Martin Lippert
October 08, 2012
Dear Spring Community,
we are happy to announce the next major release of our Eclipse-based tooling today: The Spring Tool Suite (STS) 3.1.0 and the Groovy/Grails Tool Suite (GGTS) 3.1.0.
Highlights from this release include:
Eclipse Juno SR1 updates (including Mylyn, EGit, m2e, m2e-wtp)
Mac distributions now OSX 10.8 Mountain Lion Gatekeeper compatible
updated to tc Server 2.7.2
new Spring Data Gemfire project templates
the new Live Beans Graph feature (experimental)
grails import wizard
support for mavenized grails projects
updated to Groovy 2.0.4 and Grails 2.1.1
Some of our users reported general performance issues with the new Eclipse Juno 4.2 platform that STS 3.0.0 shipped with. Most of these issues seem to be related to the underlying UI platform and its usage from various plugins and extensions. Since our goal is to provide the best possible user experience, we decided to provide two separate distributions for STS 3.1.0: one that is built on top of Eclipse Juno 3.8 and one on top of Eclipse Juno 4.2. People who have trouble using the 4.2-based version should try the 3.8-based distribution instead.
To download the distributions, please go visit:
Spring Tool Suite:
Groovy/Grails Tool Suite:
Detailed new and noteworthy notes can be found here: STS/GGTS 3.1.0 New & Noteworthy.
Updates from STS/GGTS 3.0.0 are available through the automatic “Check for Updates” again. Users of STS 2.9.x (or older) should start with a fresh installation of STS/GGTS 3.1.0.
The next version 3.2.0 is scheduled to arrive in March 2013, shortly after the Eclipse Juno SR2 release. Also watch out for milestone builds of 3.2.0 if you wanna stay up-to-date with the latest developments.
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Eclipse Juno SR1更新(包括Mylyn、EGit、m2e、m2e wtp)
Mac发行版现在与OSX 10.8 Mountain Lion Gatekeeper兼容
新的Live Beans图形特性(实验性)
支持mavenized grails项目
更新到Groovy 2.0.4和Grails 2.1.1
我们的一些用户报告了新的EclipseJuno4.2平台(STS3.0.0附带的)的一般性能问题。这些问题中的大多数似乎都与底层UI平台及其在各种插件和扩展中的使用有关。由于我们的目标是提供最好的用户体验,所以我们决定为STS 3.1.0提供两个独立的发行版:一个是在eclipsejuno3.8之上构建的,另一个是在Eclipse Juno 4.2之上构建的。使用基于4.2的版本有困难的人应该尝试使用基于3.8的发行版。