1 下载sphinx安装包,我这里选的是windows系统的3.4.1版本:https://sphinxsearch.com/downloads/current/
2 安装后会得到6个文件夹:api,bin,doc,etc,misc,src
3 复制etc目录下的sphinx-min.conf.dist到bin目录下并修改文件名为sphinx.conf。文件内容见代码块:
# Minimal Sphinx configuration sample (clean, simple, functional)
source src1
type = mysql
sql_host = localhost
sql_user = root
sql_pass = root
sql_db = amengcms
sql_port = 3306 # optional, default is 3306
#sql_query = \
# SELECT id, group_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date_added) AS date_added, title, content \
# FROM documents
#sql_attr_uint = group_id
#sql_attr_uint = date_added
sql_query = SELECT id, title, description FROM archives
sql_field_string = title
sql_field_string = description
index test1
source = src1
path = F:\x\test\amengcms\ameng_cms\sphinx_data
mlock = 0 # 缓存内存锁定
morphology = none # 数据处理方法
min_word_len = 1 # 最小索引字长
html_strip = 0 # 是否去除html标签
ngram_len = 1 # 支持中文
ngram_chars = U+3000..U+2FA1F # 支持中文
# 字段配置
rt_attr_uint = id
rt_field = title
rt_field = description
index testrt
type = rt
rt_mem_limit = 128M
path = F:\x\test\amengcms\ameng_cms\sphinx_data\testrt
rt_field = title
rt_field = content
rt_attr_uint = gid
mem_limit = 128M
listen = 9312
listen = 9306:mysql41
log = F:\x\test\amengcms\ameng_cms\sphinx_data\log\searchd.log
query_log = F:\x\test\amengcms\ameng_cms\sphinx_data\log\query.log
read_timeout = 5
max_children = 30
pid_file = F:\x\test\amengcms\ameng_cms\sphinx_data\log\searchd.pid
seamless_rotate = 1
preopen_indexes = 1
unlink_old = 1
workers = threads # for RT to work
binlog_path = F:\x\test\amengcms\ameng_cms\sphinx_data\log
4 打开cmd命令窗口,cd进入到安装路径:D:\soft\sphinx-3.4.1-efbcc65-windows-amd64\sphinx-3.4.1\bin
5 建立索引(mysql数据表每次变化后都要执行该步骤来刷新索引),执行命令,如:
D:\soft\sphinx-3.4.1-efbcc65-windows-amd64\sphinx-3.4.1\bin> .\indexer.exe test1
6 启动命令:
D:\soft\sphinx-3.4.1-efbcc65-windows-amd64\sphinx-3.4.1\bin> .\searchd.exe
7 建立php代码文件sphinx.php:
require ( "D:\soft\sphinx-3.4.1-efbcc65-windows-amd64\sphinx-3.4.1\api\sphinxapi.php" );
$keywords = isset($_GET['keywords']) ? $_GET['keywords'] : '分页';
$s = new SphinxClient();
$result = $s->query($keywords, "test1");
8 浏览器访问即可输出查询结果。
Array ( [error] => [warning] => [status] => 0 [fields] => Array ( [0] => title [1] => description ) [attrs] => Array ( [title] => 7 [description] => 7 ) [matches] => Array ( [55] => Array ( [weight] => 42485 [attrs] => Array ( [title] => 分页 laypage [description] => 分页 laypage ) ) [70] => Array ( [weight] => 21807 [attrs] => Array ( [title] => 代码高亮显示 code [description] => 分页 laypage ) ) ) [total] => 2 [total_found] => 2 [time] => 0.000 [words] => Array ( [分] => Array ( [docs] => 5 [hits] => 6 ) [页] => Array ( [docs] => 9 [hits] => 10 ) ) )
# Minimal Sphinx configuration sample (clean, simple, functional)
source archives
type = mysql #数据库类型
sql_host = localhost #数据库地址
sql_user = root #用户名
sql_pass = root #密码
sql_db = amengcms #数据库名
sql_port = 3306 #端口
sql_query_pre = SET NAMES utf8 #编码
sql_query_range =
sql_range_step = 10000
sql_query = SELECT id,id as id_other,title,description,addonarticle.body FROM archives LEFT JOIN addonarticle ON archives.id=addonarticle.aid
sql_attr_uint = id_other
sql_field_string = title
sql_field_string = description
sql_field_string = body
# 主索引index定义
index archives
source = archives #对应的source名称
path = D:\soft\sphinx-3.4.1-efbcc65-windows-amd64\sphinx-3.4.1\data\archives
mlock = 0
morphology = none
min_word_len = 1
html_strip = 0
ngram_len = 1
ngram_chars = U+4E00..U+9FBB, U+3400..U+4DB5, U+20000..U+2A6D6, U+FA0E, U+FA0F, U+FA11, U+FA13, U+FA14, U+FA1F, U+FA21, U+FA23, U+FA24, U+FA27, U+FA28, U+FA29, U+3105..U+312C, U+31A0..U+31B7, U+3041, U+3043, U+3045, U+3047, U+3049, U+304B, U+304D, U+304F, U+3051, U+3053, U+3055, U+3057, U+3059, U+305B, U+305D, U+305F, U+3061, U+3063, U+3066, U+3068, U+306A..U+306F, U+3072, U+3075, U+3078, U+307B, U+307E..U+3083, U+3085, U+3087, U+3089..U+308E, U+3090..U+3093, U+30A1, U+30A3, U+30A5, U+30A7, U+30A9, U+30AD, U+30AF, U+30B3, U+30B5, U+30BB, U+30BD, U+30BF, U+30C1, U+30C3, U+30C4, U+30C6, U+30CA, U+30CB, U+30CD, U+30CE, U+30DE, U+30DF, U+30E1, U+30E2, U+30E3, U+30E5, U+30E7, U+30EE, U+30F0..U+30F3, U+30F5, U+30F6, U+31F0, U+31F1, U+31F2, U+31F3, U+31F4, U+31F5, U+31F6, U+31F7, U+31F8, U+31F9, U+31FA, U+31FB, U+31FC, U+31FD, U+31FE, U+31FF, U+AC00..U+D7A3, U+1100..U+1159, U+1161..U+11A2, U+11A8..U+11F9, U+A000..U+A48C, U+A492..U+A4C6
rt_field = id_other
rt_field = title
rt_field = description
rt_field = body
mem_limit = 128M
listen = 9312
listen = 9306:mysql41
log = D:\soft\sphinx-3.4.1-efbcc65-windows-amd64\sphinx-3.4.1\log\searchd.log
query_log = D:\soft\sphinx-3.4.1-efbcc65-windows-amd64\sphinx-3.4.1\log\query.log
read_timeout = 5
max_children = 30
pid_file = D:\soft\sphinx-3.4.1-efbcc65-windows-amd64\sphinx-3.4.1\log\searchd.pid
seamless_rotate = 1
preopen_indexes = 1
unlink_old = 1
workers = threads # for RT to work
binlog_path = D:\soft\sphinx-3.4.1-efbcc65-windows-amd64\sphinx-3.4.1\log
require ( "D:\soft\sphinx-3.4.1-efbcc65-windows-amd64\sphinx-3.4.1\api\sphinxapi.php" );
$keywords = isset($_GET['keywords']) ? $_GET['keywords'] : '分页';
echo "keywords::{$keywords}<br><br>";
$s = new SphinxClient();
$result = $s->query($keywords, "archives");