Wordpress doesn't support links managers from V3.5 anymore, but the function is still there, only in hidden status, if you need to use this function, you need to install the links manager plug-in, after you have installed this plug-in, your wordpress folder will have the additional folder 'link-manager', the link-manager.php file only contain as:
/* Plugin Name: Link Manager
* Description: Enables the Link Manager that existed in WordPress until version 3.5.
* Author: WordPress
* Version: 0.1-beta
* See http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/21307
add_filter( 'pre_option_link_manager_enabled', '__return_true' );
Only one line source code, means enable this function, now you can add your bookmark link at the sidebar now.
Below links are for future reading, add the favicon icon before the bookmark link: