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对于WebOS Mojo SDK的看法以及和Iphone的比较




某未透露姓名程序员对于WebOS Mojo SDK的看法以及和Iphone的比较



星期四我们和一个熟悉Mojo SDK 的开发者取得了联系。他把iPhone SDK比作“开发者-敌对”,显然说的是iphone的NDA。(译者按: 不过最近apple好像取消了这个莫名其妙的规定? 这方面apple比微软都过分)与iphone sdk相反,开发Mojo SDK非常愉快。该平台允许开发者访问大多数电话的功能,包括Calendar, Contacts, Music, Video Playback。显然Palm非常开放,允许开发者访问设备的几乎所有的功能。

开发者同时告诉我们:Palm在很多apple上无法实现的东西上提供了很好的支持,比如Notification, 后台任务,对于SMS的直接访问,等等。(译者按:开放同时安全问题广告满天飞问题也随之而来)。让这个程序员最振奋得是:Palm在整个开发栈使用了大量开放标准。同时Mojo MVC框架(编者按:Java开发,搞struts, springframework的都很亲切吧 )也是开发者最喜欢的特性- 然后你也可以写自己的框架。Mojo framework非常好,非常(译者水平有限翻译不出来。。。)总之开发效率很高。所有这些,加上Palm出色的UI和高规格的硬件。。。



On Thursday, we were contacted by a developer who has used and is familiar with the Mojo SDK; he had a lot of good things to say about how Palm is handing the extremel nascent developer community and his hopes for the future of the platform. The developer told us that he has explored mobile development on Apple's iPhone SDK and found much of the company's position towards their community to be "developer-hostile"—an obvious reference to their insistence on enforcing a pointless NDA well past its expiration date and their strong hand in regulating what can and cannot be developed for its platform.

In stark contrast, it seems that this developer's experience with the Mojo SDK has been a joy. The platform will allow developers to access most of the phone's capabilities, including calendaring, contacts, music and video playback. It would appear that Palm is very open to allowing developers nearly full access to the device's capabilities

pre: the anti-iPhone Our developer also tells us that Palm is open to things Apple usually frowns upon, including running notification and periodic tasks in the background, providing direct access to the phone's text messaging (SMS) system, and more.
Perhaps the part our anonymous contact was most excited about was Palm's extensive use of open standards throughout the entire development stack. This is yet another point where Palm's development model appears to be the antithesis of Apple's iPhone model. Palm's inclusion of the Mojo MVC framework is one of the developer's favorite features—perhaps even better is that it's optional and you can build your own from scratch if you prefer. According to our contact, the Mojo framework is extremely nice, well thought out, and significantly improves the speed and efficiency of developing mobile applications on the prė.
All of this, paired with Palm's excellent new UI and the impressive hardware specifications, has seemed to help people forget about Palm's troubled past and has, at least for now, put them back on the road to delivering a successful mobile product.
