SAP Host Agent and Diagnostics Agent

  1. Host Agent: the host agent work with outside discovery to collect OS data information

      and managed system by the Adaptive Computing Controller (ACC) 

      For Solman 7.1 the SAP Host Agent must be at level 7.20 SP83. Check note 1365123 in the following section:

      IMPORTANT: In any case, please pay attention at least to 6 essential rules,

      Which are described in the attached slides

      Solution Manager 7.1 requires having at least a SAP Host Agent 7.20 SP83


   2. Diagnostic agent: diagnostic agent must be configuring in Solution Manager for Root Cause Analysis function,

      It allows to perform a connection between SAP Solution Manager as the managing system

       and the managed system(s)

      and then to gather information from the managed systems and reports them to the Solution Manager system.

      You can also install it as a standalone engine,

      for example if you want a non-SAP system to be managed by SAP Solution Manager Diagnostics

一, host agent是怎样工作的?

host agent里面有saposcol,sapdbctrl, saphostctrl, sapccms, sldreg等组件。



