1 设计 *.fields.xml文件,在此文件中定义好你要填充的参数。
2 RTFTemplate.dot 设计rtf模版文档。注意,最好将rtf模版文档、RTFTemplate.dot设计器、*.fields.xml文件放在统一文件夹下。否则有可能找不到word加载项里的在*.fields.xml里设定的参数。
package com.safetys.zjsg.util;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.util.Map;
import net.sourceforge.rtf.RTFTemplate;
import net.sourceforge.rtf.context.RTFContextFieldsReader;
import net.sourceforge.rtf.context.RTFContextUtil;
import net.sourceforge.rtf.context.RTFXmlFieldsReader;
import net.sourceforge.rtf.document.RTFDocument;
import net.sourceforge.rtf.document.transformer.config.DigesterTransformerConfig;
import net.sourceforge.rtf.document.transformer.config.TransformerConfig;
import net.sourceforge.rtf.helper.RTFTemplateBuilder;
import net.sourceforge.rtf.template.IContext;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
public class RTFGenerator {
private Map<String, Object> contextMap;
private RTFTemplate rtfTemplate = null;
private File transformerConfigFile = null;
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
private String rtfTemplateImpl;
private boolean saveTransformedDocument = false;
* This value allow to group by content when there is PageBreak in order to group by content.
private int groupByPerPageBreak = -1;
* Run RTFTemplate for merging rtfSource with the context putted with the method putContext which be must implement. After execution of this method, files rtfSource + ".<rtfTemplateImpl>.rtf"
* (RTF template implementation (vmRTFtemplate,...) and rtfSource + ".out.rtf" (RTF final with values of the context) will be generate.
* @param rtfSource
* RTF source model.
* @throws Exception
public final void run(String rtfSource, String rtfTarget) throws Exception {
File rtfSourceFile = new File(rtfSource);
String rtfTransformedDocumentOutput = rtfSource + "." + getRtfTemplateImpl() + ".rtf";
* 1. Get RTFtemplate builder
RTFTemplateBuilder builder = null;
if (applicationContext == null)
builder = RTFTemplateBuilder.newRTFTemplateBuilder();
builder = RTFTemplateBuilder.newRTFTemplateBuilder(applicationContext);
* 2. Get RTFtemplate with Implementation
this.rtfTemplate = builder.newRTFTemplate(rtfTemplateImpl);
* 3. Put default format
* 4. Create a common inner context - not required but showing how common context values can be re-used
IContext ctx = rtfTemplate.getTemplateEngine().newContext();
* 5. Set the template
* 6. Set Global Context
* 7. Set Transformer Config
if (transformerConfigFile != null) {
TransformerConfig transformConfig = DigesterTransformerConfig.getTransformerConfig(new FileInputStream(transformerConfigFile));
* 8. Put Context
if (saveTransformedDocument) {
RTFDocument transformedDocument = rtfTemplate.transform();
transformedDocument.save(new File(rtfTransformedDocumentOutput));
* 9. Merge template and context
* This method must be implement by class wich manage your RTF model. Put the context of your model (eg : context("date", new Date()); )
* @param context
* IContext
protected void putContext(IContext context) {
for (String key : contextMap.keySet()) {
context.put(key, contextMap.get(key));
* Return String XML Mergefields used in your context and Bookmarks (for start and end loop)
* @return
public String getXMLFields() {
// XML
RTFXmlFieldsReader reader = new RTFXmlFieldsReader();
reader.readContext(rtfTemplate.getContext(), rtfTemplate.getTransformerConfig());
return reader.getXMLFields();
protected void putDefaultFormat(RTFTemplate template) {
protected void putGlobalContext(IContext context) {
* Save XML fields available into file. If force parameter is false, the file is updated with new context (by keeping just description) otherwise the file is crushed with new context.
* @param filename
* @throws Exception
public void saveXmlFields(String filename, boolean force) throws Exception {
RTFContextFieldsReader reader = new RTFContextFieldsReader();
reader.readContext(rtfTemplate.getContext(), rtfTemplate.getTransformerConfig());
RTFContextUtil.saveXmlFields(filename, reader.getContextFields(), force);
public void setTransformerConfigFile(String transformerConfig) {
setTransformerConfigFile(new File(transformerConfig));
public void setTransformerConfigFile(File transformerConfigFile) {
this.transformerConfigFile = transformerConfigFile;
* set true if RTF with (velocity, freemarker,... macro) file must be generated and false otherwise.
* @param saveTransformedDocument
public void saveTransformedDocument(boolean saveTransformedDocument) {
this.saveTransformedDocument = saveTransformedDocument;
public String getRtfTemplateImpl() {
if (rtfTemplateImpl == null) {
this.rtfTemplateImpl = RTFTemplateBuilder.DEFAULT_VELOCITY_RTFTEMPLATE;
return rtfTemplateImpl;
public void setRtfTemplateImpl(String rtfTemplateImpl) {
this.rtfTemplateImpl = rtfTemplateImpl;
protected int getGroupByPerPageBreak() {
return groupByPerPageBreak;
* This value allow to group by content when there is PageBreak in order to group by content.
* @param groupByPerPageBreak
protected void setGroupByPerPageBreak(int groupByPerPageBreak) {
this.groupByPerPageBreak = groupByPerPageBreak;
protected RTFTemplate getRtfTemplate() {
return rtfTemplate;
protected void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
public void setContextMap(Map<String, Object> contextMap) {
this.contextMap = contextMap;
Map<String, Object> contextMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
contextMap.put("title", title); //标题
contextMap.put("serialNumber",serialNumber); //事故编号
RTFGenerator generator = new RTFGenerator();
generator.run(rtfSource, rtfTarget);
1 解析生成的rtf文件有可能是乱码,用文本编辑器将rtf模版文件打开,将
\f0\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}Times New Roman;替换成\f0\dbch\charset0\fprq2 宋体; 保存