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YYText 是在 iOS 上显示和编辑富文本的文本框架。


  • API 兼容 UILabel UITextView
  • 支持高性能的异步排版和渲染
  • 扩展了 CoreText 的属性以支持更多文字效果
  • 支持 UIImageUIViewCALayer 作为图文混排元素
  • 支持添加自定义样式的、可点击的文本高亮范围
  • 支持自定义文本解析 (内置简单的 Markdown/表情解析)
  • 支持文本容器路径、内部留空路径的控制
  • 支持文字竖排版,可用于编辑和显示中日韩文本
  • 支持图片和富文本的复制粘贴
  • 文本编辑时,支持富文本占位符
  • 支持自定义键盘视图
  • 撤销和重做次数的控制
  • 富文本的序列化与反序列化支持
  • 支持多语言,支持 VoiceOver
  • 全部代码都有文档注释

Gitee代码: YYText: YYText 是在 iOS 上显示和编辑富文本的文本框架 (gitee.com)



String group

1. YYTextAttribute

作用 NSAttributeName类,YY在这里将AttributeType分为四种种

typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSInteger, YYTextAttributeType) {

YYTextAttributeTypeNone = 0,

YYTextAttributeTypeUIKit = 1 << 0, ///< UIKit attributes, such as UILabel/UITextField/drawInRect.

YYTextAttributeTypeCoreText = 1 << 1, ///< CoreText attributes, used by CoreText.

YYTextAttributeTypeYYText = 1 << 2, ///< YYText attributes, used by YYText.


YYTextBackedString ——> 作为NSMutableAttrubuteString 的类簇之一,用来将emoji之类的映射为String,对应YYTextBackedStringAttributeName

YYTextBinding ——>作为NSMutableAttrubuteString 的类簇之一,将对应的字符绑定,具体效果参考demo,对应YYTextBindingAttributeName

YYTextShadow ——> 加阴影等效果,对应YYTextShadowAttributeName || YYTextInnerShadowAttributeName

YYTextDecoration ——> 修饰字符,对应YYTextUnderlineAttributeName or YYTextStrikethroughAttributeName

YYTextBorder 边框效果,对应YYTextBackgroundBorderAttributeName or YYTextBorderAttributeName

YYTextAttachment 类似 NSAttchment 对应 YYTextAttachmentAttributeName

YYTextHighlight 高亮效果,对应YYTextHighlightAttributeName,对应的有tapAction回调与,longPressAction回调 在YYLabel中可以看到 longPressAction时间定义为0.5 (#define kLongPressMinimumDuration 0.5 // Time in seconds the fingers must be held down for long press gesture.)




字形的回调 里面有CTRundelegate这么一个方法来获得CTRundelegate(获得之后需要使用CFReleased来释放),并且有属性可以获得字形的ascent descent width


iOS8新增的CTRubyAnnotationRef 关于增加音标等方法

Component Group


YYTextContainer —–> 文字容器类 主要布局设置 主体container、边距设置container insets、内部container exclusion path,以及是否竖排版等一系列设置

YYTextLinePositionModifier(protocol) —–> 排版完成之前进行回调,调用时要保证线程安全

YYTextLinePositionSimpleModifier —–> 对每行排版进行赋值,统一行高

YYTextLayout —–> 可以分别根据YYTextContainer or size,以及 NSAttributeString 获得YYTextLayout,YYTextLayout里面有一对只读的属性,类似对应CTFrameRef、CTFramesetterRef…等相关的布局属性,可以将这个layout draw在context,或者View,或者layer上,有些有主线程限制



下载 YYText 文件夹内的所有内容。将 YYText 内的源文件添加(拖放)到工程。

链接以下 frameworks:







导入 YYText.h。



#define rgba(a,b,c,d) [UIColor colorWithRed:a/255. green:b/255. blue:c/255. alpha:d]
#define kThemeColor rgba(255, 41, 65, 1)
UILabel *sumPriceLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(15., 15., 200., 15.)];
    NSMutableAttributedString *text = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc]     initWithString:@"合计:"];
    text.yy_color = rgba(140, 140, 140, 1); //此处是宏定义
    text.yy_font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:15.];
    NSMutableAttributedString *one = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc]     initWithString:@"¥"];
    one.yy_color = kThemeColor; //此处是宏定义
    one.yy_font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:11.];
    NSMutableAttributedString *two = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc]     initWithString:@"105.00"];
    two.yy_color = kThemeColor;
    two.yy_font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:17.];
    [text appendAttributedString:one];
    [text appendAttributedString:two];
    sumPriceLabel.attributedText = text;



    NSMutableAttributedString *one = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@"文字"];

    one.yy_lineSpacing = 2.5;

    one.yy_font = SYSTEMFONT(font);

    one.yy_color = rgba(84, 84, 84, 1);


    [one yy_setTextHighlightRange:one.yy_rangeOfAll

                                    color:rgba(84, 84, 84, 1)

                          backgroundColor:[UIColor colorWithWhite:0.000 alpha:0.220]

                                tapAction:^(UIView *containerView, NSAttributedString *text, NSRange range, CGRect rect){



    [text appendAttributedString:one];






YYLabel *label = [YYLabel new];


label.attributedText = text;


label.textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentCenter;


label.textVerticalAlignment = YYTextVerticalAlignmentCenter;


label.numberOfLines = 0;




// YYLabel(类似于UILabel) 
YYLabel * label = [YYLabel new ];
label.frame = ...
label.font = ...
label.textColor = ...
label.textAlignment = ...
label.lineBreakMode = ...
label.numberOfLines = ...
label.text = ...
// YYTextView(类似于UITextView) 
YYTextView * textView = [YYTextView new ];
textView.frame = ...
textView.font = ...
textView.textColor = ...
textView.dataDetectorTypes = ...
textView.placeHolderText = ...
textView.placeHolderTextColor = ...
textView.delegate = ...


// 1.创建属性字符串。
NSMutableAttributedString * text = [[ NSMutableAttributedString  alloc ] initWithString:@“ Some Text,blabla ... ” ];
// 2.将属性设置为文本,您几乎可以使用所有CoreText属性。
text.yy_font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:30 ];
text.yy_color = [UIColor blueColor ];
[文本yy_setColor: [的UIColor redColor ] 范围:NSMakeRange(0,4)];
text.yy_lineSpacing = 10 ;
// 3.设置为YYLabel或YYTextView。
YYLabel * label = [YYLabel new ];
label.frame = ...
label.attributedString = text;
YYTextView * textView = [YYTextView new ];
textView.frame = ...
textView.attributedString = text;



[text yy_setTextHighlightRange:range
                       color:[UIColor blueColor]
             backgroundColor:[UIColor grayColor]
                   tapAction:^(UIView *containerView, NSAttributedString *text, NSRange range, CGRect rect){ 
                       NSLog(@"tap text range:..."); 

// 1.为文本创建“突出显示”属性。
YYTextBorder * border = [YYTextBorder borderWithFillColor: [UIColor grayColor ] cornerRadius:3 ];
YYTextHighlight * highlight = [YYTextHighlight new ];
[highlight setColor: [UIColor whiteColor ]];
[突出显示setBackgroundBorder: highlightBorder];
highlight.tapAction = ^(UIView * containerView,NSAttributedString * text,NSRange range,CGRect rect){
  NSLog(@“ tap text range:... ”); 
// 2.将“突出显示”属性添加到一系列文本中。
[attributionText yy_setTextHighlight: highlight range: highlightRange];
// 3.将文本设置为标签或文本视图。
YYLabel * label = ...
label.attributedText = attributedText
YYTextView * textView = ...
textView.attributedText = ...
// 4.接收用户交互操作。
label.highlightTapAction = ^(UIView * containerView, NSAttributedString * text, NSRange range, CGRect rect){
    NSLog( @“ tap text range:... ”);
label.highlightLongPressAction = ^(UIView * containerView,NSAttributedString * text,NSRange range,CGRect rect){
    NSLog(@“ long press text range:... ”);
- (void)textView:(YYTextView *)textView didTapHighlight:(YYTextHighlight *)高亮显示inRange :( NSRange)characterRange rect :( CGRect)rect {
    NSLog(@“ tap text range:... ”);
- (void)textView:(YYTextView *)textView didLongPressHighlight:(YYTextHighlight *)高亮显示inRange :( NSRange)characterRange rect :( CGRect)rect {
    NSLog(@“ long press text range:... ”);


NSMutableAttributedString * text = [ NSMutableAttributedString  new ];
UIFont * font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize :16 ];
NSMutableAttributedString * attachment = nil ;
// UIImage附件 
UIImage * image = [UIImage imageNamed:@“ dribbble64_imageio ” ];
attachment = [ NSMutableAttributedString  yy_attachmentStringWithContent: image contentMode: UIViewContentModeCenter attachmentSize: image.size alignToFont: font alignment: YYTextVerticalAlignmentCenter];
[text appendAttributedString: attachment];
// UIView附件 
UISwitch * switcher = [UISwitch new ];
[switcher sizeToFit ];
attachment = [ NSMutableAttributedString  yy_attachmentStringWithContent: switcher contentMode: UIViewContentModeBottom attachmentSize: switcher.size alignToFont: font alignment: YYTextVerticalAlignmentCenter];
[text appendAttributedString: attachment];
// CALayer附件 
CASharpLayer * layer = [CASharpLayer layer ];
layer.path = ...
attachment = [ NSMutableAttributedString  yy_attachmentStringWithContent: layer contentMode: UIViewContentModeBottom attachmentSize: switcher.size alignToFont: font alignment: YYTextVerticalAlignmentCenter];
[text appendAttributedString: attachment];


NSAttributedString * text = ...
 CGSize size = CGSizeMake(100,CGFLOAT_MAX);
YYTextLayout * layout = [YYTextLayout layoutWithContainerSize: size text: text];
layout.textBoundingRect; //获取边界rect 
layout.textBoundingSize; //获得边界大小
[布局 lineIndexForPoint:CGPointMake( 10, 10)];
[布局rectForRange: [YYTextRange rangeWithRange:NSMakeRange(10,2)]];
[布局selectionRectsForRange: [YYTextRange rangeWithRange:NSMakeRange(10,2)]];
YYLabel * label = [YYLabel new ];
label.size = layout.textBoundingSize;
label.textLayout = layout;


// 1.创建文本行位置修饰符,实现`YYTextLinePositionModifier`协议。
// 2.将其设置为标签或文本视图。
YYTextLinePositionSimpleModifier * modifier = [YYTextLinePositionSimpleModifier new ];
modifier.fixedLineHeight = 24 ;
YYLabel * label = [YYLabel new ];
label.linePositionModifier = modifier;
YYTextLinePositionSimpleModifier * modifier = [YYTextLinePositionSimpleModifier new ];
modifier.fixedLineHeight = 24 ;
YYTextContainer * container = [YYTextContainer new ];
container.size = CGSizeMake(100,CGFLOAT_MAX);
container.linePositionModifier = modifier;
YYTextLayout * layout = [YYTextLayout layoutWithContainer: container text: text];
YYLabel * label = [YYLabel new ];
label.size = layout.textBoundingSize;
label.textLayout = layout;


YYLabel * label = ...
label.displaysAsynchronously = YES ;
YYLabel * label = [YYLabel new ];
label.displaysAsynchronously = YES ;
label.ignoreCommonProperties = YES ;
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,0),^ {
   .NSMutableAttributedString * text = [[ NSMutableAttributedString  alloc ] initWithString:@“ Some Text ” ];
   文本。yy_font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize :16 ];
   文本。yy_color = [UIColor grayColor ];
   [文本yy_setColor: [的UIColor redColor ] 范围:NSMakeRange(0,4)];
   YYTextContainer * container = [YYTextContainer new ];
   容器。size = CGSizeMake(100,CGFLOAT_MAX);
   容器。maximumNumberOfRows = 0 ;
   YYTextLayout * layout = [YYTextLayout layoutWithContainer: container text: text];
   dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(),^ {
       标签。size =布局。textBoundingSize ;
       标签。textLayout = layout;


YYLabel * label = ...
label.textContainerPath = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWith ...];
label.exclusionPaths = @ [[UIBezierPath bezierPathWith ...];,...];
label.textContainerInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(...);
label.verticalForm = YES / NO ;
YYTextView * textView = ...
textView.exclusionPaths = @ [[UIBezierPath bezierPathWith ...];,...];
textView.textContainerInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(...);
textView.verticalForm = YES / NO ;


// 1.创建文本解析器
YYTextSimpleEmoticonParser * parser = [YYTextSimpleEmoticonParser new ];
NSMutableDictionary * mapper = [ NSMutableDictionary  new ];
mapper [ @“:smile:” ] = [UIImage imageNamed:@“ smile.png ” ];
mapper [ @“:cool:” ] = [UIImage imageNamed:@“ cool.png ” ];
mapper [ @“:cry:” ] = [UIImage imageNamed:@“ cry.png ” ];
mapper [ @“:wink:” ] = [UIImage imageNamed:@“ wink.png ” ];
parser.emoticonMapper = mapper;
YYTextSimpleMarkdownParser * parser = [YYTextSimpleMarkdownParser new ];
[parser setColorWithDarkTheme ];
MyCustomParser * parser = ... //自定义解析器
// 2.将解析器附加到标签或文本视图
YYLabel * label = ...
label.textParser = parser;
YYTextView * textView = ...
textView.textParser = parser;


YYTextDebugOption * debugOptions = [YYTextDebugOption new ];
debugOptions.baselineColor = [UIColor redColor ];
debugOptions.CTFrameBorderColor = [UIColor redColor ];
debugOptions.CTLineFillColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:0.000  绿色:0.463  蓝色:1.000  alpha:0.180 ];
debugOptions.CGGlyphBorderColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:1.000  green:0.524  blue:0.000  alpha:0.200 ];
[YYTextDebugOption setSharedDebugOption: debugOptions];
