[root@localhost ~]# cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ [root@localhost yum.repos.d]# ls bak2022-04-06 centoss.repo ##centoss.repo可在百度复制清华源的内容 [root@localhost ~]# yum clean all 已加载插件:fastestmirror 正在清理软件源: base extras updates Cleaning up list of fastest mirrors Other repos take up 40 M of disk space (use --verbose for details) [root@localhost ~]# yum makecache 已加载插件:fastestmirror Determining fastest mirrors ##配置完成 ##安装依赖 [root@localhost ~]# yum -y install gcc-c++ [root@localhost ~]# yum -y install gcc [root@localhost ~]# yum -y install openssl* [root@localhost ~]# yum -y install wget [root@localhost ~]# yum -y install make
##创建安装mysql目录 [root@localhost ~]# mkdir mysql5 [root@localhost ~]# cd mysql5/ [root@localhost mysql5]# ls mysql-5.7.29-1.el7.x86_64.rpm-bundle.tar ##解压 [root@localhost mysql5]# tar -xvf mysql-5.7.29-1.el7.x86_64.rpm-bundle.tar ##安装 [root@localhost mysql5]# yum -y localinstall *.rpm ##启动 [root@localhost mysql5]# systemctl start mysqld ##查看初始密码 [root@localhost ~]# cat /var/log/mysqld.log | grep password 2022-04-06T09:51:43.429969Z 1 [Note] A temporary password is generated for root@localhost: w%>J_WG(x6ig ##修改密码 mysql> alter user 'root'@'localhost' identified by 'Asd@123!'; mysql> flush privileges; ##进入/usr/local/目录 [root@localhost ~]# cd /usr/local/ [root@localhost local]# ls bin etc games go include lib lib64 libexec nginx redis-4.0.6.tar.gz sbin share src ##解压 [root@localhost local]# tar -zxvf redis-4.0.6.tar.gz [root@localhost local]# cd redis-4.0.6/ [root@localhost redis-4.0.6]# ls 00-RELEASENOTES BUGS CONTRIBUTING COPYING deps INSTALL Makefile MANIFESTO runtest runtest-cluster runtest-sentinel sentinel.conf src tests utils ##编译&&安装 [root@localhost redis-4.0.6]# make && make install #如果要安装到指定目录,make PREFIX=绝对路径 install [root@localhost redis-4.0.6]# cd .. ##拷贝redis.conf到redis 的启动目录下 [root@localhost redis-4.0.6]# cp redis.conf ../bin/ [root@localhost redis-4.0.6]# cd ../bin/ ##修改为后台运行 [root@localhost bin]# vim redis.conf #修改daemonize no 为 yes daemonize yes ##启动 [root@localhost bin]# ./redis-server redis.conf ##切换目录到/usr/local [root@localhost ~]# cd /usr/local/ ##安装prometheus [root@localhost local]# tar -zxvf prometheus-2.34.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz ##重命名目录 [root@localhost local]# mv prometheus-2.34.0.linux-amd64 prometheus ##启动(默认端口9090) [root@localhost local]# cd prometheus/ [root@localhost prometheus]# nohup ./prometheus --config.file=prometheus.yml --enable-feature=remote-write-receiver & ##注意:如果你的9090端口被占用的话,--web.listen-address= 这个启动参数来修改
##创建安装目录 [root@localhost ~]# cd /usr/local/ [root@localhost local]# mkdir n9e [root@localhost local]# cd n9e/ ##解压 [root@localhost n9e]# tar -zxvf n9e-5.5.0_.tar.gz [root@localhost n9e]# ls docker etc n9e pub ##导入sql [root@localhost n9e]# cd docker/initsql/ [root@localhost initsql]# ls a-n9e.sql b-ibex.sql c-init.sql [root@localhost initsql]# mysql -uroot -pAsd@123! < a-n9e.sql ##分别修改server.conf和webapi.conf配置与mysql密码一样 [root@localhost initsql]# cd ../../etc/ [root@localhost etc]# vim server.conf #Password = "1234" 改为 "Asd@123!" [root@localhost etc]# vim webapi.conf #Password = "1234" 改为 "Asd@123!" ##启动(server默认端口为19000,webapi默认端口为18000) [root@localhost etc]# cd .. [root@localhost n9e]# nohup ./n9e server > server.log & [root@localhost n9e]# nohup ./n9e webapi > webapi.log &
##shell脚本安装(在线安装) [root@localhost local]# vim #!/bin/sh version=1.20.4 tarball=telegraf-${version}_linux_amd64.tar.gz wget$tarball tar xzvf $tarball mkdir -p /opt/telegraf cp -far telegraf-${version}/usr/bin/telegraf /opt/telegraf cat <<EOF > /opt/telegraf/telegraf.conf [global_tags] [agent] interval = "10s" round_interval = true metric_batch_size = 1000 metric_buffer_limit = 10000 collection_jitter = "0s" flush_interval = "10s" flush_jitter = "0s" precision = "" hostname = "" omit_hostname = false [[outputs.opentsdb]] host = "" #如果是在被监控端部署,这里的IP写server端 port = 19000 http_batch_size = 50 http_path = "/opentsdb/put" debug = false separator = "_" [[inputs.cpu]] percpu = true totalcpu = true collect_cpu_time = false report_active = true [[inputs.disk]] ignore_fs = ["tmpfs", "devtmpfs", "devfs", "iso9660", "overlay", "aufs", "squashfs"] [[inputs.diskio]] [[inputs.kernel]] [[inputs.mem]] [[inputs.processes]] [[inputs.system]] fielddrop = ["uptime_format"] [[]] ignore_protocol_stats = true EOF cat <<EOF > /etc/systemd/system/telegraf.service [Unit] Description="telegraf" [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/opt/telegraf/telegraf --config telegraf.conf WorkingDirectory=/opt/telegraf SuccessExitStatus=0 LimitNOFILE=65536 StandardOutput=syslog StandardError=syslog SyslogIdentifier=telegraf KillMode=process KillSignal=SIGQUIT TimeoutStopSec=5 Restart=always [Install] EOF systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable telegraf systemctl restart telegraf systemctl status telegraf ##加上可执行权限,执行 [root@localhost local]# chmod +x [root@localhost local]# ./