Robyn R. Lutz
Email: rlutz at cs.iastate.eduVoice: 515-294-3654
Fax: 515-294-0258
Department of Computer Science
226 Atanasoff Hall
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011-1041
Representative Publications
- J. Liu, S. Basu, and R. Lutz, "Generating Variation-point Obligations for Compositional Model Checking of Software Product Lines", submitted.
- J. Dehlinger and R. Lutz, "Gaia-PL: A Product-Line Engineering Approach for Efficiently Developing Multi-Agent Systems", submitted.
- J. Pathak, S. Basu, R. Lutz, V. Honavar, "MoSCoE: An Approach for Composing Web Services Through Iterative Reformulation of Functional Specifications", International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools , Vol. 17(1), pp. 109-138, 2008 pdf .
- R. Lutz and A. Patterson-Hine, "Using Fault Modeling in Safety Cases", ISSRE 2008 , 271-276, pdf .
- J. Dehlinger and R. Lutz, "Supporting requirements reuse in multi-agent system product line design and evolution", ICSM 2008 , 207-216, pdf .
- R. Lutz, "Enabling Verifiable Conformance for Product Lines", SPLC 2008, 35-44, pdf .