as well as perhaps easier to remember syntax. 您可以使用JSON.stringify ,获得一些不错的缩进以及可能更容易记住的语法。

console.log(JSON.stringify(myObject, null, 4));

    "a": "a",
    "b": {
        "c": "c",
        "d": {
            "e": "e",
            "f": {
                "g": "g",
                "h": {
                    "i": "i"

The third argument sets the indentation level, so you can adjust that as desired. 第三个参数设置缩进级别,因此您可以根据需要进行调整。

More detail here if needed: 如果需要,请在此处提供更多详细信息:

https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/JSON/stringify https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/JSON/stringify



console.log('connection : %j', myObject);


perhaps console.dir is all you need. 也许console.dir就是您所需要的。

http://nodejs.org/api/console.html#console_console_dir_obj http://nodejs.org/api/console.html#console_console_dir_obj

Uses util.inspect on obj and prints resulting string to stdout. 在obj上使用util.inspect并将结果字符串输出到stdout。

use util option if you need more control. 如果需要更多控制,请使用util选项。


A compilation of the many useful answers from (at least) Node.js v0.10.33 (stable) / v0.11.14 (unstable) presumably through (at least) v7.7.4 (the version current as of the latest update to this answer). 至少(至少)通过v7.7.4 (至少是最新版本)的(至少)Node.js v0.10.33 (稳定)/ v0.11.14 (不稳定)的许多有用答案的汇编。

tl;dr tl; dr

util.inspect() is at the heart of diagnostic output: console.log() and console.dir() as well as the Node.js REPL use util.inspect() implicitly , so it's generally not necessary to require('util') and call util.inspect() directly . util.inspect()是在诊断输出的心脏: console.log()console.dir()以及Node.js的REPL使用util.inspect() 暗示 ,因此一般没有必要 require('util')然后直接调用util.inspect()

To get the desired output for the example in the question: 为问题中的示例获取所需的输出:

console.dir(myObject, { depth: null }); // `depth: null` ensures unlimited recursion

Details below. 详细信息如下。

  • console.log() (and its alias, console.info() ): console.log() (及其别名console.info() ):

    • If the 1st argument is NOT a format string : util.inspect() is automatically applied to every argument: 如果第一个参数不是格式字符串util.inspect()将自动应用于每个参数:
      • o = { one: 1, two: 'deux', foo: function(){} }; console.log(o, [1,2,3]) // -> '{ one: 1, two: 'deux', foo: [Function] } [ 1, 2, 3 ]'
      • Note that you cannot pass options through util.inspect() in this case, which implies 2 notable limitations: 请注意,在这种情况下,您无法通过util.inspect() 传递选项 ,这意味着两个明显的限制:
        • Structural depth of the output is limited to 2 levels (the default). 输出的结构深度 限制为2 (默认值)。
          • Since you cannot change this with console.log() , you must instead use console.dir() : console.dir(myObject, { depth: null } prints with unlimited depth ; see below. 由于无法使用console.log()更改此设置,因此必须改为使用console.dir()console.dir(myObject, { depth: null }打印深度不受限制 ;请参见下文。
        • You can't turn syntax coloring on. 您无法打开语法着色。
    • If the 1st argument IS a format string (see below): uses util.format() to print the remaining arguments based on the format string (see below); 如果第一个参数是格式字符串 (请参见下文):使用util.format()根据格式字符串打印其余参数(请参见下文); eg: 例如:
      • o = { one: 1, two: 'deux', foo: function(){} }; console.log('o as JSON: %j', o) // -> 'o as JSON: {"one":1,"two":"deux"}'
      • Note: 注意:
        • There is NO placeholder for representing objects util.inspect() -style. 没有代表对象 util.inspect() -style的占位符。
        • JSON generated with %j is NOT pretty-printed. %j生成的JSON印刷得不好。
  • console.dir() : console.dir()

    • Accepts only 1 argument to inspect , and always applies util.inspect() - essentially, a wrapper for util.inspect() without options by default; 仅接受1个参数来检查 ,并始终应用util.inspect() -本质上,默认情况下为util.inspect()的包装,不带选项; eg: 例如:
      • o = { one: 1, two: 'deux', foo: function(){} }; console.dir(o); // Effectively the same as console.log(o) in this case.
    • node.js v0.11.14+ : The optional 2nd argument specifies options for util.inspect() - see below; node.js v0.11.14 + :可选的第二个参数指定util.inspect()选项-参见下文; eg: 例如:
      • console.dir({ one: 1, two: 'deux'}, { colors: true }); // node 0.11+: Prints object representation with syntax coloring.
  • The REPL : implicitly prints any expression's return value with util.inspect() with syntax coloring ; REPL使用带有语法颜色的util.inspect()隐式打印任何表达式的返回值
    ie, just typing a variable's name and hitting Enter will print an inspected version of its value; 即,只需输入变量的名称并按Enter键,将打印其值的检查版本; eg: 例如:
    • o = { one: 1, two: 'deux', foo: function(){} } // echoes the object definition with syntax coloring.

util.inspect() automatically (and invariably) pretty-prints object and array representations , but produces multiline output only when needed - if everything fits on one line, only 1 line is printed. util.inspect()自动(并总是)漂亮地打印对象数组表示形式 ,但仅在需要时才产生多行输出 -如果所有内容都适合一行,则仅打印一行。

  • By default, output is wrapped at around 60 characters thanks, Shrey , regardless of whether the output is sent to a file or a terminal. 默认情况下,无论输出是发送到文件还是终端,输出都会用大约60个字符包装 感谢Shrey In practice, since line breaks only happen at property boundaries , you will often end up with shorter lines, but they can also be longer (eg, with long property values). 实际上,由于换行符仅发生在属性边界处 ,所以您通常会得到较短的行,但它们也可能更长(例如,具有较长的属性值)。

  • In v6.3.0+ you can use the breakLength option to override the 60-character limit; 在v6.3.0 +中,您可以使用breakLength选项覆盖60个字符的限制; if you set it to Infinity , everything is output on a single line. 如果你将其设置为Infinity ,一切都在一个线路输出。

If you want more control over pretty-printing, consider using JSON.stringify() with a 3rd argument , but note the following: 如果要对JSON.stringify()打印进行更多控制,请考虑将JSON.stringify()与第三个参数一起使用 ,但请注意以下几点:

  • Fails with objects that have circular references , such as module in the global context. 带有循环引用的对象失败 ,例如全局上下文中的module
  • Methods (functions) will by design NOT be included. 设计上将不包括方法 (功能)。
  • You can't opt into showing hidden (non-enumerable) properties. 您不能选择显示隐藏(不可枚举)的属性。
  • Example call: 示例调用:
    • JSON.stringify({ one: 1, two: 'deux', three: true}, undefined, 2); // creates a pretty-printed multiline JSON representation indented with 2 spaces

util.inspect() options object (2nd argument): util.inspect()选项对象 (第二个参数):

source: http://nodejs.org/api/util.html#util_util_format_format 来源: http//nodejs.org/api/util.html#util_util_format_format

An optional options object may be passed that alters certain aspects of the formatted string: 可以传递一个可选的options对象,以更改格式化字符串的某些方面:

  • showHidden
    • if true , then the object's non-enumerable properties [those designated not to show up when you use for keys in obj or Object.keys(obj) ] will be shown too. 如果为true ,则还将显示对象的不可枚举的属性[当for keys in objObject.keys(obj) for keys in obj时指定为不显示的属性]。 Defaults to false . 默认为false
  • depth
    • tells inspect how many times to recurse while formatting the object. 告诉检查格式化对象时要递归多少次。 This is useful for inspecting large complicated objects. 这对于检查大型复杂对象很有用。 Defaults to 2. To make it recurse indefinitely, pass null . 默认值为2。要使其无限期递归,请传递null
  • colors
    • if true, then the output will be styled with ANSI color codes. 如果为true,则将使用ANSI颜色代码设置输出样式。 Defaults to false . 默认为false Colors are customizable [... - see link]. 颜色是可自定义的[...-参见链接]。
  • customInspect
    • if false , then custom inspect() functions defined on the objects being inspected won't be called. 如果为false ,则不会调用在被检查对象上定义的自定义inspect()函数。 Defaults to true . 默认为true

util.format() format-string placeholders (1st argument) util.format()格式字符串占位符 (第一个参数)

source: http://nodejs.org/api/util.html#util_util_format_format 来源: http//nodejs.org/api/util.html#util_util_format_format

  • %s - String. %s字符串。
  • %d - Number (both integer and float). %d数字(整数和浮点数)。
  • %j - JSON. %j -JSON。
  • % - single percent sign ('%'). % -单个百分号('%')。 This does not consume an argument. 这不消耗参数。