Oliver Drotbohm
September 12, 2013
Hot on the heals of the Spring Data Babbage GA release I am happy to announce the availability of two community driven Spring Data modules, namely the first milestone of Spring Data Couchbase lead by Michael Nitschinger and the 1.0 GA of Spring Data Solr lead by Christoph Strobl.
The first milestone release of the Couchbase module contains lots of features that allow you to build content driven and scalable applications on top of Couchbase and spring-data very quickly. This release features support for templates, repositories, Java and XML-style configuration. Entities are automatically converted into JSON documents, which can be queried from Couchbase and exported through scalable map/reduce views. In addition to that, the release contains support for @Cacheable annotations, which allow you to cache any kind of binary data (for example serialized java objects) inside Couchbase in a transparent manner.
Find more on that on the project on the project website.
The Spring Data Solr GA release is also based on the latest core release in Babbage. The release concludes a trail of milestones and release candidates and finally adds these bits and pieces:
Boost query terms via @Boost
Support for @Highlight and @Facet
Extensible document converter
Enhanced multicore support
For the full release information have a look at the changelog and on the project website.
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关于Spring Data Babbage GA发行版的修复,我很高兴宣布两个社区驱动的Spring数据模块的可用性,即由Michael Nitschinger领导的Spring Data Couchbase的第一个里程碑和由Christoph Strobl领导的Spring Data Solr的1.0 GA。
Spring Data Solr GA版本也基于巴贝奇的最新核心版本。发布结束了里程碑和候选发布的跟踪,并最终添加了以下内容: