前缀由RDFa (Resource Description Framework in Attributes)扩展名定义的属性之一。 RDFa用于以许多标记语言(如HTML和XML)表示的网页中实现Semantic Web。而不是让一个网页告诉浏览器它应该如何构造,现在你也可以告诉它什么是页面代表,像个人,产品列表等。
What does the prefix attribute do?
My name is MY_NAME
and my telephone is MY_TELEPHONE.
My favorite animal is the FAVORITE_ANIMAL.
Can I write instead of or would that be a syntax error?
除了无法使用以前的语法在网络上找到任何示例,从RDFa Core的规范可以看出,至少有一个空格确实是强制性的:
a white space separated list of prefix-name IRI pairs of the form
NCName ':' ' '+ xsd:anyURI
Can I include multiple prefix attributes for any given HTML tag?
是的你可以。从上面给出的前缀属性的规范,以及RDFa Core规范给出的很多例子,允许以下内容:
prefix="foaf: http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/
dc: http://purl.org/dc/terms/"
If this prefix tag is not part of the HTML spec, how would submitting a page containing this attribute to a code validator ever result in my code being standards compliant?