Java Bug Squash
Clone this project
Execute the Main class in your preferred development environment
Find the root cause of and fix the IllegalStateException that is raised while reading the input file
Importing into selected development environments
You must have the Eclipse IDE for Java developers (or some variant with similar functionality) installed.
From the main menu select File | Import...
Select Existing Maven Projects
Select Browse
Navigate to the folder in which you cloned this project and select it
You must have the VSCode Java development extensions pack installed.
From the main menu select File | Open Folder
Navigate to the folder in which you cloned this project and select it
Eventually the Java Projects pane in the Explorer view should show a midi project
Command Line
You must have Maven 3.x installed and the mvn executable on your path
Switch to the directory where you cloned the project
Execute the command mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=Main
Android MIDI Library
This project is mainly for use with Android applications that do not have access to Java's javax.sound.midi library. However, it is a stand-alone Java library with no Android-specific dependencies or considerations.
This code provides an interface to read, manipulate, and write MIDI files. "Playback" is supported as a real-time event dispatch system. This library does NOT include actual audio playback or device interfacing.