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   $contentStyle->set_size( 8 );
    $contentStyle->set_bold();           #设置字体为粗体
    $contentStyle->set_align( 'center' );#设置单元格居中
    $contentStyle->set_text_wrap();      #是否回车换行
    $contentStyle->set_color('red');     #设置单元格前景色为红色

f_row = workbook.add_format(:color=>"black", :bold=>0, :italic=>false, :text_wrap=>true)

SpreadSheet是支持单元格合并的,   http://rubyforge.org/forum/message.php?msg_id=64873
  把要合并的单元格的格式属性设置为:align => :merge就行了



Format methods and Format properties

The following table shows the Excel format categories, the formatting properties that can be applied and the equivalent object method:

Category   Description       Property        Method Name
    --------   -----------       --------        -----------
    Font       Font type         font            set_font()
               Font size         size            set_size()
               Font color        color           set_color()
               Bold              bold            set_bold()
               Italic            italic          set_italic()
               Underline         underline       set_underline()
               Strikeout         font_strikeout  set_font_strikeout()
               Super/Subscript   font_script     set_font_script()
               Outline           font_outline    set_font_outline()
               Shadow            font_shadow     set_font_shadow()

    Number     Numeric format    num_format      set_num_format()

    Protection Lock cells        locked          set_locked()
               Hide formulas     hidden          set_hidden()

    Alignment  Horizontal align  align           set_align()
               Vertical align    valign          set_align()
               Rotation          rotation        set_rotation()
               Text wrap         text_wrap       set_text_wrap()
               Justify last      text_justlast   set_text_justlast()
               Center across     center_across   set_center_across()
               Indentation       indent          set_indent()
               Shrink to fit     shrink          set_shrink()

    Pattern    Cell pattern      pattern         set_pattern()
               Background color  bg_color        set_bg_color()
               Foreground color  fg_color        set_fg_color()

    Border     Cell border       border          set_border()
               Bottom border     bottom          set_bottom()
               Top border        top             set_top()
               Left border       left            set_left()
               Right border      right           set_right()
               Border color      border_color    set_border_color()
               Bottom color      bottom_color    set_bottom_color()
               Top color         top_color       set_top_color()
               Left color        left_color      set_left_color()
               Right color       right_color     set_right_color()

