yield from iterator
# was equivalent to:
for x in iterator:
yield x
generators were first introduced by PEP 255 Python2.2. They are also called generator iterators since generators implement the iterator protocal.Especially allowing for the idea of infinite sequences.
# 迭代器
def eager_range(up_to):
"""Create a list of integers, from 0 to up_to, exclusive."""
sequence = []
index = 0
while index < up_to:
index += 1
return sequence
# 生成器
def lazy_range(up_to):
"""Generator to return the sequence of integers from 0 to up_to, exclusive."""
index = 0
while index < up_to:
yield index
index += 1
从另一个角度,iterator 是一次性把需要的数据全部生成,而generator是一次生成一个,相当于函数的一pause,需要的时候再resume。当遇到infinite sequences 时明显只能use generator。但此时的generator只能起到类iterator的作用,直到Python2.5的PEP 342使generator在pause的基础上,还可以send stuff back in。
def jumping_range(up_to):
"""Generator for the sequence of integers from 0 to up_to, exclusive.
Sending a value into the generator will shift the sequence by that amount.
index = 0
while index < up_to:
jump = yield index
if jump is None:
jump = 1
index += jump
if __name__ == '__main__':
iterator = jumping_range(5)
print(next(iterator)) # 0
print(iterator.send(2)) # 2
print(next(iterator)) # 3
print(iterator.send(-1)) # 2
for x in iterator:
print(x) # 3, 4
# 案例中iterator是一个生成器generator。
# 1. geneator可以记忆上下文
# 2. iterator.send() next(iterator)两个对generator的操作进入函数后都是从jump = yield index之后一行开始的,send()是将2送给了yield index的结果即jump,默认情况下这个结果jump是None的。
# 3. 每次重新进入generator是运行了while的一个半周期,从jump = yield index后一行开始运行,到底后重新运行一遍,知道jump = yield index跳出并将此时index的值返回
Python3.3通过PEP 380添加yield from优化generator:
def lazy_range(up_to):
"""Generator to return the sequence of integers from 0 to up_to, exclusive."""
index = 0
def gratuitous_refactor():
nonlocal index
while index < up_to:
yield index
index += 1
yield from gratuitous_refactor()