


I’ve been an active IT and programming trainer and teacher for more than 15 years… and a lot has changed during this time. I still remember my first PhoneGap course that was conceived for an important software agency in Rome to reach the most popular goal of that era: developing mobile cross-platform apps using existing programming languages.

我已经成为一名活跃的IT和编程培训师和老师超过15年了……在这段时间里发生了很多变化。 我仍然记得我的第一门PhoneGap课程是为罗马的一个重要软件代理商构想的,以达到那个时代最流行的目标:使用现有的编程语言开发移动跨平台应用程序。

Is this goal becoming meaningless or impossible to reach today?


多年来的变化:混合应用程序,PWA等 (Changes Over the Years: Hybrid Apps, PWAs, and More)

Even if it may sound weird, things are quite similar to when I developed my first app using Cordova/PhoneGap and jQuery mobile (yes!). Technology brought a lot of hardware innovation if you check smartphone and tablet capabilities, but if you look at the software engineering side, the only real advancement is that tools, programming languages, frameworks, stacks, IDEs, and everything connected to software development are just better. Way better. There wasn’t really a breakthrough in this scenario. Today, native apps are simply a unique solution to get a serious app.

即使听起来很奇怪,事情也与我使用Cordova / PhoneGap和jQuery mobile开发我的第一个应用程序时非常相似(是的!)。 如果检查智能手机和平板电脑的功能,技术会带来很多硬件创新,但是如果您查看软件工程方面,唯一真正的进步就是工具,编程语言,框架,堆栈,IDE以及与软件开发相关的所有功能更好。 更好 在这种情况下,并没有真正的突破。 如今,本机应用程序已成为获得认真应用程序的独特解决方案。

Wait, I’m not saying hybrid apps and progressive ones are crap. I’m just saying that if you need an enterprise app, a mobile game, a really fresh/clean/animated UI that makes your app shine and distinguishes it from others, the only solution is still going native. The only thing that is really a breakthrough is that you can prefer Kotlin to Java on Android and Swift to Objective-C on iOS.

等等,我并不是说混合应用程序和渐进式应用程序很糟糕。 我只是说,如果您需要企业应用程序,手机游戏,真正新鲜/干净/动画的用户界面,使您的应用程序闪耀并与其他应用程序区分开,那么唯一的解决方案仍然是原生的。 唯一真正突破的是,在Android上,您可以选择Kotlin而不是Java,在iOS上,可以选择Swift而不是Objective-C。

Other solutions are still good but not astonishing. Yes, you can base your hybrid development on Angular, which is cool and way better than jQuery. Yes, you can base your development on React Native and compile to native. Yes, you can learn Dart and go with the modern Flutter. Yes, you can even choose NativeScript, but … listen to me. I developed a lot of apps using hybrid and other cross-platform technologies. Every time I get to the end, I still think I should choose native — even if it’s more expensive and requires a decent effort.

其他解决方案仍然不错,但并不令人惊讶。 是的,您可以基于Angular进行混合开发,这很酷,并且比jQuery更好。 是的,您可以将开发基于React Native并编译为native。 是的,您可以学习Dart并使用现代Flutter。 是的,您甚至可以选择NativeScript,但是…听我说。 我使用混合技术和其他跨平台技术开发了许多应用程序。 每当我走到尽头时,我仍然认为我应该选择本地语言,即使它更昂贵并且需要付出很大的努力。

什么是Cordova…和PhoneGap? (What’s Cordova… and PhoneGap?)

Cordova is what did the magic. Everything you see working and running on a hybrid app is based on Cordova. Cordova is the name of the open-source project that started everything. It can make your UI based on web technologies like HTML/CSS/JS, and even further, it allows you to use device capabilities like the camera, the address book, and everything else.

科尔多瓦做了什么魔术。 您在混合应用程序上运行和运行的所有内容均基于Cordova。 Cordova是开始一切的开源项目的名称。 它可以使您的UI基于Web技术(例如HTML / CSS / JS),甚至更进一步,它还允许您使用设备功能,例如摄像头,地址簿以及其他所有功能。

PhoneGap was nothing but the commercial name of the product that Adobe forged to wrap up Cordova. So the open-source project is Cordova, while Adobe’s product is called PhoneGap. PhoneGap was not speculation at all. It was a real product that included enterprise support, tools to build apps and publish on the stores, and more. It wasn’t simply a wrapper of Cordova. It was a technology that included Cordova, adding sugar on top of it — a lot of sugar.

PhoneGap不过是Adobe伪造用来包装Cordova的产品的商业名称。 因此,开源项目是Cordova,而Adobe的产品称为PhoneGap。 PhoneGap根本不是猜测。 这是一个真正的产品,其中包括企业支持,用于构建应用程序和在商店上发布的工具等。 这不仅仅是科尔多瓦的包装。 这是一项包括Cordova在内的技术,在其上添加了糖-很多糖。

Adobe正在为其他所有人释放Cordova的功能 (Adobe Is Freeing the Capabilities of Cordova for Everyone Else)

As you can read in this article, Adobe will discontinue PhoneGap starting on October 1, 2020. As a developer, this prompts the question: “So how can I make apps based on ‘alternative’ technologies if PhoneGap is no more?”


First of all, I haven’t used PhoneGap recently. Everything I developed and produced was based on Cordova because I didn’t really have the opportunity to use the Adobe thing. Moreover, I often used the Ionic framework and Angular, which prefer Cordova over Adobe products. Nowadays, Ionic actually uses Capacitor, the Ionic wrapper of the old Cordova JS. I must be clear on this because Capacitor is closer to the entire thing than just a wrapper of Cordova and integrates several features and tools to produce hybrid apps with the Ionic framework.

首先,我最近没有使用过PhoneGap。 我开发和生产的所有产品都是基于Cordova的,因为我确实没有机会使用Adobe。 而且,我经常使用Ionic框架和Angular,它们比Adobe产品更喜欢Cordova。 如今,Ionic实际上使用的是Capacitor ,这是旧式Cordova JS的离子包装材料。 我必须清楚这一点,因为Capacitor不仅比Cordova的包装更贴近整个事物,而且还集成了多种功能和工具以使用Ionic框架生成混合应用。

最后考虑 (Final Considerations)

Adobe’s adios to PhoneGap is more of a relief, opening several opportunities to enterprise companies as well as frameworks and allowing us to encapsulate the “Cordova magic” inside every modern custom technology.


Mobile app development today is more open and ready for a branch of changes: Ionic, NativeScript, React Native, Progressive Web Apps, and more to come. It seems like this collection of tools, frameworks, and libraries is more fertile than ever… or maybe it’s just a mess?

如今的移动应用程序开发更加开放,可以随时进行一系列更改:Ionic,NativeScript,React Native,Progressive Web Apps等。 似乎这些工具,框架和库的集合比以往任何时候都更加肥沃……或者仅仅是一团糟?


