mysql python image

cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='joe', database='test')


Argument NameDefaultDescription
user (username*) The user name used to authenticate with the MySQL server.
password (passwd*) The password to authenticate the user with the MySQL server.
database (db*) The database name to use when connecting with the MySQL server.
host127.0.0.1The host name or IP address of the MySQL server.
port3306The TCP/IP port of the MySQL server. Must be an integer.
unix_socket The location of the Unix socket file.
use_unicodeTrueWhether to use Unicode.
charsetutf8Which MySQL character set to use.
collationutf8_general_ciWhich MySQL collation to use.
autocommitFalseWhether to autocommit transactions.
time_zone Set the time_zone session variable at connection time.
sql_mode Set the sql_mode session variable at connection time.
get_warningsFalseWhether to fetch warnings.
raise_on_warningsFalseWhether to raise an exception on warnings.
connection_timeout(connect_timeout*) Timeout for the TCP and Unix socket connections.
client_flags MySQL client flags.
bufferedFalseWhether cursor objects fetch the results immediately after executing queries.
rawFalseWhether MySQL results are returned as is, rather than converted to Python types.
ssl_ca File containing the SSL certificate authority.
ssl_cert File containing the SSL certificate file.
ssl_key File containing the SSL key.
ssl_verify_certFalseWhen set to True, checks the server certificate against the certificate file specified by the ssl_ca option. Any mismatch causes a ValueError exception.
force_ipv6FalseWhen set to True, uses IPv6 when an address resolves to both IPv4 and IPv6. By default, IPv4 is used in such cases.
dsn Not supported (raises NotSupportedError when used).


