XMMS2 is a different program to XMMS.
It's more like MPD than it is like XMMS.
XMMS = X MultiMedia System
XMMS2 = X Music Multiplexing System
This error happens when there is already an instance of xmms2d running, and you try to start another. Make sure there isn't already one running before trying again.
runji@robot-Lenovo:~$ xmms2d
INFO: ../src/xmms/log.c:49: Initialized logging system :)
15:41:00 ERROR: ../src/xmms/ipc.c:805: Couldn't setup IPC listening on 'unix:///tmp/xmms-ipc-runji'.
15:41:00 FATAL: ../src/xmms/main.c:538: IPC failed to init!
runji@robot-Lenovo:~$ xmms2-launcher -v
Log output will be stored in /home/runji/.cache/xmms2/xmms2d.log.
xmms2-launcher: startup of xmms2d failed!
qbo log:
* /qbo_webi/server_port解决之後: 解决办法就是加了XMMS_PATH路径。同时在/tmp/中删除原来的那个xmms-ipc-runji。
core service [/rosout] found
/opt/ros/groovy/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/roslib/packages.py:447: UnicodeWarning: Unicode equal comparison failed to convert both arguments to Unicode - interpreting them as being unequal
if resource_name in files:
process[qbo_webi-1]: started with pid [8156]
process[qbo_video_record-2]: started with pid [8165]
[ INFO] [1422434616.909402595]: Waiting Server
Diccionario: {'rightMotor': True, 'Accelerometer': True, 'SRFAddress': (), 'LCD': True, 'Total': False, 'SRFcount': 0, 'SRFNotFound': (224, 226, 228, 230), 'leftMotor': True, 'Qboard2': True, 'Qboard3': False, 'Gyroscope': True, 'Qboard1': True}
INFO: ../src/xmms/log.c:49: Initialized logging system :)
16:43:40 INFO: ../src/xmms/ipc.c:817: IPC listening on 'unix:///tmp/xmms-ipc-runji'.
16:43:41 INFO: ../src/xmms/main.c:561: Using output plugin: pulse
[28/Jan/2015:16:43:41] ENGINE Listening for SIGHUP.
[28/Jan/2015:16:43:41] ENGINE Listening for SIGTERM.
[28/Jan/2015:16:43:41] ENGINE Listening for SIGUSR1.
[28/Jan/2015:16:43:41] ENGINE Bus STARTING