docker-network-create - Create a network
docker network create [OPTIONS] NETWORK
$ docker network create -d bridge --subnet= br0
$ docker network create \
--driver=bridge \
--subnet= \
--ip-range= \
--gateway= \
$ docker network create -d overlay \
--subnet= \
--subnet= \
--gateway= \
--gateway= \
--ip-range= \
--aux-address="my-router=" --aux-address="my-switch=" \
--aux-address="my-printer=" --aux-address="my-nas=" \
Network ingress mode
You can create the network which will be used to provide the routing-mesh in the swarm
cluster. You do so by specifying --ingress when creating the network. Only one ingress network
can be created at the time. The network can be removed only if no services depend on it. Any
option available when creating an overlay network is also available when creating the ingress
network, besides the --attachable option.
$ docker network create -d overlay \
--subnet= \
--ingress \
--opt \
--opt encrypted=true \
Run services on predefined networks
You can create services on the predefined docker networks bridge and host.
$ docker service create --name my-service \
--network host \
--replicas 2 \
busybox top
Enable manual container attachment
Auxiliary IPv4 or IPv6 addresses used by Network driver
The network from which copying the configuration
Create a configuration only network
-d, --driver="bridge"
Driver to manage the Network
IPv4 or IPv6 Gateway for the master subnet
-h, --help[=false]
help for create
Create swarm routing-mesh network
Restrict external access to the network
Allocate container ip from a sub-range
IP Address Management Driver
Set IPAM driver specific options
Enable IPv6 networking
Set metadata on a network
-o, --opt=map[]
Set driver specific options
Control the network's scope
Subnet in CIDR format that represents a network segment