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How to Be Proactive

					How to be Proactive 
Being proactive means  thinking and  acting ahead of anticipated events .Not only  is it a greate method  for avoiding more work  down and road,it can also be extremely important for averting problems.
To be proactive ,start taking action,embracing your reponsibility,and controlling your response,By doing things  such as acticipating you future and focusing on solutions instead of problems,you'll maintain a happier and more proactive outlook.

proactive 积极主动的
anticipate 预期,期望
event 事件 大事
avoid 躲避
extremely 极端地
avert 转移
embrace 拥抱
responsibility 责任
control 控制支配
response 反应 答复
focus 集中 聚集
solution 解决办法
maintain 保持维持
outlook 人生观

mean doing sth 意味着做某事
ahead of sth 在某事之前
anticipated events 预期事件



