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现代大学英语精读第二版(第一册)学习笔记(原文及全文翻译)——5B - The Nightingale(夜莺)


Unit 5B - The Nightingale

The Nightingale

Hans Christian Andersen

You know, of course, that in China the Emperor is Chinese, and all the people around him are Chinese too. It happened a good many years ago, but that's just why it's worthwhile to hear the story, before it is forgotten. The Emperor's palace was the most splendid in the world; entirely and altogether made of porcelain, so costly, but so brittle, that one had to be terribly careful. In the garden were to be seen the strangest flowers, and to the most splendid of them silver bells were tied, which tinkled so that nobody should pass by without noticing the flowers. Oh, the Emperor's garden had been laid out very smartly, and it extended so far that the gardener himself didn't know where the end was. If you went on and on, you came into the loveliest forest with high trees and deep lakes. The forest went right down to the sea, which was blue and deep; tall ships could sail right in under the branches of the trees; and in the trees lived a Nightingale, which sang so sweetly that even the poor fisherman, who had many other things to do, stopped still and listened when he had gone out at night to take up his nets and then heard the Nightingale.

"Dear me, isn't that nice!" he said; but he had to attend to his business and forgot the bird. But the next night when the bird sang again, he said the same thing, "Dear me, isn't that very nice!" From all the countries of the world, travelers came to the city of the Emperor and admired it and the palace and the garden, but when they heard the Nightingale, they said, "That is the best of all!"

And the travelers told about it when they came home, and the learned men wrote many books about the city, the palace, and the garden. But the Nightingale was placed highest of all.

The books went through all the world, and a few of them once came to the Emperor. He sat in his golden chair, and read, and read. Every moment he nodded his head, for it pleased him to read the splendid descriptions of the city, the palace, and the garden. "But the Nightingale is the best of all," it stood written there.

"What's that?" said the Emperor.

"The Nightingale! Is there such a bird in my own garden? I've never heard of that."

And then he called his cavalier.

"They tell me that we have here a highly remarkable bird called a Nightingale!" said the Emperor.

"They say it is the best thing in all my great empire. Why haven't I ever been told about this?"

"I have never before heard anybody mention it," said the cavalier.

"I command that it shall appear this evening and sing before me," said the Emperor.

So the cavalier ran up and down all the stairs, through halls and corridors, but no one he met had ever heard of the Nightingale. And the cavalier ran back to the Emperor and said that it must be a fable invented by the writers.

"Your Majesty mustn't believe the things people write; it's nothing but lies and something called the black art!"

"But the book," said the Emperor, "was sent to me by the Emperor of Japan, and therefore it cannot be a lie. I will hear the Nightingale! It must be here this evening! And if it does not come, the whole court will be punched on the stomach!"

"Tsing-pe!" said the cavalier, and again he ran up and down all the stairs and through all the halls and corridors, and half the court ran with him, because they didn't like being punched on the stomach.

At last they met a poor little girl in the kitchen, who said: "Heavens, yes, the Nightingale? I know it very well; yes, it certainly can sing! Every evening when I walk back home and am tired and rest in the wood, then I hear the Nightingale sing. And then the tears come into my eyes, and it is just as if my mother kissed me!"

"Little kitchen maid," said the cavalier, "I will get you a permanent appointment in the kitchen, with permission to see the Emperor dine, if you will lead us to the Nightingale."

So they all went out into the wood; half the court went along. When they were in the midst of their journey, a cow began to low.

"Oh!" said all the court cavaliers, "there it is! That's really a remarkable power in so small a creature!"

"No, those are cows lowing!” said the little kitchen maid. "We are a long way from the place yet."

Now the frogs began to croak in the pool.

"Glorious!" said the court preacher. "Now I can hear it—it sounds just like little church bells."

"No, those are frogs," said the little kitchen maid. "But now I think we shall soon hear it."

And then the Nightingale began to sing.

"That is it!" said the little girl. "Listen, listen! And it's sitting there!"

And she pointed to a little gray bird up in the boughs.

"Is it possible?" said the cavalier. "I should never have thought it looked like that! How plain it looks! I suppose it lost its color at seeing so many aristocratic visitors."

"Little Nightingale!" called the little kitchen maid, quite loudly, "our gracious Emperor would so like you to sing for him."

"With the greatest pleasure!" said the Nightingale. So the little bird flew to the palace.

In the palace everything was wonderfully fixed up. The walls and the flooring, which were of porcelain, gleamed in the rays of thousands of golden lamps. The loveliest flowers, those that tinkled best, had been placed in the passages.

In the midst of the great hall, where the Emperor sat, a golden perch had been placed, on which the Nightingale was to sit. The whole court was there, and the little kitchen maid had been allowed to stand behind the door, as she had now received the title of a Regular Cook. All were in full dress, and all looked at the little gray bird, to which the Emperor nodded.

And the Nightingale sang so beautifully that the tears came into the Emperor's eyes, and, the tears ran down over his cheeks, and then the Nightingale sang still more sweetly, so that its song went straight to the heart. The Emperor was so pleased that he said the Nightingale should have his golden slipper to wear around its neck. But the Nightingale thanked him and said it had already had reward enough.

"I have seen tears in the Emperor's eyes—there is no richer treasure for me." And then it sang again with its marvelously sweet voice. That night the Nightingale had a real success.

It was now to remain at court, to have its own cage, with liberty to go out twice every day and once at night. Twelve servants came along when the Nightingale went out, each of whom had a silken string fastened to the bird's leg, which they held very tight.

The whole city spoke of the remarkable bird, and eleven grocers' children were named after the bird, but not one of them could sing a note.

One day the Emperor received a large parcel, on which was written "The Nightingale".

It was a little work of art, lying in a box, an artificial nightingale, which was decorated with diamonds, rubies, and sapphires. When it was wound up, it could sing one of the pieces that the real bird sang, and then its tail moved up and down, and glittered with silver and gold.

"Isn't that lovely?" they all said. It made just as much of a hit as the real one, and it was much handsomer to look at.

Three-and-thirty times over, it sang the same piece; still it was not tired. The people would gladly have heard it again, but the Emperor said that the living Nightingale ought to sing something now.

But where was it? No one had noticed that it had flown away out of the open window, back to the greenwood.

And all the courtiers scolded the Nightingale and declared that it was a very ungrateful creature." We have the best bird, after all," they said.

And so the artificial bird had to sing again, and that was the thirty-fourth piece, but still they didn't know it quite by heart, for it was so very difficult. And the music master praised the bird very highly; yes, he declared that it was better than the real Nightingale, not only with regard to its plumage and the many beautiful diamonds, but inside as well.

The real Nightingale was banished from the country. The artificial bird had its place on a silken cushion close to the Emperor's bed; all the presents it had received, gold and precious stones, lay around it; in title it had advanced to be the High Imperial Night-Table-Singer.

So a whole year went by. The Emperor, the court, and all the other Chinese knew every little gurgle in the artificial bird's song by heart. And that was just why they liked it.

But one evening, when the artificial bird was singing its best, and the Emperor lay in bed listening to it, something inside the bird said "Whizz!" Something cracked and then the music stopped.

The Emperor jumped out of bed right away and sent for his own doctor; but what could he do? Then they sent for a watchmaker, and after a good deal of talking and looking, the bird was put into something like order; but the watchmaker said that the bird must be carefully treated, for the pivots were worn. There was great lamentation; only once in a year was it permitted to let the bird sing.

Now five years had gone by, and a real grief came on the whole nation. The Chinese did, after all, like their Emperor very much, and now he was ill, and they said he couldn't live much longer. Already a new Emperor had been chosen, and the people stood out in the street and asked the cavalier how their old Emperor was.

"Poo!" he said, and shook his head.

Cold and pale, the Emperor lay in his big gorgeous bed; the whole court thought him dead, and each one ran to bow to the new Emperor. But the Emperor was not dead yet; stiff and pale, he lay on the gorgeous bed with the long velvet curtains and the heavy gold tassels; high up, a window stood open, and the moon shone in on the Emperor and the artificial bird.

The poor Emperor could scarcely breathe; it was just as if something sat on his chest, and had put on his crown, and held in one hand the Emperor's gold sword, and in the other his beautiful banner.

And all around, from the folds of the big velvet bed curtains, strange heads peered forth; some ugly, others lovely. These were all the Emperor's bad and good deeds looking at him now that Death sat on his heart.

"Do you remember this?" whispered one after the other. "Do you remember that?" Then they told him so much that the sweat ran from his forehead.

"I never knew that!" said the Emperor. "Music! Music! The big Chinese drum!" he called, "so that I won't hear everything they say!"

And they kept on.

"Music! Music!" cried the Emperor. "My blessed little golden bird, sing, sing! I have given you gold and costly presents; I have even hung my golden slipper around your neck—sing now, sing!"vBut the bird stood still; no one was there to wind it up, and it couldn't sing without that; but Death kept on looking at the Emperor with his great hollow eyes, and all was so still, so terribly still.

Just then the loveliest song sounded close by the window. It was the little live Nightingale that sat outside on a spray. It had heard of the Emperor's danger and had come to sing to him of comfort and hope.

And as it sang, the specters grew paler and paler; the blood ran quicker and quicker through the Emperor's weak body, and even Death listened and said:

"Go on, little Nightingale, go on!"

"But will you give me that splendid golden sword? Will you give me that rich banner? Will you give me the Emperor's crown?"

And Death gave up each treasure for a song. And the Nightingale sang on and on, and it sang of the quiet churchyard where the white roses grow, where the elder blossom smells sweet, and where the fresh grass is moistened by the tears of survivors. Then Death felt a longing for his garden and floated like a cold white mist out of the window.

"I thank you, thank you!" said the Emperor. "You heavenly little bird! I know you well. I drove you from my country, and yet you have sung away the evil faces from my bed, and taken Death from my heart! How can I reward you?"

"You have rewarded me!" said the Nightingale. "I have drawn tears from your eyes, when I sang the first time—I shall never forget that. Those are the jewels that do a singer's heart good. But now sleep and grow fresh and strong again. I will sing for you."

And it sang, and the Emperor fell into a sweet sleep. Oh, how mild and refreshing that sleep was!

The sun shone on him through the windows when he woke up strong and well; not one of his servants had come back yet, for they all thought he was dead; only the Nightingale still sat beside him and sang.

"You must always stay with me," said the Emperor. "You shall sing only when you please, and I'll break the artificial bird into a thousand pieces."

"Don't do that," said the Nightingale. "It did as well as it could; keep it as you have done till now. I cannot live in the palace, but let me come when I want to; then I will sit in the evening on the branch there by the window and sing you something, so that you may be glad and thoughtful at once. I will sing of those who are happy and of those who suffer. I will sing of the good and the evil that people hide around you. The little singing bird flies far around, to the poor fisherman, to the peasant's roof, to everyone who dwells far away from you and your court. I will sing to you—but one thing you must promise me."

"Everything! Anything!" said the Emperor, and he stood there in his imperial robes, which he had put on himself, and pressed the sword which was heavy with gold to his heart.

"One thing I beg of you: tell no one that you have a little bird who tells you everything. Then things will be even better."

And the Nightingale flew away.

The servants came in to look at their dead Emperor, and一well, there they were, and the Emperor said "Good morning!"





“我的天,唱得多么美啊! ”他说。但是他不得不去做他的工作,所以只好把这鸟儿忘掉。不过第二天晚上,这鸟儿又唱起来了。渔夫听到歌声的时候,不禁又同样地说,“我的天,唱得多么美啊! ” 来自世上各国的旅行者们来到了皇帝所在的城市,他们都很羡慕这座城市、宫殿和花园。但当他们听了夜莺的歌声时,都说:“这可是世上最棒的东西了。”

当他们回到家时,就谈论起这事,有学问的人就写了很多关于这座城市、宫殿和花园的书。 但是却把夜莺排在了首位。


皇帝说:“这是什么意思? ”




他们说这是我伟大的王国里最好的东西。为什么从没有人告诉过我呢? ”




“陛下,您不应相信人们所写的东西,这全是谎言和巫术啊! ”





























就这样,这只人造的鸟不得不再次唱歌了,这已经是第34遍了,但人们仍然没有牢记下来, 因为太难了。音乐大师高度评价了这只鸟,不管是它的羽毛以及那么多的美丽的钻石,还是它的内部构造,都比那只真夜莺好得多。



但有一天晚上,这只人造鸟正卖力地唱着,皇帝躺在床上听着,这只鸟的体内发出“咝”的 —声。什么东西“噼啪”一声响,然后音乐就停下了。














“不过,你愿意给我那把美丽的金剑吗?你愿意给我那面华贵的令旗吗?你愿意给我那顶皇帝的王冠吗? ”


“多谢,多谢!”皇帝说。“你这小小的神鸟!我现在懂你了。我把你从这个国家赶走,而你却用歌声帮我驱走了床边的恶魔,内心的死神。我将用什么来报答你呢? ”










Key Words:

brittle      ['britl]     

adj. 易碎的,敏感的,尖利的,冷淡的

costly      ['kɔstli]   

adj. 昂贵的,代价高的

worthwhile     ['wə:θ'wail]    

adj. 值得(做)的

porcelain ['pɔ:slin] 

n. 瓷器,瓷

extended              [iks'tendid]    

adj. 延续的,广大的,扩大范围的 动词extend的

haven     ['heivn]  

n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

remarkable    [ri'mɑ:kəbl]    

adj. 显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的\

command      [kə'mɑ:nd]    

n. 命令,指挥,控制

v. 命令,指挥,支配

kitchen   ['kitʃin]   

n. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间

fable       ['feibl]    

n. 寓言

permission     [pə'miʃən]     

n. 同意,许可,允许

kitchen   ['kitʃin]   

n. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间

cow [kau]      

n. 母牛,母兽

vt. 恐吓

croak      [krəuk]   

v. 嗄嗄叫,发牢骚,死 n. 嗄嗄声,哇哇声

permanent     ['pə:mənənt]  

adj. 永久的,持久的

n. 烫发

remarkable    [ri'mɑ:kəbl]    

adj. 显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的

plain       [plein]    

n. 平原,草原

kitchen   ['kitʃin]   

n. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间

perch      [pə:tʃ]     

n. 栖木,高位,杆 v. 栖息,就位,位于

porcelain        ['pɔ:slin] 

n. 瓷器,瓷

remarkable    [ri'mɑ:kəbl]    

adj. 显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的

spoke     [spəuk]  

v. 说,说话,演说

artificial   [.ɑ:ti'fiʃəl]

adj. 人造的,虚伪的,武断的

string      [striŋ]     

n. 线,一串,字串

vt. 串起,成串,收紧

parcel     ['pɑ:sl]   

n. 包裹,一块(土地),部分

artificial   [.ɑ:ti'fiʃəl]

adj. 人造的,虚伪的,武断的

imperial  [im'piəriəl]     

adj. 帝国(王)的,至尊的,特大的

advanced       [əd'vɑ:nst]     

adj. 高级的,先进的

precious ['preʃəs] 

adj. 宝贵的,珍贵的,矫揉造作的

artificial   [.ɑ:ti'fiʃəl]

adj. 人造的,虚伪的,武断的

banner   ['bænə]  

n. 旗帜,横幅,大标题

adj. 特别好的,


adj. 被允许的 v. 允许(permit的过去分词)

sword     [sɔ:d]     

n. 剑,刀

grief        [gri:f]     

n. 悲痛,忧伤

bow        [bau]     

n. 弓

n. 鞠躬,蝴蝶结,船头

stiff  [stif]

adj. 硬的,僵直的,生硬的,拘谨的,不灵活的

comfort  ['kʌmfət]

n. 舒适,安逸,安慰,慰藉

vt. 安慰,使

hollow    ['hɔləu]   

n. 洞,窟窿,山谷

adj. 空的,虚伪的,

costly      ['kɔstli]   

adj. 昂贵的,代价高的

drum      [drʌm]   

n. 鼓,鼓声,鼓状物

vi. 击鼓,连续敲击

sweat      [swet]    

n. 汗,汗水

longing   ['lɔŋiŋ]   

n. 渴望,憧憬 adj. 渴望的

blossom ['blɔsəm]

n. 花,开花,全盛期

vi. 开花,成长

banner   ['bænə]  

n. 旗帜,横幅,大标题

adj. 特别好的,

mist        [mist]     

n. 雾,迷蒙,朦胧不清

vt. 使 ...

mild        [maild]   

adj. 温和的,柔和的

sword     [sɔ:d]     

n. 剑,刀

branch    [brɑ:ntʃ] 

n. 分支,树枝,分店,分部

v. 分支,分岔

imperial  [im'piəriəl]     

adj. 帝国(王)的,至尊的,特大的

sword     [sɔ:d]     

n. 剑,刀

artificial   [.ɑ:ti'fiʃəl]

adj. 人造的,虚伪的,武断的

thoughtful     ['θɔ:tful] 

adj. 深思的,体贴的


  1. 现代大学英语精读(第2版)第一册:U5B 夜莺(1)_大学教材听力 - 可可英语
  2. 现代大学英语精读(第2版)第一册:U5B 夜莺(2)_大学教材听力 - 可可英语
  3. 现代大学英语精读(第2版)第一册:U5B 夜莺(3)_大学教材听力 - 可可英语
  4. 现代大学英语精读(第2版)第一册:U5B 夜莺(4)_大学教材听力 - 可可英语
  5. 现代大学英语精读(第2版)第一册:U5B 夜莺(5)_大学教材听力 - 可可英语
  6. 现代大学英语精读(第2版)第一册:U5B 夜莺(6)_大学教材听力 - 可可英语
  7. 现代大学英语精读(第2版)第一册:U5B 夜莺(7)_大学教材听力 - 可可英语
  8. 现代大学英语精读(第2版)第一册:U5B 夜莺(8)_大学教材听力 - 可可英语
  9. 现代大学英语精读(第2版)第一册:U5B 夜莺(9)_大学教材听力 - 可可英语
  10. 现代大学英语精读(第2版)第一册:U5B 夜莺(10)_大学教材听力 - 可可英语

现代大学英语精读(第2版)第一册:U5B 夜莺(11)_大学教材听力 - 可可英语
