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Houdini 学习文档 -VEX-编译器Vcc


Vex compiler (vcc) Vex 编译器

Overview of how to use the VEX language compiler vcc and its pre-processor and pragma statements.


The vcc compiler compiles VEX source code into a form executable by Houdini. The VEX compiler (vcc) is capable of compiling VEX code, generating dialog scripts for VEX functions, and also giving quick help by listing the global variables and functions available in any given context.


Command-line options 命令行选项


Most options have a short and a long form. The long form is shown in square brackets after the short form.


-h [--help]

Show help message for the compiler. 显示编译器的帮助消息。

Compiler options 编译器选项

-o [--vex-output] [file|-]

Specify that a VEX code output is required. If the filename given is 'stdout', then the output will be printed to the console. If none of --hda-output--otl-output, or --ds-output are specified, this option is implied. By default the output filename is constructed from the context function. If no context function is defined, then the input filename is used as a base. If multiple input files are given, then the filename argument will be ignored, and the output filename constructed from the aforementioned rules.


-d [--compile-all]

Compile all functions into the VEX code, even if they're not used by the context function, either directly or indirectly. This option is useful for doing syntax checking on include files.


-z [--no-optimize]

Generate unoptimized VEX code. 生成未优化的VEX代码。

-V [--no-version-id]

Don’t embed a Houdini version identifier in the VEX code. 不要在VEX代码中嵌入Houdini版本标识符。

Preprocessor options 预处理器选项

-E [--parse-only]

Only parse the input files to the standard output. No compilation will take place.


-D [--define] name[=value]

Define a macro for the pre-processor. If no value is given with the name, the name is defined as 1.


-I [--include-dir] path

Add the path specified to the include path (the list of directories search for files referenced by the #include directive to the pre-processor). The standard Houdini include path is under vex/include.

将指定的路径添加到include路径(在预处理程序中搜索#include指令引用的文件的目录列表)。标准的Houdini include路径位于vex/include之下。

Diagnostic options 诊断选项

-w id[,id...]

Suppress printing of certain warnings and information messages. wlist is a comma-separated list of warning numbers to suppress.


-F [--Werror]

Treat all non-suppressed warnings as errors.


-e [--Werror-output] file

Redirect all diagnostic output to the filename given, rather than print them to the standard error output.


-q [--Wno-info]

Suppress informational messages. 禁止信息消息

-Q [--Werror-only]

Suppress informational and warning messages. Overrides --Wno-info. 禁止信息和警告消息。覆盖——Wno-info。

--fmessage-limit <N>

Set a maximum number of messages that will be printed before stopping. Set to 0 (the default) for no limit.


VEX Context options VEX上下文选项

-c [--context] name

If no context function is defined, this can be used to specify which VEX context to use when compiling the source(s).


-X [--list-context] context

Print out global variables and function signatures defined for the given VEX context. The argument value of contexts can be used to list all available VEX contexts.


Asset options 资源选项

-L [--hda-append] [file|-]

Append a digital asset generated from the VEX source to the specified operator type library file. If the file doesn’t exist, it will be created.


-l [--hda-output] [file|-]

Write a digital asset definition for the context function to the specified operator type library file. If the library file already exists, it will be overwritten.


-K [--hda-vex-section] name

Store the generated VEX code in the given section name in the HDA, rather than the standard section name for the given VEX context.


-a [--hda-dialog-script] file

Use the parameter definitions in the given file instead of the ones automatically generated from the VEX source. The dialog script’s operator definition will still be taken from the VEX source.


-U [--hda-dialog-script-only]

Only embed the dialog script into the OTL. No VEX code will be added.


-n [--op-name] name

Use the given name as the name for the operator. This overrides any #pragma opname statement in the code.

使用给定的名称作为操作符的名称。这将覆盖代码中的任何#pragma opname语句。

-S [--op-script-name] name

Use the given name as the script name for the operator. This overrides any #pragma opscript statement in the code.

使用给定的名称作为操作符的脚本名称。这将覆盖代码中的任何#pragma opscript语句。

-N [--op-label] name

Use the given name as the UI label for the operator. This overides any #pragma oplabel statement in the code.

使用给定的名称作为操作符的UI标签。这将覆盖代码中的任何#pragma oplabel语句。

-C [--op-icon] name

Use the given name as the icon to use for the operator. This overides any #pragma opicon statement in the code.

使用给定的名称作为操作符使用的图标。这将覆盖代码中的任何#pragma opicon语句。

-t [--op-min-inputs] N

Set the minimum number of inputs for the operator. This overides any #pragma opmininputs statement in the code. The minimum input value will be adjusted to fit the operator type being generated.

设置操作符的最小输入数。这将覆盖代码中的任何#pragma opmininput语句。最小输入值将被调整以适合正在生成的操作符类型。

-T [--op-max-inputs] N

Set the maximum number of inputs for the operator. This overides any #pragma opmaxinputs statement in the code. The maximum input value will be adjusted to fit the operator type being generated.

设置操作符的最大输入数。这将覆盖代码中的任何#pragma opmaxinputs语句。最大输入值将被调整以适合正在生成的操作符类型。

Dialog Script options对话框脚本选项

-u [--ds-output] [file|-]

Write a dialog script to the filename given. As with --vex-output and --hda-output, if multiple input files are given, then the filename given is ignored and the output filename automatically constructed from either the context function name, or the input filename, if no context function is defined.


Pre-processor 预处理程序

The compiler has a pre-processor which strips comments, reads include files, and expands macros.


The pre-processor supports many of the usual C Pre-Processor directives:


#define name token-string

Replace subsequent uses of name with token-string. 将名称的后续使用替换为令牌字符串。

#define name(arg,...,arg) token-string

Replace subsequent instances of name with token-string. Each argument to name is replaced in token-string during expansion.


#undef name

"Undefine" the macro so subsequent uses of name are not expanded. “Undefine”宏,因此名称的后续使用不会展开。

#include "filename"

Inserts the contents of the file at this point in the source code. When you use quotes, the directory containing the current file is searched for filename before the standard locations (including the path).


#ifdef name

The following lines until the next #endif or else directive will be compiled if and only if name is a defined macro.


#ifndef name

The lines following will be compiled if and only if name is not a defined macro.


#if constant-expr

The following lines until the next #endif or #else directive will be compiled if and only if constant-expr evaluates to non-zero.


The expression can use the following operators:



  • Comparisons (==!=<=>=<>)

  • Logical AND (&&), OR (||), and NOT (!).

  • Bitwise AND (&), OR (|), exclusive OR (^), and NOT (~).

  • Arithmetic (+-*/%).

  • Parentheses. 圆括号

The expression can also use the following functions:



Returns 1 if the name is a defined macro, or 0 if it is not. 如果名称是定义的宏,则返回1;如果不是,则返回0。

#if defined(foo) && defined(fum)


Returns 1 if name is a defined environment variable. 如果name是定义的环境变量,则返回1。


Returns 1 if filename can be read by the application, or 0 if the file cannot be read.


#if access("/etc/passwd")
#include </etc/passwd>

strcmp(str1, str2)

Works the same as the C/C++ function of the same name, if the two strings have the same contents, the function returns 0. Each argument should be a quoted string or a macro that expands to a quoted string.

工作原理与同名的C/ c++函数相同,如果两个字符串的内容相同,函数返回0。每个参数都应该是一个带引号的字符串或一个扩展为带引号字符串的宏。

#define VALUE "foo"
#if strcmp(VALUE, "bar") != 0
This statement is false since "foo" != "bar"
#if !strcmp(VALUE, "foo")
This statement is TRUE since strcmp("foo", "bar") == 0

Expressions are evaluated from left to right (unlike the ANSI C standard of right to left). As with the ANSI pre-procssor, all numbers must be integers.

表达式从左到右求值(不像ANSI C标准的从右到左求值)。与ANSI预处理器一样,所有的数字都必须是整数。


The following lines until the next #endif directive will be compiled if and only if the previous #if directive evaluated to zero.



Marks the end of a section of conditional code. Every test directive must have a matching #endif.


#pragma ...

Specifies extended language features. See the list of pragmas. 指定扩展语言特性。参见pragmas列表。

Predefined macros 预定义的宏

The following macros are pre-defined:  以下宏是预先定义的:


This symbol is always defined. You can use this in an if pre-processor directive to check that the program is being compiled by vcc.



The major version number of the compiler. 编译器的主要版本号。


The minor version number of the compiler. 编译器的副版本号。


The build version number of the compiler. 编译器的生成版本号。


The patch version number of the compiler. 编译器的补丁版本号。


The current line number of the source file. 源文件的当前行号。


The file being compiled. 正在编译的文件。


The current date (as a quoted string). Example: "Dec 31 1999" 当前日期(作为引用字符串)。例子:“一九九九年十二月三十一日”


The current time (as a quoted string). Example: "23:59:59" 当前时间(作为引用字符串)。例如:“23:59:59”

printf("Starting shader %s at %s", __FILE__, __DATE__);