javascript 开发
by freeCodeCamp
We asked our campers to share their favorite free resources for new JavaScript developers on Camper News. The list includes some time-tested books as well as podcasts and videos you may not have heard of yet.
我们要求露营者在Camper News上为新JavaScript开发人员分享他们最喜欢的免费资源。 该列表包括一些经过时间考验的书籍以及您可能尚未听说过的播客和视频。
Eloquent Javascript is modern introduction to programming and JavaScript by Marijn Haverbeke. There is also an annotated version of Eloquent JavaScript by Gordon Zhu.
雄辩的Javascript是Marijn Haverbeke对编程和JavaScript的现代介绍。 还有Gordon Zhu编写的带注释的Eloquent JavaScript 版本 。
JavaScript for Cats by Max Ogden is an introduction for new programmers that is so easy your human companion could do it too!
Max Ogden的 Cats JavaScript for Cats是针对新程序员的介绍,您的人类同伴也可以轻松做到!
The JavaScript Way is written by freeCodeCamp contributor Baptiste Pesquet. It’s a free and open source introduction to JavaScript.
JavaScript方式由freeCodeCamp的贡献者Baptiste Pesquet编写。 这是JavaScript的免费开放源代码简介。
You Don’t Know JS is a series of books by Kyle Simpson dive deep into the core mechanisms of the JavaScript language.
您不知道JS是Kyle Simpson撰写的系列书籍,深入探讨了JavaScript语言的核心机制。
Human JavaScript by Henrik Joreteg is a book about a specific set of tools, patterns, and approaches optimized for people.
Henrik Joreteg撰写的 Human JavaScript是一本关于为人们优化的特定工具,模式和方法的书。
Speaking JavaScript by Axel Rauschmayer was written to help programmers learn JavaScript quickly and properly, and also to deepen your existing skills and look up specific topics.
Axel Rauschmayer撰写的讲JavaScript旨在帮助程序员快速正确地学习JavaScript,并加深您的现有技能并查找特定主题。
ExploringJS covers ECMAScript 6 in great detail, but is structured so that you can also quickly get an overview if you want to.
ExploringJS非常详细地介绍了ECMAScript 6,但结构合理,因此您可以根据需要快速获得概述。
JavaScript Allonge by Reginald Braithwaite covers functional programming in JavaScript.
Reginald Braithwaite的 JavaScript Allonge介绍了JavaScript中的函数式编程。
JavaScript Spessore by Reginald Braithwaite is written for the reader who has read JavaScript Allongé. It covers functions, closures, and prototypes.
Reginald Braithwaite的 JavaScript Spessore是为阅读JavaScriptAllongé的读者编写的 。 它涵盖了函数,闭包和原型。
What is Code? is an interactive essay by Paul Ford on what code is and why it’s important.
什么是代码? 是Paul Ford撰写的一篇互动文章,内容涉及什么是代码以及代码为什么如此重要。
Professor Frisby’s Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming covers functional programming in JavaScript.
Programming JavaScript Applications by Eric Elliot focuses on intermediate JavaScript coding.
Eric Elliot 编写JavaScript应用程序编程侧重于中间JavaScript编码。
NodeUp is a Node.js podcast put together by @ffloat and @dshaw.
JavaScript Jabber is a weekly podcast about JavaScript, including Node.js, Front-End Technologies, Careers, Teams and more.
JavaScript Jabber是关于JavaScript的每周播客,包括Node.js,前端技术,职业,团队等。
Five JS Podcast is a weekly five-minute podcast is released every Thursday. You can follow them on Twitter or subscribe with iTunes or RSS.
五个JS播客是每周四分钟的每周五分钟播客。 您可以在Twitter上关注它们,或通过iTunes或RSS进行订阅 。
This Developer’s Life delves into different aspects of the life of developers. Patterned after NPR’s This American Life, it features interviews and eclectic music.
此开发者生活深入研究了开发者生活的各个方面。 以NPR的《美国生活》为蓝本,它以访谈和折衷音乐为特色。
The CodeNewbie Podcast is podcast with stories from people on their coding journey. New episodes are published every Monday. You can follow them on Twitter @CodeNewbies
CodeNewbie Podcast播客中有人们在编码过程中的故事。 新剧集每周一出版。 您可以在Twitter @CodeNewbies上关注它们
JavaScript: The Good Parts is covered in this YouTube video from its creator, Douglas Crockford.
JavaScript: YouTube影片的创作者Douglas Crockford讲述了Good Parts 。
Level Up Tuts born out of the need for better instructional documentation.
DevTips features weekly videos on the subject of web design and development.
The project is an online environment for interactively exploring programming languages.
The MDN JavaScript Guide is a great reference and provides an overview of the language.
《 MDN JavaScript指南》是一本很好的参考书,并提供了该语言的概述。
Codewars provides interactive user-submitted coding challenges.
CodinGame lets you practice JavaScript syntax through fun interactive coding games.
jQuery Fundamentals walks you through common problems you’ll be able to solve using jQuery.
A big thanks to @biancamihai, @daylightsavings, @elliescode, @_maximization, @ovivoicu, @duttakapil, @RomuloLazarde, @MatthewHarames, @ka11away, for submitting these resources.
非常感谢@biancamihai , @daylightsavings , @elliescode , @_maximization , @ovivoicu , @duttakapil , @RomuloLazarde , @MatthewHarames , @ ka11away ,提交这些资源。
javascript 开发