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I'm about to tell you something that will shock you, and probably make you very angry. I hope you won't hate me for it. Here goes.

我正要告诉您一些令您震惊的事情,并可能使您非常生气。 我希望你不会为此而恨我。 开始。

If you are an iPhone user, everything you have copied to your clipboard on your iPhone can be secretly accessed by various apps. These apps often record the contents of your clipboard several times a minute, and send them to their company servers to store for eternity.

如果您是iPhone用户,则各种应用程序都可以秘密访问您复制到iPhone剪贴板上的所有内容。 这些应用程序通常每分钟记录几次剪贴板中的内容,然后将它们发送到公司服务器以进行永久保存。

Think about all the things you copy to your clipboard. Links. Passwords. Private messages to your friends and family.

考虑所有复制到剪贴板的内容。 链接。 密码 给您的朋友和家人的私人消息。

All of these things are being stolen from you and sent to the data centers of multinational corporations, who will use it to figure out what ads to show you so they can make more money.


And that is just the best case scenario. There's no way to know for sure what they are using your clipboard data for.

那只是最好的情况。 无法确定他们使用剪贴板数据的确切方式。

Apple has known about this for a long time. And they are just now taking steps to restrict apps' access to your clipboard, and to notify you when an app accesses the contents of your clipboard.

苹果对此已经了解了很长时间。 他们现在正在采取措施限制应用程序对剪贴板的访问,并在应用程序访问剪贴板的内容时通知您。

This was never an issue for Apple until privacy advocates started raising awareness of this earlier this week.


Here's an insane supercut of several well-known apps stealing the contents of your clipboard (which now triggers a notification in the newest version of iOS.)


Some apps, like TikTok, use this clipboard exploit even while running in the background to steal every single character you type into any app.


Here's an example of this discovered when Apple started showing clipboard notifications in the iOS 14 beta:

这是当苹果公司开始在iOS 14 beta中显示剪贴板通知时发现的一个示例:

Apps can even use this clipboard exploit to get your location data without you ever granting them permission. Here's how:

应用程序甚至可以使用此剪贴板漏洞来获取您的位置数据,而无需您授予它们权限。 这是如何做:

而且情况变得更糟。 (And it gets worse.)

Now I'm going to tell you something else that will really make your blood boil: If you use a Mac, your iPhone has access to your Mac's clipboard by default.

现在,我将告诉您一些其他的事情,这些事情确实会让您大出血: 如果使用Mac,则默认情况下,iPhone可以访问Mac的剪贴板。

And this means, by extension, the apps installed on your iPhone also have access to things you copy to your Mac's clipboard.


Think about that. How many sensitive things do you do on your laptop every day? How many passwords to you copy/paste from your password manager? How many emails do you type up? How many websites do you copy/paste to share through private messages?

考虑一下。 您每天在笔记本电脑上进行多少敏感的事情? 您可以从密码管理器复制/粘贴多少个密码? 您键入多少电子邮件? 您复制/粘贴多少个网站以通过私人消息共享?

All of that is going to your clipboard, which is getting shared with your iPhone, which can then be accessed by various companies through their iPhone apps, and stored in their servers around the world.


This "feature" is called Universal Clipboard or "Handoff." And it is enabled by default on every Mac.

此“功能”称为通用剪贴板或“切换”。 并且默认情况下在每台Mac上启用该功能。

For your privacy, I recommend you turn this feature off immediately. It only takes a few seconds. Here's how to do this.

为了保护您的隐私,建议您立即关闭此功能。 只需要几秒钟。 这是这样做的方法。

如何关闭通用剪贴板切换 (How to Turn Off Universal Clipboard Handoff)

第1步:打开Spotlight搜索。 (Step 1: Open Spotlight Search.)

By default, you can open MacOS Spotlight Search by pressing the command key and spacebar at the same time.

默认情况下,您可以通过同时按下命令键和空格键来打开MacOS Spotlight搜索。

Then type the word "Handoff" and double click the "General" option that appears under "System Preferences" in the list below.

然后输入单词“ Handoff”,然后双击下面列表中“ System Preferences”下出现的“ General”选项。

步骤2:取消选中“越区切换”。 (Step 2: Uncheck Handoff.)

A menu will pop up when you click "General" under the "System Preferences" option. If you look all the way at the bottom of this menu, you will see an option that says "Allow handoff between this Mac and your iCloud devices." Uncheck the box next to this.

当您单击“系统偏好设置”选项下的“常规”时,将弹出一个菜单。 如果您一直在该菜单的底部浏览,则会看到一个选项,内容为“允许在此Mac和iCloud设备之间进行切换”。 取消选中此框。

恭喜你 您刚刚关闭了通用剪贴板切换。 (Congratulations. You've just turned off Universal Clipboard Handoff.)

My advice would be to uninstall all the apps that have been stealing information from your clipboard without your consent.


These apps have violated your trust by abusing this "vulnerability" in iOS. (I put the word vulnerability in quotes because, again, Apple has known about this for a long time and initially refused to do anything about it.)

这些应用滥用iOS中的“漏洞”,从而侵犯了您的信任。 (我将“漏洞”一词用引号引起来,因为苹果再次对此已经了解了很长时间,最初拒绝对此做任何事情。)

Here's a list of apps who have been caught red-handed stealing your clipboard data:


10% Happier: Meditation 
5-0 Radio Police Scanner 
8 Ball Pool
ABC News
Al Jazeera English 
AliExpress Shopping App 
Bed Bath & Beyond
Block Puzzle 
CBC News 
CBS News 
Classic Bejeweled 
Classic Bejeweled HD 
Fox News
Fruit Ninja
Hotel Tonight
Letter Soup 
Love Nikki 
My Emma 
New York Times
News Break
ntv Nachrichten 
Pigment – Adult Coloring Book 
Plants vs. Zombies
Pooking – Billiards City
PUBG Mobile
Recolor Coloring Book to Color 
Russia Today 
Sky Ticket 
Stern Nachrichten 
The Economist 
The Huffington Post 
The Wall Street Journal 
The Weather Network 
Tomb of the Mask: Color
Total Party Kill 
Vice News 

And last but not least, change your passwords! Assume that these passwords have been intercepted by these clipboard-thieving apps are now in private data centers all over the world.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,更改您的密码! 假设这些密码被窃取剪贴板的应用程序所拦截,这些应用程序现在位于世界各地的私人数据中心中。

Sure – these companies are unlikely to use your passwords. But they may eventually get hacked. And hackers might try to exploit your passwords or sell them to even worse actors.

当然-这些公司不太可能使用您的密码。 但是他们最终可能会被黑客入侵。 黑客可能会尝试利用您的密码或将其出售给更差的演员。

It breaks my heart to learn of this. It's been going on for maybe years.

了解这一点让我很伤心。 它已经持续了好几年。

And in case you're curious, Android is just as permissive with letting 3rd party apps access your clipboard data.


Switching to Android won't save you, but switching to a feature phone might, if that's a sacrifice you're willing to make. Me? I just uninstalled basically all 3rd party iPhone apps and use the Brave browser or the Firefox Focus browser for everything.

切换到Android不会挽救您,但是如果您愿意为此牺牲,则切换到功能手机可能会节省您的时间。 我? 我基本上已经卸载了所有第三方iPhone应用程序,并使用Brave浏览器Firefox Focus浏览器进行所有操作。

It really is a jungle out there. Stay vigilant friends. Don't let the bad guys win. You can follow me on Twitter for more no-nonsense security tips.

那里确实是一个丛林。 保持警惕的朋友。 不要让坏人获胜。 您可以在Twitter上关注我,以获取更多有用的安全提示

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/turn-off-universal-clipboard-handoff-mac-iphone/

