linux cdf返回上一级,[原][c][netCDF]返回值合集(错误列表)


#define NC_NOERR 0 /**< No Error */

#define NC2_ERR (-1) /**< Returned for all errors in the v2 API. */

/** Not a netcdf id.

The specified netCDF ID does not refer to an

open netCDF dataset.*/

#define NC_EBADID (-33)

#define NC_ENFILE (-34) /**< Too many netcdfs open */

#define NC_EEXIST (-35) /**< netcdf file exists && NC_NOCLOBBER */

#define NC_EINVAL (-36) /**< Invalid Argument */

#define NC_EPERM (-37) /**< Write to read only */

/** Operation not allowed in data mode. This is returned for netCDF

classic or 64-bit offset files, or for netCDF-4 files, when they were

been created with ::NC_CLASSIC_MODEL flag in nc_create().*/

#define NC_ENOTINDEFINE (-38)

/** Operation not allowed in define mode.

The specified netCDF is in define mode rather than data mode.

With netCDF-4/HDF5 files, this error will not occur, unless

::NC_CLASSIC_MODEL was used in nc_create().*/

#define NC_EINDEFINE (-39)

/** Index exceeds dimension bound.

The specified corner indices were out of range for the rank of the

specified variable. For example, a negative index or an index that is

larger than the corresponding dimension length will cause an error.*/

#define NC_EINVALCOORDS (-40)

/** NC_MAX_DIMS exceeded. Max number of dimensions exceeded in a

classic or 64-bit offset file, or an netCDF-4 file with


#define NC_EMAXDIMS (-41) /* not enforced after 4.5.0 */

#define NC_ENAMEINUSE (-42) /**< String match to name in use */

#define NC_ENOTATT (-43) /**< Attribute not found */

#define NC_EMAXATTS (-44) /**< NC_MAX_ATTRS exceeded - not enforced after 4.5.0 */

#define NC_EBADTYPE (-45) /**< Not a netcdf data type */

#define NC_EBADDIM (-46) /**< Invalid dimension id or name */

#define NC_EUNLIMPOS (-47) /**< NC_UNLIMITED in the wrong index */

/** NC_MAX_VARS exceeded. Max number of variables exceeded in a

classic or 64-bit offset file, or an netCDF-4 file with


#define NC_EMAXVARS (-48) /* not enforced after 4.5.0 */

/** Variable not found.

The variable ID is invalid for the specified netCDF dataset.*/

#define NC_ENOTVAR (-49)

#define NC_EGLOBAL (-50) /**< Action prohibited on NC_GLOBAL varid */

#define NC_ENOTNC (-51) /**< Not a netcdf file */

#define NC_ESTS (-52) /**< In Fortran, string too short */

#define NC_EMAXNAME (-53) /**< NC_MAX_NAME exceeded */

#define NC_EUNLIMIT (-54) /**< NC_UNLIMITED size already in use */

#define NC_ENORECVARS (-55) /**< nc_rec op when there are no record vars */

#define NC_ECHAR (-56) /**< Attempt to convert between text & numbers */

/** Start+count exceeds dimension bound.

The specified edge lengths added to the specified corner would have

referenced data out of range for the rank of the specified

variable. For example, an edge length that is larger than the

corresponding dimension length minus the corner index will cause an


#define NC_EEDGE (-57) /**< Start+count exceeds dimension bound. */

#define NC_ESTRIDE (-58) /**< Illegal stride */

#define NC_EBADNAME (-59) /**< Attribute or variable name contains illegal characters */

/*N.B. following must match value in ncx.h*/

/** Math result not representable.

One or more of the values are out of the range of values representable

by the desired type.*/

#define NC_ERANGE (-60)

#define NC_ENOMEM (-61) /**< Memory allocation (malloc) failure */

#define NC_EVARSIZE (-62) /**< One or more variable sizes violate format constraints */

#define NC_EDIMSIZE (-63) /**< Invalid dimension size */

#define NC_ETRUNC (-64) /**< File likely truncated or possibly corrupted */

#define NC_EAXISTYPE (-65) /**< Unknown axis type. */

/*Following errors are added for DAP*/

#define NC_EDAP (-66) /**< Generic DAP error */

#define NC_ECURL (-67) /**< Generic libcurl error */

#define NC_EIO (-68) /**< Generic IO error */

#define NC_ENODATA (-69) /**< Attempt to access variable with no data */

#define NC_EDAPSVC (-70) /**< DAP server error */

#define NC_EDAS (-71) /**< Malformed or inaccessible DAS */

#define NC_EDDS (-72) /**< Malformed or inaccessible DDS */

#define NC_EDMR NC_EDDS /**< Dap4 alias */

#define NC_EDATADDS (-73) /**< Malformed or inaccessible DATADDS */

#define NC_EDATADAP NC_EDATADDS /**< Dap4 alias */

#define NC_EDAPURL (-74) /**< Malformed DAP URL */

#define NC_EDAPCONSTRAINT (-75) /**< Malformed DAP Constraint*/

#define NC_ETRANSLATION (-76) /**< Untranslatable construct */

#define NC_EACCESS (-77) /**< Access Failure */

#define NC_EAUTH (-78) /**< Authorization Failure */

/*Misc. additional errors*/

#define NC_ENOTFOUND (-90) /**< No such file */

#define NC_ECANTREMOVE (-91) /**< Can't remove file */

#define NC_EINTERNAL (-92) /**< NetCDF Library Internal Error */

#define NC_EPNETCDF (-93) /**< Error at PnetCDF layer */

/*The following was added in support of netcdf-4. Make all netcdf-4

error codes < -100 so that errors can be added to netcdf-3 if


#define NC4_FIRST_ERROR (-100) /**< @internal All HDF5 errors < this. */

#define NC_EHDFERR (-101) /**< Error at HDF5 layer. */

#define NC_ECANTREAD (-102) /**< Can't read. */

#define NC_ECANTWRITE (-103) /**< Can't write. */

#define NC_ECANTCREATE (-104) /**< Can't create. */

#define NC_EFILEMETA (-105) /**< Problem with file metadata. */

#define NC_EDIMMETA (-106) /**< Problem with dimension metadata. */

#define NC_EATTMETA (-107) /**< Problem with attribute metadata. */

#define NC_EVARMETA (-108) /**< Problem with variable metadata. */

#define NC_ENOCOMPOUND (-109) /**< Not a compound type. */

#define NC_EATTEXISTS (-110) /**< Attribute already exists. */

#define NC_ENOTNC4 (-111) /**< Attempting netcdf-4 operation on netcdf-3 file. */

#define NC_ESTRICTNC3 (-112) /**< Attempting netcdf-4 operation on strict nc3 netcdf-4 file. */

#define NC_ENOTNC3 (-113) /**< Attempting netcdf-3 operation on netcdf-4 file. */

#define NC_ENOPAR (-114) /**< Parallel operation on file opened for non-parallel access. */

#define NC_EPARINIT (-115) /**< Error initializing for parallel access. */

#define NC_EBADGRPID (-116) /**< Bad group ID. */

#define NC_EBADTYPID (-117) /**< Bad type ID. */

#define NC_ETYPDEFINED (-118) /**< Type has already been defined and may not be edited. */

#define NC_EBADFIELD (-119) /**< Bad field ID. */

#define NC_EBADCLASS (-120) /**< Bad class. */

#define NC_EMAPTYPE (-121) /**< Mapped access for atomic types only. */

#define NC_ELATEFILL (-122) /**< Attempt to define fill value when data already exists. */

#define NC_ELATEDEF (-123) /**< Attempt to define var properties, like deflate, after enddef. */

#define NC_EDIMSCALE (-124) /**< Problem with HDF5 dimscales. */

#define NC_ENOGRP (-125) /**< No group found. */

#define NC_ESTORAGE (-126) /**< Can't specify both contiguous and chunking. */

#define NC_EBADCHUNK (-127) /**< Bad chunksize. */

#define NC_ENOTBUILT (-128) /**< Attempt to use feature that was not turned on when netCDF was built. */

#define NC_EDISKLESS (-129) /**< Error in using diskless access. */

#define NC_ECANTEXTEND (-130) /**< Attempt to extend dataset during ind. I/O operation. */

#define NC_EMPI (-131) /**< MPI operation failed. */

#define NC_EFILTER (-132) /**< Filter operation failed. */

#define NC_ERCFILE (-133) /**< RC file failure */

#define NC_ENULLPAD (-134) /**< Header Bytes not Null-Byte padded */

#define NC_EINMEMORY (-135) /**< In-memory file error */

#define NC_ENOFILTER (-136) /**< Filter not defined on variable. */

#define NC4_LAST_ERROR (-137) /**< @internal All netCDF errors > this. */
