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pku 1632 Vase Collection




这道题其实可以看作在一个大矩阵中找一个最大的小正方形阵,二维需要加一重搜索,如果像http://acm.pku.edu.cn/JudgeOnline/problem?id=2441 Arrange the bulls一样,就不用再搜了。


#include  < iostream >
#define  M 37
using   namespace  std;

int  table[M][M] = { 0 },n;
long   long  state[M] = { 0 };
int  bitcnt[ 0x11ffff + 1 ] = { 0 };

int  calbit( long   long  s)
return  bitcnt[s & 0x11ffff ] + bitcnt[s >> 18 ];
bool  dfs( int  i, int  l, long   long  s, int  len)
while  (i <= 36 && state[i] == 0 )
++ i;
if  (i > 36 && l > 0 ) return   false ;
if  (l == 0 )
return  calbit(s) != 36 && calbit(s) >= len;
if  (calbit(s) < len) return   false ;
return  dfs(i + 1 ,l,s,len) || dfs(i + 1 ,l - 1 ,s & state[i],len);

int  main()
int  nCase,i,s,t,j;
for  (i = 1 ;i <= 0x11ffff ;i ++ )
int  cnt = 0 ;
= i;
while  (j)
if  ((j & 0x01 ) == 1 ) ++ cnt;
>>= 1 ;
= cnt;
>> nCase;
while  (nCase -- )
>> n;
0 , sizeof (table));
0 , sizeof (state));
0 ] = (1LL << 36 ) - 1 ;
for  (i = 0 ;i < n;i ++ )
>> s >> t;
= 1 ;
for  (i = 1 ;i <= 36 ;i ++ )
for  (j = 1 ;j <= 36 ;j ++ )
<<= 1 ;
if  (table[i][j] == 1 ) state[i] |= 0x01 ;
for  (j = 2 ;j <= n;j ++ )
if  (dfs( 1 ,j,state[ 0 ],j) == false )
break ;
<< j - 1 << endl;


关于状态压缩DP的题目,http://acm.pku.edu.cn/JudgeOnline/problem?id=1038 Bugs Integrated,inc.在刘汝佳的书上有解答,还有著名的“炮兵阵地”一题,及Hamilton路,TSP问题(http://acm.pku.edu.cn/JudgeOnline/problem?id=2288 Islands and Bridges)等。




#include  < iostream >
#define  N 100
#define  M 10
#define  MAXSTATE 59049
using   namespace  std;

int  mi[] = { 1 , 3 , 9 , 27 , 81 , 243 , 729 , 2187 , 6561 , 19683 };

int  cannon[N + 1 ][MAXSTATE] = { 0 },maxState,mV = 0 ;    //  canno[i][j]--the i row in state j(old state, i-1 row more accurately) hold that many

char  deploy[N][M] = { 0 };

int  m,n,re =- 1 ;

void  input()
int  i,j;

>> n >> m;

for  (i = 0 ;i < n;i ++ )
for  (j = 0 ;j < m;j ++ )
>> deploy[i][j];

= mi[m - 1 ] * 3 ;


int  a[M],cannonAdd;  //  to record state in  3.

void  decode( int  s)
int  i;
for  (i = 0 ;i < m; ++ i)
= s % 3 ;
/= 3 ;

int  encode()
int  s = 0 ;
for  ( int  i = 0 ;i < m;i ++ )
+= a[i] * mi[i];
return  s;

void  place ( int  i, int  j, int  org) //  place canno in i row ,from j col, current bit is s
if  (j == m)
int  s = encode();
if  (cannon[i][org] + cannonAdd > cannon[i + 1 ][s])
+ 1 ][s] = cannon[i][org] + cannonAdd;
if  (cannon[i + 1 ][s] > mV)
= cannon[i + 1 ][s];
return  ;

if  (a[j] > 0 ) //  cannot place 
-- a[j];
+ 1 ,org);
++ a[j];
+ 1 ,org);
if  (deploy[i][j] == ' P ' && a[j - 1 ] != 2 && a[j - 2 ] != 2 )
= 2 ;
++ cannonAdd;
+ 1 ,org);
= 0 ;
-- cannonAdd;

void  solve()
int  i,j;

for  (i = 0 ;i < n;i ++ )
for  (j = 0 ;j < maxState;j ++ )
if  (cannon[i][j] + 10 < mV) continue ;
= 0 ;
0 ,j);

int  main()


<< mV << endl;

return   0 ;




