I encourage everyone to add / edit this page to make it more useful to others. In this page I have used and linked to other sources. By no means do I claim ownership/credit or anything else about this page, it's simply a collection of information.
First make sure you understand the doctrine related stuff in the official docs The symfony and Doctrine book.
Starting point: A symfony project with a propel/mysql database.
End point same project functioning with Doctrine/mysql database.
The Symfony documentation is pretty good on describing how to start with doctrine: The symfony and Doctrine book. But when you have an existing project there are some caveats.
Before you begin make a good backup of all your code and data! And be sure you know how to get back to your starting point! Check the compatibility of plugins you may have installed. When there are incompatible plugins you cannot do without, converting is not an option. If doctrine compatibility it is not mentioned try it out, and see. Please note some doctrine built in 'tricks', that you may have installed as plugin for Propel:core behaviours and Doctrine extensions
Change the configuration from Propel to Doctrine (the easy part)
Step 1: Enable Doctrine
In order to begin using Doctrine you must first enable it by editing your config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php setup() method to enable sfDoctrinePlugin and disable sfPropelPlugin.
public function setup()
If you prefer to have all plugins enabled by default, you can do the following:
public function setup()
$this->enableAllPluginsExcept(array('sfPropelPlugin', 'sfCompat10Plugin'));
When you want to use a different version of Doctrine than the one that came with your Symfony, follow this guide: Symfony Blog
Step 2: change the project configuration
Run the following command:
./symfony configure:database --name=doctrine --class=sfDoctrineDatabase "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=dbname" user secret
Obviously you need to replace dbname, user and secret with your own database information.
step 3: schema files
We now need to get the propel schema into Doctrine. Assuming your project has an existing database with some (testdata) you use the Doctrine task
$ ./symfony doctrine:build-schema
This will convert the database into a schema.yml in /config/doctrine/. The generated schema.yml will have rather meaningless relation names for your tables when a foreign table is referenced more than once. To keep things meaningful, be sure to go through the schema.yml to change the relation names like these:
local: user_id
foreign: id
type: one
local: updated_by_user_id
foreign: id
type: one
local: deleted_by_user_id
foreign: id
type: one
local: user_id
foreign: id
type: one
local: updated_by_user_id
foreign: id
type: one
local: deleted_by_user_id
foreign: id
type: one
You will use the names of your table relations extensively in Doctrine like this: $article->getDeletedByUser()
With schema.yml in place you can generate all your model/form files like this:
$ ./symfony doctrine:build-model
$ ./symfony doctrine:build-forms
$ ./symfony doctrine:build-filters
When you don't care about your data you can also run "./symfony doctrine:build-all"
the not so easy part: converting propel code to doctrine code
At this point you have a Doctrine database connection to you database, all your models, forms and filters have been rewritten in Doctrine. All your old model/form/filter code is still there''' The new files have been placed in a folder named "doctrine" the respective (lib/...) folders.
step 4: the web folder
You are now ready to remove the sfPropelPlugin folder from your /web folder. After that, we have to create a "sfDoctrinePlugin" folder in /web. on *nix you can link to /lib/vendor/symfony/lib/plugins/sfDoctrinePlugin/web by typing (from your project root):
$ ln -s lib/vendor/symfony/lib/plugins/sfDoctrinePlugin/web web/sfDoctrinePlugin
on Windows you need to create the "web/sfDoctrinePlugin" folder and copy the contents of "lib/vendor/symfony/lib/plugins/sfDoctrinePlugin/web" into it.
step 5: Model classes
This is a case of rewriting all the Propel code into Doctrine code. Be sure to read the information in chapter 6 so you know how to retrieve and modify data in Doctrine language. Obviously every project has it's own business logic, but I will state an example.
public function getAverageRating()
$c = new Criteria;
$c->addSelectColumn('avg(' . RatingPeer::RATING . ')');
$c->add(RatingPeer::ID, $this->getId());
$stmt = RatingPeer::doSelectStmt($c);
$average = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
if(array_key_exists(0, $average)) {
return floatval($average[0]);
return 0;
public function getAverageRating()
$q = Doctrine_Query::create()
->select('AVG(i.rating) AS rating_avg')
->from('Rating i')
->where(' = ?', $this->getId());
$average = $q->fetchOne();
return $average['rating_avg'];
Be careful when you're retrieving data from your models in your actions etc - in Propel, you could retrieve related models by:
Doing this in Doctrine will return an empty Doctrine record if the related record doesn't exist. If you have validation set up on the related model, then doing something similar to the following will fail:
$obj = $myModel;
$related = $myModel->getRelatedModel();
$obj->field = "data";
Doctrine will try and save the related model's empty record, which will cause validation to fail. Use the Doctrine method of retrieving data:
$obj = $myModel;
$related = $myModel->RelatedModel;
$obj->field = "data";
which won't create an empty record.
step 6: Form classes
The form classes will have things like "sfWidgetFormPropelChoiceMany" in them. Just a matter of doing search/replace of the word "Propel" with the word "Doctrine". I also had some "sfWidgetFormPropelChoice" in there with a Criteria added to filter the choices. You need to change that to be an instance of "Doctrine_Query". You obviously have to change your model method to return this Doctrine_Query instead of the Criteria it did before. forex crescendo review
In the following examples "$customerCriteria" and "$customerQuery" are not magic methods, you need to set these somewhere before in your form class!
'type_id' => new sfValidatorPropelChoice(array('model' => 'Type', 'column' => 'id', 'criteria' => $customerCriteria)),
'type_id' => new sfValidatorDoctrineChoice(array('model' => 'Type', 'column' => 'id', 'query' => $customerQuery)),
step 7: admin generator
The admin generator in propel used a propel class to generate your admins:
class: sfPropelGenerator
model_class: Brand
theme: admin
You need to change these to Doctrine like so:
class: sfDoctrineGenerator
model_class: Brand
theme: admin
To test if it works be sure to run ./symfony cc first (also in 'dev' environment)!
Naturally when you have untouched admin modules you can just regenerate them from the CLI.
step 8: routing
In my routing.yml I had some references to the
class: sfPropelRouteCollection
they cannot be found now so they need to be changed to:
class: sfDoctrineRouteCollection
Make sure the case of all references is correct since you generated the model from the database, UpperCase? may have changed into lowerCase.
Last step: Cleanup
You should make sure all the Propel form/filter/model classes are out of the way of the auto-loading mechanism. Since the 'developer-defined' classes are called the same and are in a lower hierarchical part of the folder structure, Symfony will take those first and ignore the Doctrine classes!