一个Gearman请求的处理过程涉及三个角色:Client -> Job -> Worker。
Client:请求的发起者,可以是 C,PHP,Perl,MySQL UDF 等等。
Job:请求的调度者,用来负责协调把 Client 发出的请求转发给合适的 Worker。
Worker:请求的处理者,可以是 C,PHP,Perl 等等。
因为 Client,Worker 并不限制用一样的语言,所以有利于多语言多系统之间的集成。
甚至我们通过增加更多的 Worker,可以很方便的实现应用程序的分布式负载均衡架构。
-gearman php extension
1.Install gearman environment
brew install gearmand 安装gearman服务端,其中包括libgearman。
gearmand: gearman 守护进程,类似 mysqld 命令(/usr/local/Cellar/gearman/1.1.12/sbin)
gearadmin: 如文件名,用于管理 gearman,类似 mysqladmin 命令(/usr/local/Cellar/gearman/1.1.12/bin)
gearman: gearman 命令行客户端,类似 mysql 命令(/usr/local/Cellar/gearman/1.1.12/bin)
The -W
flag tells the gearman tool to run in worker mode. After all options, a command can be specified to run for each job. For example:
$ gearman -w -f wc -- wc -l
This will start a worker, connect to the job server on localhost
(the default), and register the function wc
(the argument to the -f option
). For each job that comes in, the gearman tool will fork a process to run the wc -l
command. The gearman tool will write the workload of the job to the processes standard input, and then read the response from standard output. The gearman tool will wait and accept jobs indefinitely, so press CTRL-C or kill the process to stop.
Without the -w
worker flag, the gearman tool will run as a client. By default it submits a foreground job and waits for the response. You can also start background jobs by specifying the -b
flag. The workload for the job can be given after all options, or piped into the process like other shell utilities. For example:
$ gearman -f wc < /etc/passwd
2.Install gearman php extension
请参照官方文档操作 http://pear.php.net/manual/en/installation.getting.php
download go-pear.phar到/usr/local,这个位置是放置非系统程序的地方。
cd /usr/local/
$ curl -O http://pear.php.net/go-pear.phar
$ php -d detect_unicode=0 go-pear.phar
type 1 and return
type 4 and return
pear version
(2)add gearman extension control (/usr/lib/php/extensions这可能就是php扩展放置的位置,I am not sure)
$ sudo pecl install gearman
downloading gearman-1.1.2.tgz ...
Starting to download gearman-1.1.2.tgz (30,961 bytes)
.........done: 30,961 bytes
3 source files, building
running: phpize
Configuring for:
PHP Api Version: 20121113
Zend Module Api No: 20121212
Zend Extension Api No: 220121212
Cannot find autoconf. Please check your autoconf installation and the
$PHP_AUTOCONF environment variable. Then, rerun this script.
brew install autoconf 可以安装,但是无法link到外部
Error: The `brew link` step did not complete successfully
The formula built, but is not symlinked into /usr/local
Could not symlink share/info/autoconf.info
/usr/local/share/info is not writable.
所以,pecl install 还是无法使用,无法通过pecl安装gearman extension control。
(最后发现并不是这种安装方式不对,而且OS X对特定路径进行了写限制,即使是root也不行。
这篇文章讲解了安装php extension的整个流程,包括一些必备条件,虽然不是gearman。
cd /usr/local/
curl -O http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/autoconf/autoconf-latest.tar.gz
tar xvfz autoconf-latest.tar.gz
cd autoconf-2.69/
sudo make install安装完成后删掉没用的文件。
再次执行$ sudo pecl install gearman,基本成功,但是又出现一个问题。
ERROR: failed to write /usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20121212/gearman.so (copy(/usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20121212/gearman.so): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted)
疑问:为什么使用了sudo还是没有权限? 因为OS X对诸如/usr/lib一类的路径进行了特别保护。
破解方法:restart mac, press COMMAND+R,enter recovery-mode. Select Utilities->Terminal, and type "csrutil disable", finally restart.
现在我们执行$ sudo pecl install gearman,便没有错误了,最后You should add "extension=gearman.so" to php.ini。
$ sudo cp /etc/php.ini.default /etc/php.ini
$ sudo apachectl restart
另外,这些php extensions也可以不经过pecl自己手动安装,下载你想使用的extension的tarball,
sudo make install最后同样是add "extension=gearman.so" to php.ini。