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解决eclipse: Resource is out of sync with the file system 报错问题


           通过Window->Preferences->General->Workspace,选中Refresh automatically


eclipse中的项目无法查看源文件,报错:resource is out of sync with the file system。唯一的问题,在eclipse工程之外的地方修改了源文件但是没有刷新。MyEclipse自带帮助文档:
Don't forget to refresh!
Whenever you use external tools to modify workspace files, you must perform a Refresh from within Eclipse to make the workspace aware of the changes.If you get a resource out of sync error in Eclipse it is a sign that there are resources in Eclipse that have been modified outside of Eclipse. 
One solution is to perform a refresh (available from a resource's popup menu) on any resources or projects that where modified outside of Eclipse.
There is also a preference to refresh automatically. 但是设置为自动刷新在工程比较大时代价有点大! Window->Preferences->General->Workspace,选中Refresh automatically。
