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android fb2png,fb-adb: fb-adb 是一个用于 Android 设备上的界面工具,用于与 Android 系统的交互...


fb-adb is a tool for interacting

with Android systems. It does much of what adb does, but with better

remote shell support and, hopefully, fewer bugs. Differences between

adb and fb-adb are that fb-adb:

is binary clean (no LF -> CRLF mangling)

transmits and updates window size

distinguishes standard output and standard error

properly muxes streams with independent flow control

allows for ssh-like pty allocation control

propagates program exit status instead of always exiting

with status 0

properly escapes program arguments

kills remote program

provides a generic facility to elevate to root without re-escaping


You can use Homebrew to install fb-adb binaries:

brew install fb-adb


An out-of-tree build is required. You'll need a copy of the

Android NDK:

tell configure about it by setting the ANDROID_NDK environment

variable to your NDK path or by using the --with-android-ndk argument

to the configure script.

For example:


export ANDROID_NDK=/path/to/android-ndk

mkdir build

cd build



If building on Mac, you need gmake to build. You can use

Homebrew to get it:

brew install homebrew/core/make

on earlier systems this was:

brew tap homebrew/dupes

brew install homebrew/dupes/make

and then use gmake instead of make.


The fb-adb executable itself has no dependencies other than the adb

executable, which must be on PATH. Generally, you can use fb-adb just

like adb; fb-adb forwards unknown commands to adb. fb-adb supports

the same device-selection options that adb does.

fb-adb shell is the fancy shell command that supports the features

described above. Run fb-adb shell -h for additional options.


Capture a screenshot from device and write it locally to a timestamped file:

fb-adb rcmd screencap -p > screenshot-$(timestamp).png

Dump database.db of the com.bar.foo app:

fb-adb rcmd -u com.bar.foo sqlite3 /data/data/com.bar.foo/databases/database.db .d

Open remote shell as the user com.bar.foo:

fb-adb shell -u com.bar.foo
