
[root@ovirthost18 ~]# hosted-engine --vm-start

        Status = WaitForLaunch
        nicModel = rtl8139,pv
        statusTime = 4305117770
        emulatedMachine = pc
        pid = 0
        vmName = HostedEngine
        devices = [{'index': '2', 'iface': 'ide', 'specParams': {}, 'readonly': 'true', 'deviceId': '5a88fbe5-3e06-4d7b-bf92-107fd04671b5', 'address': {'bus': '1', 'controller': '0', 'type': 'drive', 'target': '0', 'unit': '0'}, 'device': 'cdrom', 'shared': 'false', 'path': '', 'type': 'disk'}, {'index': '0', 'iface': 'virtio', 'format': 'raw', 'bootOrder': '1', 'poolID': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', 'volumeID': '0d00f1eb-6830-444e-96d0-6c0df99d7faf', 'imageID': '4af8861b-92b6-45c0-9761-d04f04c8f183', 'specParams': {}, 'readonly': 'false', 'domainID': 'c585e108-8832-489e-bad1-01bc9476e1e8', 'optional': 'false', 'deviceId': '4af8861b-92b6-45c0-9761-d04f04c8f183', 'address': {'slot': '0x06', 'bus': '0x00', 'domain': '0x0000', 'type': 'pci', 'function': '0x0'}, 'device': 'disk', 'shared': 'exclusive', 'propagateErrors': 'off', 'type': 'disk'}, {'device': 'scsi', 'model': 'virtio-scsi', 'type': 'controller'}, {'nicModel': 'pv', 'macAddr': '00:16:3e:3b:7c:1a', 'linkActive': 'true', 'network': 'ovirtmgmt', 'filter': 'vdsm-no-mac-spoofing', 'specParams': {}, 'deviceId': 'a173df1e-2bb7-487c-885a-02b03ba3a46e', 'address': {'slot': '0x03', 'bus': '0x00', 'domain': '0x0000', 'type': 'pci', 'function': '0x0'}, 'device': 'bridge', 'type': 'interface'}, {'device': 'console', 'specParams': {}, 'type': 'console', 'deviceId': 'b4086d8b-d69f-46e6-8fbb-4ab04b3a1708', 'alias': 'console0'}]
        guestDiskMapping = {}
        vmType = kvm
        clientIp =
        displaySecurePort = -1
        memSize = 16384
        displayPort = -1
        cpuType = Nehalem
        spiceSecureChannels = smain,sdisplay,sinputs,scursor,splayback,srecord,ssmartcard,susbredir
        smp = 4
        displayIp = 0
        display = vnc
[root@ovirthost18 ~]# hosted-engine --vm-status

--== Host 1 status ==--

Status up-to-date                  : True
Hostname                           :
Host ID                            : 1
Engine status                      : {"health": "good", "vm": "up", "detail": "up"}
Score                              : 0
stopped                            : False
Local maintenance                  : True
crc32                              : fe880da9
Host timestamp                     : 10511
[root@ovirthost17 ~]# screen hosted-engine --deploy


  1. [root@ovirthost17 ~]# screen hosted-engine --deploy
  2. [ INFO ] Stage: Initializing
  3. [ INFO ] Generating a temporary VNC password.
  4. [ INFO ] Stage: Environment setup
  5.           Continuing will configure this host for serving as hypervisor and create a VM where you have to install the engine afterwards.
  6.           Are you sure you want to continue? (Yes, No)[Yes]:

  7. [ INFO ] Stage: Initializing
  8. [ INFO ] Generating a temporary VNC password.
  9. [ INFO ] Stage: Environment setup
  10.           Continuing will configure this host for serving as hypervisor and create a VM where you have to install the engine afterwards.
  11.           Are you sure you want to continue? (Yes, No)[Yes]:
  12.           Configuration files: []
  13.           Log file: /var/log/ovirt-hosted-engine-setup/ovirt-hosted-engine-setup-20160311183220-et0uiy.log
  14.           Version: otopi-1.4.1 (otopi-1.4.1-1.el7.centos)
  15. [ INFO ] Hardware supports virtualization
  16. [ INFO ] Bridge ovirtmgmt already created
  17. [ INFO ] Stage: Environment packages setup
  18. [ INFO ] Stage: Programs detection
  19. [ INFO ] Stage: Environment setup
  20. [ INFO ] Stage: Environment customization
  22.           --== STORAGE CONFIGURATION ==--
  24.           During customization use CTRL-D to abort.
  25.           Please specify the storage you would like to use (glusterfs, iscsi, fc, nfs3, nfs4)[nfs3]: glusterfs
  26. [ INFO ] Please note that Replica 3 support is required for the shared storage.
  27.           Please specify the full shared storage connection path to use (example: host:/path):
  28. [ INFO ] GlusterFS replica 3 Volume detected
  29.           The specified storage location already contains a data domain. Is this an additional host setup (Yes, No)[Yes]?
  30. [ INFO ] Installing on additional host
  31.           Please specify the Host ID [Must be integer, default: 2]:
  33.           --== SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ==--
  35. [WARNING] A configuration file must be supplied to deploy Hosted Engine on an additional host.
  36.           The answer file may be fetched from an active HE host using scp.
  37.           If you do not want to download it automatically you can abort the setup answering no to the following question.
  38.           Do you want to scp the answer file from another HE host? (Yes, No)[Yes]:
  39.           Please provide the FQDN or IP of an active HE host:
  40.           Enter 'root' user password for host
  41. [ INFO ] Answer file successfully downloaded
  43.           --== NETWORK CONFIGURATION ==--
  45.           iptables was detected on your computer, do you wish setup to configure it? (Yes, No)[Yes]: NO
  46.           The following CPU types are supported by this host:
  47.                  - model_Nehalem: Intel Nehalem Family
  48.                  - model_Penryn: Intel Penryn Family
  49.                  - model_Conroe: Intel Conroe Family
  51.           --== HOSTED ENGINE CONFIGURATION ==--
  53.           Enter the name which will be used to identify this host inside the Administrator Portal [hosted_engine_2]:
  54.           Enter 'admin@internal' user password that will be used for accessing the Administrator Portal:
  55.           Confirm 'admin@internal' user password:
  56. [ INFO ] Stage: Setup validation
  58.           --== CONFIGURATION PREVIEW ==--
  60.           Engine FQDN :
  61.           Bridge name : ovirtmgmt
  62.           Host address :
  63.           SSH daemon port : 22
  64.           Gateway address :
  65.           Host name for web application :
  66.           Host ID : 2
  67.           Image size GB : 10
  68.           GlusterFS Share Name : hosted_engine_glusterfs
  69.           GlusterFS Brick Provisioning : False
  70.           Storage connection :
  71.           Console type : vnc
  72.           Memory size MB : 16384
  73.           MAC address : 00:16:3e:3b:7c:1a
  74.           Boot type : disk
  75.           Number of CPUs : 4
  76.           Restart engine VM after engine-setup: True
  77.           CPU Type : model_Nehalem
  78. [ INFO ] Stage: Transaction setup
  79. [ INFO ] Stage: Misc configuration
  80. [ INFO ] Stage: Package installation
  81. [ INFO ] Stage: Misc configuration
  82. [ INFO ] Configuring libvirt
  83. [ INFO ] Configuring VDSM
  84. [ INFO ] Starting vdsmd
  85. [ INFO ] Waiting for VDSM hardware info
  86. [ INFO ] Configuring VM
  87. [ INFO ] Updating hosted-engine configuration
  88. [ INFO ] Stage: Transaction commit
  89. [ INFO ] Stage: Closing up
  90. [ INFO ] Acquiring internal CA cert from the engine
  91. [ INFO ] The following CA certificate is going to be used, please immediately interrupt if not correct:
  92. [ INFO ] Issuer: C=US,,, Subject: C=US,,, Fingerprint (SHA-1): AECA33331DEC34A847A1B7BCAB02D8C2F3678770
  93. [ INFO ] Connecting to the Engine
  94. [ INFO ] Waiting for the host to become operational in the engine. This may take several minutes...
  95. [ INFO ] The VDSM Host is now operational
  96. [ INFO ] Enabling and starting HA services
  97. [ INFO ] Stage: Clean up
  98. [ INFO ] Generating answer file '/var/lib/ovirt-hosted-engine-setup/answers/answers-20160311183850.conf'
  99. [ INFO ] Generating answer file '/etc/ovirt-hosted-engine/answers.conf'
  100. [ INFO ] Stage: Pre-termination
  101. [ INFO ] Stage: Termination
  102. [ INFO ] Hosted Engine successfully set up
  103. [screen is terminating]
