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[size=medium][/size][size=medium][/size]Mandarax是一个开源Java类库的扣除规则。它提供了一个基础设施的定义,管理和查询法治基础。 Mandarax选择,理由如下:

Mandarax is pure OO, not a translation of a prolog interpreter from c to java. Mandarax是纯粹的面向对象的,而不是一个翻译Prolog语言翻译从C到Java 。 The design is flexible and open, making use of well-known design patterns such as factory , adapter , singleton , strategy and others. 设计是灵活和开放的,利用众所周知的设计模式,如工厂,适配器,单身,战略和其他人。
Mandarax is based on backward reasoning. Mandarax是基于反向推理。 This fits perfectly in a computing landscape based on a pull model (eg a transaction initiated from a web site). 这完全符合在计算景观的基础上拉模式(例如交易开始从一个网站) 。 Data (eg, from relational databases) can be integrated on the fly at query time, no replication is necessary (see the manual for a more detailed discussion of "Mandarax vs. RETE"). 数据(例如,从关系型数据库)可集成的飞行时间查询,复制是没有必要的(见该手册更详细的讨论“ Mandarax与网” ) 。

The easy integration of all kinds of data sources. 易于集成的各种数据源。 Eg, database records can be easily integrated as sets of facts and reflection is used in order to integrate functionality available in the object model. Other data sources (like EJB, data returned by web services etc) can be integrated as well. 例如,数据库记录可以很容易地集成套的事实和反思中使用,以整合功能的对象模型。其他数据来源(如EJB ,传回的数据网络服务等) ,可以集成的。
Mandarax includes a comprehensive library of pre-defined predicates and functions. Mandarax包括一项全面的图书馆预先定义谓词和职能。
Mandarax contains a reference implementation of an inference engine. Mandarax包含一个参考实施的推理引擎。 This engine is very flexible: unification algorithm, loop checking algorithm and selection policy can be configured. 这种发动机是非常灵活:统一算法,环路检测算法和政策选择可配置。
Rule bases can be made persistent using the XKB module. 第基地,可长期使用XKB模块。 This module stored rules and other knowledge in a format similar to RuleML. 此模块存储规则和其他知识的格式类似RuleML 。 The Mandarax team itself is part of the RuleML initiative working on a XML standard for rules. 团队的Mandarax本身的一部分, RuleML倡议制定一项XML标准的规则。 Export and import of RuleML rule bases is supported. 出口和进口RuleML法治基础的支持。
Mandarax is well documented and there are various QA measures in place. Mandarax是有据可查的,并有各种质量保证措施到位。 Events are logged using the apache log4j framework, and there is a re-usable set of test cases for mandarax core functionalities. 事件记录使用阿帕奇log4j框架,并有一个可重复使用的一套测试案例的mandarax核心功能。
Mandarax is free and open source. Mandarax是免费和开源。 The software license used is the GNU lesser general public license, making the software suitable for both open-source and commercial projects. 该软件许可使用的GNU通用公共许可证,使软件适合开源和商业项目。
Mandarax knowledge bases can be queried as relational databases using the mandarax jdbc driver. Mandarax知识基础可查询关系数据库的使用mandarax JDBC驱动程序。

Extensions are available including graphical user interface components (swing and servlet/jsp tag based) and other add-ons. 可扩展,包括图形用户界面组件(挥杆和的servlet / JSP的标记为基础)和其他附加功能。


