function - How do I handle an unspecified number of parameters in Scheme? - Stack Overflow
In Scheme you can use the dot notation for declaring a procedure that receives a variable number of arguments (also known as varargs or variadic function):
(define (procedure . args)
Inside procedure
, args
will be a list with the zero or more arguments passed; call it like this:
(procedure "a" "b" "c")
As pointed out by @Arafinwe, here's the equivalent notation for an anonymous procedure:
(lambda args ...)
Call it like this:
((lambda args ...) "a" "b" "c")
Remember that if you need to pass the parameters in a list of unknown size to a variadic function you can write it like this:
(apply procedure '("a" "b" "c"))
(apply (lambda args ...) '("a" "b" "c"))
Regarding the code in the comments, this won't work as you intend:
(define (fp f)
(lambda (.z)
(f .z)))
I believe you meant this:
(define (fp f)
(lambda z
(apply f z)))
With a bit of syntactic sugar the above procedure can be further simplified to this:
(define ((fp f) . z)
(apply f z))
But that's just a long way for simply writing:
(apply f z)
Is this what you need?
(apply string-append '("a" "b" "c"))
Because anyway that's equivalent to the following:
(string-append "a" "b" "c")
already receives zero or more arguments (at least, that's the case in Racket)
answered Sep 30, 2012 at 3:40
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In addition to Óscar López's answer, you can also make an anonymous function of variable arguments like so:
(lambda args ...)
Where again, inside the lambda
, args
is a list of the arguments passed.