ng2-bootstrap 是 Angular 2 的扩展指令,实现了对 Bootstrap 框架的集成。 示例代码: // RECOMMENDED (doesn't work with system.js)import { AccordionModule } from 'ng2-bootstrap/accordion';// orimport { AccordionModule } from '
�� ng2-tree �� Usage �� Demo �� API tree [tree] Load children asynchronously Load children using ngrx (or any redux-like library) Configure node via TreeModelSettings [settings] Tree class events (nod
Angular 2 Drag-and-Drop Angular 2 Drag-and-Drop without dependencies. Follow me to be notified about new releases. Some of these APIs and Components are not final and are subject to change! Transpilat
ng2-translate 是 Angular 2 的 i18n 库。 简单示例:
个人开发的博客,前端ng2-fuzhutech-blog采用angualr2 + ng2-Bootstrap实现,后端fuzhutech-blog基于Spring+SpringMVC+Mybatis架构. This project was generated with Angular CLI version 1.0.0. 技术选型 后端 Ioc容器 Spring Web框架 SpringMVC O
This repository is no longer maintained. Angular 2+ wrapper for intl-tel-input Installation Run following command to install ng2-tel-input npm install ng2-tel-input intl-tel-input --save After install
Angular PDFJS viewer with Mozilla's ViewerJS. Supports Angular 2+ �� Thanks a ton to the community - We are talking Downloads in millions now!!! This project is currently maintained by a single develo
ng2-semantic-ui Semantic UI Angular Integrations, written in pure Angular - no JQuery required. Introduction Angular and jQuery don't go together - this is the fundamental principal of this library. I