Good info from DasBlonde about running multiple nested blogs using DasBlog:
For all you dasBloggers out there...if you want to have nested blogs like I have here:
对于所有dasBlog ,您都可以...如果您希望拥有像我在这里这样的嵌套博客: have to first configure the subdirectory as an IIS application, then remove the <httpModules> section of the web.config in the nested blog. Modules can only be loaded 1x per appdomain, and the nested blog is loaded into the same appdomain by default.
...您必须首先将子目录配置为IIS应用程序,然后在嵌套博客中删除web.config的<httpModules>部分。 每个应用程序域只能加载1次模块,默认情况下,嵌套博客会加载到相同的应用程序域中。
The funny thing is, the error message tells you that it can't load the module twice, so this is actually pretty obvious, but if you are like me, you may have seen this error and started looking for a “bigger“ problem (I always do that...dunno why) ...therefore I didn't pay attention to the error message 'literally“ at first. [DasBlonde.NET]
有趣的是,错误消息告诉您它无法两次加载该模块,因此,这实际上很明显,但是如果您像我一样,可能已经看到此错误并开始寻找“更大”的问题(我一直这样做(不知道为什么)...因此我一开始并不注意错误信息“字面上”。 [ DasBlonde.NET ]