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SuperSocket, an extensible socket application framework


SuperSocket is an extensible socket application framework. You can use it to build a command based server side socket application easily without thinking about how to use socket, how to maintain the socket connections and how socket works(synchronize/asynchronize).

It is a pure C# project which is designed to be extended, so it is easy to be integrated to your existing system. As long as your systems (like forum/CRM/MIS/HRM/ERP) are developed in .NET language, you must be able to use SuperSocket to build your socket application as a part of your current system perfectly.

The source code of SuperSocket also include some service implementation samples which you can follow.

Note: You can not use SuperSocket as production for now because it still is a startup project which may contain lots of issues.

If you have any ideas,questions and suggestions for SuperSocket , please feel free to mail to the author kerry-jiang(at)hotmail.com. Kerry also welcome any body who love this project to join it.



Homepage of SuperSocket : http://supersocket.codeplex.com/

Download page of SuperSocket : http://supersocket.codeplex.com/releases/



