* Container for a message (data and object references) that can
* be sent through an IBinder. A Parcel can contain both flattened data
* that will be unflattened on the other side of the IPC (using the various
* methods here for writing specific types, or the general
* {@link Parcelable} interface), and references to live {@link IBinder}
* objects that will result in the other side receiving a proxy IBinder
* connected with the original IBinder in the Parcel.
public static Parcel obtain() {
final Parcel[] pool = sOwnedPool;
synchronized (pool) {
Parcel p;
for (int i=0; i<POOL_SIZE; i++) {
p = pool[i];
if (p != null) {
pool[i] = null;
p.mStack = new RuntimeException();
return p;
return new Parcel(0);