Adam Fitzgerald
November 11, 2009
Today SpringSource has released an update to SpringSource Tool Suite (STS), the best Eclipse-powered development environment for building Spring, Groovy and Grails powered enterprise applications. The latest version (2.2.1) is now available for download and includes:
Hot on the heels of the latest Spring Roo release, STS now supports Spring Roo 1.0.0.RC3 and enhances the Roo shell with hyperlinking to application files letting you open them for editing with a single click.
The STS Grails tools have been updated to include a GSP editor for easy page template editing. The Grails tools can be downloaded as an extension to STS.
Support for the latest milestones of SpringSource dm Server: 2.0.0.M6.
Improvements to the Cloud Foundry integration that Charles Lee discussed in today's blog post.
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We hope you enjoy using STS and please use the community forum to give your feedback and ask questions.
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今天,SpringSource发布了对SpringSource Tool Suite(STS)的更新,STS是构建Spring、Groovy和Grails支持的企业应用程序的最佳Eclipse开发环境。最新版本(2.2.1)现在可以下载,包括:
继最新的Spring Roo版本之后,STS现在支持Spring Roo 1.0.0.RC3,并通过超链接到应用程序文件来增强Roo shell,使您可以通过单击打开它们进行编辑。
STS Grails工具已经更新,包括了一个GSP编辑器,可以方便地编辑页面模板。Grails工具可以作为STS的扩展下载。
支持SpringSource dm服务器的最新里程碑:2.0.0.M6。
Charles Lee在今天的博客中讨论了云铸造集成的改进。
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