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signature=5d170882d0d61e25d006e2077e43a34c,Signatures of extra dimensions from upsilon decays with a...



We explore non-standard Higgs phenomenology in the gaugephobic Higgs model in which the Higgs can be lighter than the usually quoted current experimental bound. The Higgs propagates in the bulk of a 5D space–time and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking occurs by a combination of boundary conditions in the extra dimension and an elementary Higgs. The Higgs can thus have a significantly suppressed coupling to the other Standard Model fields. A large enough suppression can be found to escape all limits and allow for a Higgs of any mass, which would be associated with the discovery of W ′ and Z ′ Kaluza–Klein resonances at the LHC. The Higgs can be precisely discovered at B-factories while the LHC would be insensitive to it due to high backgrounds. In this Letter we study the Higgs discovery mode in ( 3 S ) , ( 2 S ) , and ( 1 S ) decays, and the model parameter space that will be probed by BaBar, Belle, and CLEO data. In the absence of an early discovery of a heavy Higgs at the LHC, A Super-B factory would be an excellent option to further probe this region.

