by Michal Bialas
由Michal Bialas
These are my 30 favorite new Android libraries that have come out since March 2017. Some of them aren’t production ready yet, but you may have lots of fun using them. I hope you enjoy these.
这些是我自2017年3月以来推出的30个最喜欢的新Android库。其中一些尚未准备好投入生产,但是使用它们可能会带来很多乐趣 。 我希望你喜欢这些。
Here they are in no particular order:
This is a beautiful local images and videos selector. Main functionalities:
这是一个漂亮的本地图像和视频选择器。 主要功能:
fully operational within Activities
and Fragments
You can find more in the lib’s wiki.
zhihu/MatisseMatisse - :fireworks: A well-designed local image and video selector for
zhihu / Matisse Matisse- :fireworks:为Android 设计的精心设计的本地图像和视频选择器
Spruce is a lightweight animation library that helps choreograph the animations on the screen. With so many different animation libraries out there, developers need to make sure that each view is animating at the appropriate time. Spruce can help designers request complex multi-view animations and not have the developers cringe at the prototype.
Spruce是一个轻量级的动画库,可帮助编排屏幕上的动画。 由于存在许多不同的动画库,开发人员需要确保每个视图都在适当的时间进行动画处理。 云杉可以帮助设计人员请求复杂的多视图动画,而无需开发人员屈服于原型。
willowtreeapps/spruce-androidspruce-android - Spruce Animation
willowtreeapps / spruce-android spruce- android- 云杉动画库
Chips were presented in Material Design. They
芯片在材料设计中介绍。 他们
represent complex entities in small blocks, such as a contact. A chip may contain entities such as a photo, text, rules, an icon, or a contact.
以小块表示复杂实体,例如联系人。 芯片可能包含诸如照片,文字,规则,图标或联系人之类的实体。
MaterialChipsInput is an implementation of that component for Android. The library provides two views : ChipsInput
and ChipView
MaterialChipsInput是该组件的Android实现。 该库提供两个视图: ChipsInput
pchmn/MaterialChipsInputMaterialChipsInput - Implementation of Material Design Chips component for
pchmn / MaterialChipsInput MaterialChipsInput-适用于Android 的Material Design Chips组件的实现
This library allows to create multiple animations based on points. Take a look — how smooth and beautiful animations you can make quite easily. README contains a lot of examples so you might check it here.
该库允许基于点创建多个动画。 看看-您可以轻松轻松地制作出流畅而优美的动画。 README包含许多示例,因此您可以在此处进行检查。
glomadrian/GravGrav - Configurable animations based on
glomadrian / Grav Grav- 基于点 github.com的可配置动画
Litho is not a library, it is a framework. A really powerful framework to build UI in a declarative way. It was developed by Facebook devs, so even if you do not want to try it, still it is worthy to observe and follow a development process.
Litho不是库,而是框架。 一个以声明方式构建UI的强大框架。 它是由Facebook开发人员开发的,因此即使您不想尝试它,仍然值得观察和遵循开发过程。
Main features include:
View flattening: Litho uses Yoga for layout and automatically reduces the number of ViewGroups that your UI contains.
facebook/litholitho - A declarative framework for building efficient UIs on
facebook / litho litho-用于在Android上构建有效UI的声明性框架。
Some time ago Google updated Material Design guideline, and introduced bottom navigation bars, as one of several good UI patters to follow in our apps. They also added the implementation to the Design Support Library.
不久前,Google更新了Material Design指南,并引入了底部导航栏,将其作为应用程序中可以遵循的几种不错的UI模式之一。 他们还将实现添加到了设计支持库中。
Adaptable Bottom Navigation can easily replace BottomNavigationView
from Support Library. It is implemented in the way how ViewPager
and TabLayout
work. This is a short explanation from Buffer team:
。 它是通过ViewPager
工作方式实现的。 这是Buffer团队的简短解释:
As mentioned, when using the Bottom Navigation View from the Android Support Library, there can be a lot of boilerplate code for the switching of views. Because of this, we took inspiration from the TabLayout setupWithViewPager() method and created a custom ViewSwapper component that can be attached to a Bottom Navigation View to simplify the management of view display.
如前所述,在使用Android支持库中的底部导航视图时,可能会有很多样板代码用于视图切换。 因此,我们从TabLayout setupWithViewPager()方法获得了启发,并创建了一个自定义ViewSwapper组件,该组件可以附加到底部导航视图以简化视图显示的管理。
You can read more on Github. There is a quite comprehensive documentation and explanation why it was implemented (tip: clean architecture ? ).
您可以在Github上阅读更多内容。 有一个非常全面的文档和说明为什么实现了它(提示:干净的体系结构?)。
bufferapp/AdaptableBottomNavigationAdaptableBottomNavigation - A simpler way for implementing the Bottom Navigation View on
bufferapp / AdaptableBottomNavigation AdaptableBottomNavigation-在Android 上实现底部导航视图的更简单方法
This library allows you to implement pattern locking mechanism in your app easily and quickly. It is very easy to use and there are plenty of customization options available to change the functionality and look-and-feel of this view to match your needs.
该库使您可以轻松,快速地在应用程序中实现模式锁定机制。 它非常易于使用,并且提供了许多自定义选项,可以更改此视图的功能和外观以满足您的需求。
It also supports RxJava 2 view bindings, so if you are a fan of reactive programming (just like me), you can get a stream of updates as the user draws the pattern.
它还支持RxJava 2视图绑定,因此,如果您喜欢响应式编程(就像我一样),则可以在用户绘制模式时获得更新流。
The README is full of examples, so it is easy to start with the library.
aritraroy/PatternLockViewPatternLockView - An easy-to-use, customizable and Material Design ready Pattern Lock view for
aritraroy / PatternLockView PatternLockView-适用于Android 的易于使用,可定制且可进行材料设计的Pattern Lock视图
This is a library which helps to draw isometric shapes. In my opinion, it is one of the coolest libraries in that list, as it reminds me of Monument Valley game. The library supports drawing multiple shapes, paths and complex structures, like the example below.
这是一个有助于绘制等距形状的库。 我认为,它是该列表中最酷的图书馆之一,因为它让我想起了纪念碑谷游戏。 该库支持绘制多个形状,路径和复杂结构,如以下示例所示。
FabianTerhorst/IsometricIsometric drawing library for
FabianTerhorst /等轴测等 轴测图库,适用于Android
We can treat this library as a ViewPager
extension that encapsulates many features, mainly to provide a unified solution for multi-page switching scenarios.
multi views in one ViewPager
switching views circularly. For example, if there are 3 views to display in a ViewPager
, it should switch back to the first view after the third view,
循环切换视图。 例如,如果ViewPager
auto-scrolling feature (implemented timer using Handler
This library has a good documentation as well.
alibaba/UltraViewPagerUltraViewPager is an extension for ViewPager to provide multiple features in a single
阿里巴巴/ UltraViewPager UltraViewPager是ViewPager的扩展,可在单个ViewPager中提供多种功能。
This library helps to implement UI cards and then switch them with a nice animation.
BakerJQ/Android-InfiniteCardsAndroid-InfiniteCards - An infinite card switching UI for Android, support custom animation 可自定义动效的卡片切换视图
BakerJQ / Android-InfiniteCards Android-InfiniteCards - Android的无限卡切换UI,支持自定义动画。
This is a library which we can consider as a DrawerLayout-like ViewGroup
, where a drawer is hidden under the content view, and then can be shifted to make the drawer visible. REAMDE is quite comprehensive and it is worthy to check for sure.
,其中抽屉隐藏在内容视图下,然后可以移动以使抽屉可见。 REAMDE非常全面,值得确定。
yarolegovich/SlidingRootNavSlidingRootNav - DrawerLayout-like ViewGroup, where a "drawer" is hidden under the content view, which can be shifted…
yarolegovich / SlidingRootNav SlidingRootNav- 类似于DrawerLayout的ViewGroup,其中“抽屉”隐藏在内容视图下,可以移动…
It is just a view where you can type your password. But fancy one!
它只是一个视图,您可以在其中输入密码。 但是看中一个!
hanks-zyh/PasscodeViewMaterial Design PasscodeView for
hanks-zyh / PasscodeView用于Android的Material Design PasscodeView。
This library allows to represent sound as a gradient colored visualisation.
akshay2211/MusicWaveWith MusicWave represent your Sound in a gradient colored
akshay2211 / MusicWave 和MusicWave以彩色渐变的可视化效果表示您的声音
This library helps you to add more meaningful shadow to your images. According to README, it is
该库可帮助您为图像添加更有意义的阴影。 根据自述文件 ,这是
More exquisite shadow effect, used in some special scene to enhance the user experience.
Also, it is easy to use.
yingLanNull/ShadowImageViewShadowImageView - ?可以根据图片内容变阴影颜色,更加细腻的阴影效果 It can change color according to the picture, more delicate shadow
yingLanNull / ShadowImageView ShadowImageView-?可以根据图片内容变阴影颜色,可以根据图片更改颜色,更细腻的阴影效果
This is an efficient Android utility class for drawing regular polygons on a Canvas
. We can specify:
上绘制常规多边形。 我们可以指定:
fill/stroke Paint
stkent/PolygonDrawingUtilPolygonDrawingUtil - An efficient Android utility class for drawing regular polygons on a
stkent / PolygonDrawingUtil PolygonDrawingUtil-一个高效的Android实用程序类,用于在Canvas上绘制常规多边形。
This is a second framework on that list. It is responsible for image compression and it is quite powerful. Also, it
这是该列表上的第二个框架。 它负责图像压缩,功能非常强大。 还有
uses asynchronous thread pool to compress image, and will hand out the result in the main thread when compression is completed.
Sunzxyong/TinyTiny - an image compression
Sunzxyong / Tiny Tiny- 图像压缩框架。
This library provides a custom TextView
widget, which can create text from particles using a variety of animation effects and configuration properties.
Yasic/ParticleTextViewParticleTextView - 一个用粒子动画显示文字的 Android 自定义
Yasic / ParticleTextView ParticleTextView-一个用粒子动画显示文字的Android自定义视图
This is a highly configurable widget for image cropping. The library has a modular architecture, which makes it highly configurable. For the info on how to configure CropIwaView
refer to the wiki on Github.
这是用于图像裁剪的高度可配置的小部件。 该库具有模块化体系结构,因此可以高度配置。 有关如何配置CropIwaView
的信息,请参阅Github上的Wiki 。
steelkiwi/cropiwacropiwa - ? Configurable Custom Crop widget for
steelkiwi / cropiwa cropiwa-吗? 适用于Androidg ithub.com的可配置自定义裁剪小部件
This is a thin library to wrap the naked
in your Android project before passing it to the 3rd-party SDK. It is designed to prevent the 3rd-party SDK from common unwanted behaviors which may harm the user experience of your app.这是一个精简库,用于在将裸照
传递给第三方SDK之前将其包装在您的Android项目中。 它旨在防止第三方SDK出现常见的有害行为,这些行为可能会损害应用程序的用户体验。
And here is the explanation:
Massive launch of processes in other apps (common in 3rd-party push SDKs), causing slow app starting and notable lagging on low to middle-end devices. This behavior has chain reaction effects among apps with similar SDKs, greatly aggravating the overall device performance.
在其他应用程序中大规模启动进程(在第三方推送SDK中很常见),导致应用程序启动缓慢,并且在中低端设备上明显滞后。 此行为在具有相似SDK的应用程序之间产生连锁React影响,从而极大地提高了整体设备性能。
oasisfeng/condomcondom - 一个超轻超薄的Android工具库,阻止三方SDK中常见的有害行为,而不影响应用自身的功能。(例如严重影响用户体验的『链式唤醒』)
oasisfeng /避孕套 -一个超轻超薄的Android工具库,阻止三方SDK中常见的有害行为,而不影响应用自身的功能。(例如严重影响用户体验的『链式唤醒』)
This library allows you to trace all functions calls order. The project is well documented and you can find detailed manuals how to use it. The only constraint is that, it is written in Chinese, but you can always click Translate to English in your browser and enjoy this great project.
该库允许您跟踪所有函数的调用顺序。 该项目文档齐全,您可以找到有关如何使用它的详细手册。 唯一的限制是,它是用中文编写的,但是您始终可以在浏览器中单击“ 翻译成英语” ,并享受这个出色的项目。
zjw-swun/AppMethodOrderAppMethodOrder - 一个能让你了解所有函数调用顺序以及函数耗时的Android库(无需侵入式代码)
zjw-swun / AppMethodOrder AppMethodOrder-一个使您了解所有函数调用顺序以及函数耗时的Android库(无需侵入式代码)
This is an interesting library. It allows you to create and use special hovering debug tool, to trigger actions defined by you in an application. These actions can be obviously triggered in runtime, so it may be used for instance during feedback writing or testing a phone screen. The library uses Builder pattern. It is easy to use and in README, there is one example of the usage.
这是一个有趣的库。 它允许您创建和使用特殊的悬停调试工具,以触发您在应用程序中定义的操作。 这些动作显然可以在运行时触发,因此可以在例如反馈编写或测试电话屏幕期间使用它们。 该库使用Builder模式。 它易于使用,并且在README中有一个用法示例。
hulab/debugkitdebugkit - Ever hid debug functions in your UI? Here is now a clean way to do it!
hulab / debugkit debugkit-您是否曾将调试功能隐藏在UI中? 现在这是一种干净的方法!
This a fresh library and still in beta, but it does a really cool thing — it changes your theme dynamically with Rx support! According to the author, this is
这是一个全新的库,仍处于beta版,但它确实很棒:通过Rx支持动态更改您的主题! 根据作者,这是
A fast and easy to use plug-and-play dynamic theme engine. Powered by Rx, for Android apps.
快速,易于使用的即插即用动态主题引擎。 由Rx提供支持,适用于Android应用。
The documentation is really good, comprehensive and definitely worthy to check out.
afollestad/aestheticaesthetic - [BETA] A fast and easy to use plug-and-play dynamic theme engine. Powered by Rx, for Android
afollestad /审美 美学-[BETA]快速,易于使用的即插即用动态主题引擎。 由Rx提供支持,适用于Android应用。
This is an easy custom calendar widget. Main features include:
这是一个简单的自定义日历小部件。 主要功能包括:
The documentation is comprehensive and the library is easy to use.
shichaohui/EasyCalendarQuickly customize the calendar UI. You can use EasyCalendar to quickly get the calendar style
shichaohui / EasyCalendar 快速自定义日历UI。 您可以使用EasyCalendar快速获取日历样式的UI。
This library provides two rating bars:
You can see them in a gif below:
ome450901/SimpleRatingBarSimpleRatingBar - A simple RatingBar with scale
ome450901 / SimpleRatingBar SimpleRatingBar-具有比例动画的简单RatingBar
This library is advertised as the simplest navigation library for Android, but you need to check if it is worthy for you to use it. Main features:
该库被宣传为Android上最简单的导航库,但是您需要检查是否值得使用。 主要特点:
Navigation is as simple as calling goTo(screen)
It has comprehensive wiki with all explanations needed.
wealthfront/magellanmagellan - The simplest navigation library for
richardfront / magellan magellan-最简单的Android导航库。
ViewPagerAnimator is a new lightweight, yet powerful ViewPager animation library for Android. it is designed to animate arbitrary values as the user navigates between pages within a ViewPager, and will precisely follow the motion of h[is|er] finger. Although the library itself may be of use to some, the main purpose of publishing this library is to demonstrate some wonderful API subtleties which really come to the fore when using Java 8 extensions which are coming our way soon. Sample projects for both Java 7 and Java 8 are provided.
ViewPagerAnimator是一个新的轻量级但功能强大的Android ViewPager动画库。 它旨在在用户在ViewPager中的页面之间导航时为任意值设置动画,并将精确跟随手指的运动。 尽管该库本身可能对某些人有用,但发布该库的主要目的是演示一些奇妙的API细微之处,这些细微之处在使用即将推出的Java 8扩展时才真正浮出水面。 提供了Java 7和Java 8的示例项目。
It is written by Mark Allison and you can get more info on his Styling Android blog.
它由Mark Allison编写,您可以在他的Styling Android博客上获取更多信息。
StylingAndroid/ViewPagerAnimatorViewPagerAnimator - A lightweight, yet powerful ViewPager animation library for
StylingAndroid / ViewPagerAnimator ViewPagerAnimator-适用于Android github.com的轻量级但功能强大的ViewPager动画库
This is a library, which facilitates finding heavy methods in your code when your app blocked. It is based on BlockCanary.
这是一个库,当您的应用程序被阻止时,它有助于在代码中查找繁重的方法。 它基于BlockCanary 。
seiginonakama/BlockCanaryExBlockCanaryEx — make performance bottleneck detection easily when app
seiginonakama / BlockCanaryEx BlockCanaryEx —当应用程序阻止 时,轻松检测性能瓶颈
This is quite cool library. It adds a shadows to your images, but the color of shadow is in a dominant image color.
这是一个很酷的库。 它会在您的图像上添加阴影,但是阴影的颜色是主要的图像颜色。
Documentation is quite poor but I think the code is self-explanatory.
DingMouRen/PaletteImageViewPaletteImageView - 为图片添加阴影,阴影颜色来源于图片的主色
DingMouRen / PaletteImageView PaletteImageView-为图片添加阴影,阴影颜色图片的主色
This is a refresh animation that opens a camera shutter. In my opinion it is really worthy to check, especially in README there is a mathematical analysis, how to achieve this effect!
这是一个刷新动画,可打开相机快门。 我认为这确实值得检查,尤其是在README中有一个数学分析,如何实现这种效果!
dinuscxj/ShootRefreshViewShootRefreshView - It's an refresh animation that opens the
dinuscxj / ShootRefreshView ShootRefreshView-这是一个刷新动画,可以打开快门
This is an approach to write an Adapter without ViewHolder
. Key features include:
的适配器的方法。 主要功能包括:
No ViewHolders
Simple DiffUtil
MEiDIK/SlimAdapterSlimAdapter - A slim & clean & typeable Adapter without#
MEiDIK / SlimAdapter SlimAdapter-轻巧,干净,可打字的适配器,没有#VIEWHOLDER
That’s it. I hope you enjoyed the article! If I didn’t mention any other great libraries released in this Spring, please let me know in the comments below. Let’s keep that list bigger together!
而已。 希望您喜欢这篇文章! 如果我没有提到今年Spring发布的其他出色的库,请在下面的评论中让我知道。 让我们一起扩大清单!
If you like my article, please don’t forget to click ??? to recommend it to others ???.
如果您喜欢我的文章,请不要忘记单击???。 推荐给其他人???。
Also, to be notified about my new articles and stories, follow me on Medium and Twitter. You can find me on LinkedIn as well. Cheers!
另外,要了解我的新文章和故事,请在Medium和Twitter上关注我。 您也可以在LinkedIn上找到我。 干杯!