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ajax xmlrpc,GitHub - timheap/jquery-xmlrpc: A jQuery library for talking to XML-RPC services from Ja...


jQuery XML-RPC library

This is a small library that sits on top of jQuery for communicating with

XML-RPC services - without worrying about the horrible bloat of XML-RPC. Using

this library, you can pass JSON parameters to the library, and receive

responses in JSON. Encoding the JSON document is handled for you, intelligently

mapping types between the two languages.


Simply include the jQuery library, and this library in your page:

This was built upon jQuery 1.8.1. It will probably work with old versions, and

will probably continue to work with new versions.


The jQuery.xmlrpc function is the main work-horse of this library. Call it

like so:


url: '/RPC2',

methodName: 'foo',

params: ['bar', 1, 4.6, true, [1, 2, 3], {name: 'value'}],

success: function(response, status, jqXHR) { /* ... */ },

error: function(jqXHR, status, error) { /* ... */ }


It takes all of the same arguments as jQuery.ajax, so refer there for more

documentation. The two new keys added are:


This is method put in the element from XML-RPC. It should be a

string. The XML-RPC service you are communicating with will determine valid

method names you can call.


An array of parameters to send. Specify an empty array, or do not supply this

key at all if you do not want to send any parameters.

See the docs section on Encoding and Decoding XML-RPC Documents for

more information.

Getting data back

When the XML-RPC call returns, the contents of the element are

parsed into JSON and supplied to the success callback of the AJAX call as the

first parameter, much like a JSON request.

Handling errors

If any HTTP errors occur during transport, the normal jQuery AJAX error

handling will be used. If the XML-RPC service successfully replies, but replies

with a response, an $.xmlrpc.XmlRpcFault is thrown. This error will

be sent as the third parameter to the error callback of the AJAX call, as

with other errors.

