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Author: fachao zhang
File: collections.coffee
Released under the MIT license
Date : 2014-01-05
Object.prototype.hashCode = function(){
    return -1;  

Number.prototype.hashCode = function(){
    if (!this.hash){
        this.hash = this.valueOf();
    return this.hash;
String.prototype.hashCode = function(){
    if (!this.hash){
        var off = 0, val = this, len = this.length, h = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            h = 31*h + val.charCodeAt(off++);
        this.hash = h;
    return this.hash;
Boolean.prototype.hashCode = function(){
    if (!this.hash){
        this.hash = this.valueOf() ? 1231 : 1237;
    return this.hash;

###Interface Iterator###
class Iterator
    hasNext: ->
    next : ->
    remove : ->
class ListIterator extends Iterator
    hasPrevious : ->
    previous: -> 
    add : (obj) -> 
    set : (obj) -> 

###Interface Collection###  
class Collection
    size : ->
    isEmpty : ->
    clear : ->
    contains : (obj) ->
    add : (obj) ->
    remove: (obj) ->
    iterator : ->

###Interface List###  
class List extends Collection
    get: (index) -> 
    set : (index , obj) -> 
    addAt :(index , obj) -> 
    removeAt : (index)-> 
    indexOf : (obj) ->
###class ArrayList###   
class ArrayList extends List
    constructor : ->
        @items = []
    clear : ->
        @items.splice 0, @size()
    size : -> 
        return @items.length
    isEmpty : ->
        return @size() == 0
    contains : (obj) ->
        return (@indexOf obj) isnt -1
    indexOf : (obj) ->
        for item,i in @items
            if obj is item
                return i
        return -1    
    _outOfBounds : (index) -> 
        return index < 0 || index >= @size()
    get : (index) -> 
        if (@_outOfBounds index)
            throw new Error "Index out of bounds."
        return @items[index]
    set : (index, obj) -> 
        if (@_outOfBounds index)
           throw new Error "Index out of bounds."  
        old = @items[index]
        @items[index] = obj
        return old
    add : (obj) -> 
        @items.push obj
        return true;
    addAt : (index, obj) -> 
        if (@_outOfBounds index)
            throw new Error "Index out of bounds."
        @items.splice index, 0, obj    
        return true    
    remove : (obj) ->
        return @removeAt (@indexOf obj);   
    removeAt : (index) -> 
        if (@_outOfBounds index)
            throw new Error "Index out of bounds."
        @items.splice index, 1  
        return true
    iterator : ->
        return new ArrayListIterator this
    toArray : ->
        return @items 
    toString : ->
            throw new Error "JSON object is not support in your browser, pleasse download and use json2.js."
        return JSON.stringify @items
    valueOf : ->
        return @toString()
###class ArrayListIterator###
class ArrayListIterator extends Iterator
    constructor : (list) -> 
        @current = 0
        @list = list
    hasNext : -> 
        return @current < @list.size()
    next : ->
        if !@hasNext() 
            throw new Error "No such element error."
        return @list.get @current++
    remove : ->
        @list.removeAt --@current
###class Node###  
class Node
    constructor : (@data, @prev, @next)->

###class LinkedList###  
class LinkedList extends List
    constructor : ->
    size : ->
        return @len;
    isEmpty : ->
        return @size() is 0
    clear : ->
        @head = new Node null, null, null
        @tail = new Node null, null, null
        @tail.prev = @head
        @head.next = @tail
        @len = 0
        @count = 0
    contains : (obj) ->
        return (@indexOf obj) isnt -1
    add : (obj) ->
        @addAt @size(), obj
        return true
    remove : (obj) ->
        for(var current = this.head.next; current !== this.tail; current = current.next){
            if(current.data === obj){
                return true;
        return false
    _remove: (node) ->
        node.next.prev = node.prev;
        node.prev.next = node.next;
        oldData = node.data
        node = null
        return oldData
    get: (index) -> 
        return @_getNode(index).data
    set : (index , obj) -> 
        node = @_getNode(index)
        oldVal = node.data
        node.data = obj
        return oldVal
    addAt :(index , obj) -> 
        @_addBefore @_getNode(index), obj 
    removeAt : (index)-> 
        return @_remove @_getNode(index)
    indexOf : (obj) ->
        index = 0
        iter = @iterator()
        while iter.hasNext()
            if iter.next() == obj
                return index
        return -1
    _addBefore : (node, data) ->
        newNode = new Node data, node.prev, node
        newNode.prev.next = newNode
        node.prev = newNode
    _getNode : (index) ->
        i = 0
        p = new Node null, null, null;
        if index<0 || index > @size()
            throw new Error "Index out of bounds."
        if index < (@size()/2)
            p = @head.next;
            for(i = 0; i < index; i++){
                p = p.next;
            p = @tail
            for (i = this.size(); i > index; i--){
                p = p.prev;
        return p    
    iterator : ->
        return new LinkedListIterator this
    toArray : ->
        result = []
        iter = @iterator()
        while iter.hasNext()
            result.push iter.next()
        return result
    toString : ->
            throw new Error "JSON object is not support in your browser, pleasse download and use json2.js."
        result = @toArray()
        return JSON.stringify result
    valueOf : ->
        return @toString()    

###class LinkedListIterator###
class LinkedListIterator extends Iterator
    constructor : (list) ->
        @current = list.head.next
        @expectedCount = list.count
        @list = list
        @okToRemove = false
    hasNext : -> 
        return @current != @list.tail
    next : ->
        if @list.count != @expectedCount
            throw new Error "Concurrent modification error."
        if !@hasNext()
            throw new Error "No such element error."
        nextItem = @current.data
        @current = @current.next
        @okToRemove = true
        return nextItem
    remove : ->
        if @list.count isnt @expectedCount
            throw new Error "Concurrent modification error."
        if !@okToRemove
            throw new Error "Illegal state error."
        @list.remove @current.prev
        @okToRemove = false

@descripton : The Stack class represents a last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack of objects.
@extends : ArrayList
@methed :  push, pop, peek 
class Stack extends ArrayList
    @descripton : Pushes an item onto the top of this stack.
    @param obj : Any type.
    @return : boolean -- It is true if add successed, else false.
    push : (obj) ->
        @add obj
    @descripton : Removes the object at the top of this stack and returns that
    object as the value of this function.
    @return : obj -- the object at the top of this stack.
    pop : ->
        lastIndex = @size() - 1
        top = @get lastIndex
        @removeAt lastIndex
        return top
    @descripton : Looks at the object at the top of this stack without removing it
    from the stack.
    @return : obj -- the object at the top of this stack.
    peek : ->
      return @get @size() - 1

@descripton : The Stack class represents a last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack of objects.
@extends : LinkedList
@methed :  push, pop, peek 
class LinkedStack extends LinkedList
    @descripton : Pushes an item onto the top of this stack.
    @param obj : Any type.
    @return : boolean -- It is true if add successed, else false.
    push : (obj) ->
        @add obj
    @descripton : Removes the object at the top of this stack and returns that
    object as the value of this function.
    @return : obj -- the object at the top of this stack.
    pop : ->
        lastIndex = @size() - 1
        top = @get lastIndex
        @removeAt lastIndex
        return top
    @descripton : Looks at the object at the top of this stack without removing it
    from the stack.
    @return : obj -- the object at the top of this stack.
    peek : ->
      return @get @size() - 1

@descripton : The Queue class represents a FIFO (first-in-first-out) queue of objects.
@extends : ArrayList
@methed :  enqueue, dequeue, peek   
class Queue extends ArrayList
    @descripton : Inserts the specified element into this queue
    @param obj : Any type.
    @return : boolean -- It is true if add successed, else false.
    enqueue : (obj) ->
        @add obj
    @descripton : Retrieves and removes the head of this queue.
    @return : obj -- the object at the top of this queue.  
    dequeue : ()->
        top = @peek()
        @removeAt 0
        return top  

    @descripton : Retrieves, but does not remove, the head of this queue.
    @return : obj -- the object at the top of this queue.  
    peek : ->
        return @get 0

@descripton : The Queue class represents a FIFO (first-in-first-out) queue of objects.
@extends : LinkedList
@methed :  enqueue, dequeue, peek   
class LinkedQueue extends LinkedList
    @descripton : Inserts the specified element into this queue
    @param obj : Any type.
    @return : boolean -- It is true if add successed, else false.
    enqueue : (obj) ->
        @add obj
    @descripton : Retrieves and removes the head of this queue.
    @return : obj -- the object at the top of this queue.  
    dequeue : ()->
        top = @peek()
        @removeAt 0
        return top  

    @descripton : Retrieves, but does not remove, the head of this queue.
    @return : obj -- the object at the top of this queue.  
    peek : ->
        return @get 0



