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betrothal gifts

  • 2021年4月30日,英语考核之TED演讲稿。
  • 自选主题:彩礼(betrothal gifts




  • 中国旧时婚姻的缔结,有在婚姻约定初步达成时互相赠送聘金、聘礼的习俗,这种聘金、聘礼俗称“彩礼”。
  • 在古代的订婚仪式上,男方家庭会以订婚男子的名义送给女方一份由寓意喜庆的物品构成的“彩礼”。女方家庭收受彩礼后,也会赠送男方价值相当的财物,称作“回礼”。女方出嫁时,娘家会在彩礼的基础上增添多倍的财物随女方嫁至夫家,称为“嫁妆”。


  • 在新中国成立之后的一段时间,彩礼和与彩礼相关的订婚和婚约都受到了批判,曾一度被废止,但在民间始终顽强存在。
  • 现代:在某些地域、某些家庭,彩礼被赋予了太多的物质含义,甚至成为沉重的负担,失去了本意。
  • 如果是索要“天价彩礼”等,就是违反了中华人民共和国婚姻法第一章总则中的第三条:“禁止包办、买卖婚姻和其他干涉婚姻自由的行为。
  • 2004年4月1日实施的最高人民法院《关于适用中华人民共和国婚姻法若干问题的解释二》第十条规定:“当事人请求返还按照习俗给付的彩礼的,如果查明属于以下情形,人民法院应当予以支持:(一)双方未办理结婚登记手续的;(二)双方办理结婚登记手续但确未共同生活的;(三)婚前给付并导致给付人生活困难的。适用前款第(二)、(三)项的规定,应当以双方离婚为条件。
  • 2018年12月,针对婚俗陋习,民政部要求,要鼓励和推广传统婚礼,积极倡导和组织举办集体婚礼、纪念婚礼、慈善婚礼等格调高雅、内涵丰富、特色突出、文明节俭的婚礼形式。反对利用婚姻敛财,抵制天价彩礼、铺张浪费、低俗婚闹、随礼攀比等不正之风,推进社会风气好转。





Jiujiang bank plans to increase “betrothal gifts loan” business, which has attracted heated discussion


On March 23, 2021, a poster about “betrothal gift loan” of Jiujiang bank spread on the Internet, which caused heated discussion among netizens.


According to the content in the picture, the loan business can borrow up to 300000 yuan, and can borrow for up to one year, with the annual interest rate as low as 4.9%. The money can be used to buy cars, household electrical appliances or travel.


However, there are application conditions for this business; according to the description, applicants need to be over 22 years old, have a continuous working time of no less than 12 months, and only one of the couples needs to be an employee of a government agency.


This poster caused intense discussion, and many people thought it was a fan of bad habits in society. “California Loan” seems to solve the personal pain point of “unable to get married”, but in fact it is strengthening this social bad habit.


CCTV published an article commenting that lottery gift loans should be curbed, not guided.


On the evening of March 18, 2021, Jiujiang bank issued a statement of apology, expressing their deep regret for the Internet hot discussion caused by the recently issued “betrothal gifts loan”.




On March 23, 2021, a poster about “betrothal gift loan” of Jiujiang bank spread on the Internet, which caused heated discussion among netizens.


According to the content in the picture, the loan business can borrow up to 300000 yuan, and can borrow for up to one year, with the annual interest rate as low as 4.9%. The money can be used to buy cars, household electrical appliances or travel.


This poster caused intense discussion, and many people thought it was a fan of bad habits in society. “California Loan” seems to solve the personal pain point of “unable to get married”, but in fact it is strengthening this social bad habit.



When I saw this news for the first time, I thought it was crazy, but then I found that it was reasonable.


If you are familiar with the history of these traditional cultures, you will know that betrothal gifts loan did not appear recently, it has existed since ancient times.


In ancient China, a girl’s marriage was like a business. After marriage, she would live with her husband and never return to her original family. Therefore, it was not cost-effective for a woman’s parents because they had little return for raising a girl. In ancient times of poverty, this will undoubtedly undermine people’s enthusiasm to raise girls.


In order to solve this problem, the betrothal gift culture gradually developed. When the marriage agreement between men and women is initially reached, the man’s family will present property in line with their own identity. This kind of property is commonly known as “betrothal gift”. The wife’s family will also prepare suitable property to follow her to her husband’s family, which is called “dowry”.



The emergence of these cultural customs is in line with the social environment at that time, but after the development to now, many things have changed, betrothal gifts have gradually become a means of collecting money for some people. There are also cases of cheating betrothal gifts by marriage. After the founding of the people’s Republic of China, betrothal gifts and betrothal engagement related to betrothal gifts were criticized and once abolished, but they always existed among the people.


Many people call for the introduction of laws to prohibit betrothal gifts. However, the reason why betrothal gifts have existed since ancient times is due to its inherent reasons. In my opinion, the core of betrothal gifts is actually the issue of equality between men and women, because there is implicit discrimination against women in those inherited customs, which leads to a series of problems. If men and women are completely equal in people ', Then I don’t think these problems will exist.


It is unreasonable to impose laws to prohibit betrothal gifts, because laws are only the minimum moral requirements for people, and we can not require all people to be moral. Forcing people to abide by these noble morals that are not in line with their character will only backfire and cause unexpected problems.



On March 23, 2021, a poster about “betrothal gift loan” of Jiujiang bank spread on the Internet, which caused heated discussion among netizens. According to the content in the picture, the loan business can borrow up to 300000 yuan, and can borrow for up to one year, with the annual interest rate as low as 4.9%. The money can be used to buy cars, household electrical appliances or travel. This poster caused intense discussion, and many people thought it was a fan of bad habits in society. “California Loan” seems to solve the personal pain point of “unable to get married”, but in fact it is strengthening this social bad habit.

When I saw this news for the first time, I thought it was crazy, but then I found that it was reasonable. If you are familiar with the history of these traditional cultures, you will know that betrothal gifts loan did not appear recently, it has existed since ancient times.

In ancient China, a girl’s marriage was like a business. After marriage, she would live with her husband and never return to her original family. Therefore, it was not cost-effective for a woman’s parents because they had little return for raising a girl. In ancient times of poverty, this will undoubtedly undermine people’s enthusiasm to raise girls. In order to solve this problem, the betrothal gift culture gradually developed. When the marriage agreement between men and women is initially reached, the man’s family will present property in line with their own identity. This kind of property is commonly known as “betrothal gift”. The wife’s family will also prepare suitable property to follow her to her husband’s family, which is called “dowry”.

The emergence of these cultural customs is in line with the social environment at that time, but after the development to now, many things have changed, betrothal gifts have gradually become a means of collecting money for some people. There are also cases of cheating betrothal gifts by marriage. After the founding of the people’s Republic of China, betrothal gifts and betrothal engagement related to betrothal gifts were criticized and once abolished, but they always existed among the people. Many people call for the introduction of laws to prohibit betrothal gifts. However, the reason why betrothal gifts have existed since ancient times is due to its inherent reasons. In my opinion, the core of betrothal gifts is actually the issue of equality between men and women, because there is implicit discrimination against women in those inherited customs, which leads to a series of problems. If men and women are completely equal in people ', Then I don’t think these problems will exist.

It is unreasonable to impose laws to prohibit betrothal gifts, because laws are only the minimum moral requirements for people, and we can not require all people to be moral. Forcing people to abide by these noble morals that are not in line with their character will only backfire and cause unexpected problems.



