texSelf = new RenderTexture(256, 256, 24);
Graphics: Added extra validation for RT volumeDepth. (1096019)
I could not find any documentation about what validation added.
Unity version 2019.2.7f2 Personal (DX11) Windows 10
Sounds like a terminology issue - It's referring to depth buffers, not volume or slice depth which I agree isn't entirely clear here.
In this case you're setting a depth buffer of 128 bits in the constructor which is not only invalid (max is 24 bits for stencil support), but also simply not supported for 3D textures.
Set the depth buffer parameter to zero:
RenderTexture(128, 128, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);
Oh my god, it was so clear. I also closed the answer about this error and mentioned about you, hope someone will see this when needed.
Thank you