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She donated her life wealth to Nankai


She donated her life wealth to Nankai

From wandering to returning

From inheritance to sowing

Some people say she is one of the few people in China to wear skirts

She inherits the lifeblood of classical poetry for the future

She maintains the roots of Chinese civilization for the world

The sun and the moon become Poems

——Award speech of the 2016 “influence the world Chinese lifelong achievement award”

Recently, a piece of news from Nankai University Alumni Association caused a sensation to the world: Mr. Ye Jiaying, director of the Institute of Chinese classical culture of Nankai University, donated 17.11 million yuan (RMB) to Nankai University this year. In addition, his donation to support the research of traditional Chinese culture has reached 35.68 million yuan.

Many people wonder what kind of mysterious old man this is that he has donated all his property? Her love for traditional Chinese culture has reached such a point? What kind of complex does she have towards Nankai?

Born in a scholarly family, Mr. Ye received traditional education since childhood. She recited ancient poems, Analects of Confucius, and learned Chinese characters, which made her have a preliminary understanding of Chinese traditional culture. After growing up, with a love for classical literature, Ye Jiaying was admitted to the Department of Chinese literature, Furen University, specializing in classical literature. Due to various reasons of that time, Mr. Ye showed that he taught in Taiwan in his early years. Later, he was invited to serve as a visiting professor at Harvard University and Michigan State University in the United States in the 1960s, and later settled in Canada.

She was one of the few Chinese scholars who taught Chinese classical poetry in English at that time. At the end of the 1970s, Ye Jiaying was granted permission to give lectures back home. She used her busy career to give lectures back home every year. Mr. Ye has been engaged in education for more than 70 years. He has taught Chinese classical literature overseas for the longest time, has the largest number of students, achieved the highest achievement and has the greatest influence. In 2016, he was awarded the “life-long Achievement Award for influencing Chinese in the world”.

Mr. Ye Jiaying donated his life-long property only for the development of Chinese traditional culture and the endless vitality of Chinese poetry. A little boy once asked Ye Jiaying what poetry is. Mr. Ye Jiaying asked: can your heart walk? The little boy shook his head. Mr. Ye said with a smile that he asked the boy where his hometown was and whether he would miss his relatives. The little boy said he would often miss his grandparents in the distance. Mr. Ye nodded and said: by the way, missing is the heart walking, and expressing this kind of missing with beautiful language is poetry. This kind of expression not only makes the concept of poetry open to the public, but also makes people feel how beautiful poetry is!

In 1993, Nankai University established the Institute of Chinese classical culture and employed Ye Jiaying as its director. In 2002, Mr. Ye Jiaying was granted a long-term residence permit in China. In 2015, Mr. Jialing University was officially opened for ye yingshe. In Ye Jiaying’s opinion, Nankai made her wish to “serve the country as a scholar and forget Li Du’s soul”.

Ye Jiaying has cultivated a large number of talents of Chinese traditional culture and classical literature. The famous poet Xi Murong is one of her students. Speaking of teacher Ye Jiaying, Xi Murong said: “when Mr. Ye lectured, the power of feeling came out. When she introduced Li Bai, Li Bai was very proud to come out; when she introduced Du Fu’s old poems, Du Fu was really old.”

It is such an old gentleman who loves Chinese ancient poetry culture that Ye Jiaying has made important contributions to the dissemination of Chinese culture. “If it comes to that day, I hope I will fall on the podium, and if there is an afterlife, I will also teach classical poetry.”

Come and see Ye Jiaying’s poetry charm! This is a lotus seed unearthed by archaeologists from the tomb of the Han Dynasty. After careful cultivation, it has sprouted and blossomed miraculously. Ye was deeply touched and wrote the word.

Huanxisha: Lotus for Nankai horseshoe Lake

Again to the long sky over the wild geese, Yuntian character writing Acacia. I’m late when the lotus withers.

Lotus has a heart should not die, life is easy to old dream partial infatuation. Thousands of spring are still waiting for us.



