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#!/usr/bin/perl ############################################################################# ## Name: samples/hello/hello.pl ## Purpose: Hello wxPerl sample ## Author: Mattia Barbon ## Modified by: ## Created: 02/11/2000 ## RCS-ID: $Id: hello.pl,v 1.3 2004/10/19 20:28:14 mbarbon Exp $ ## Copyright: (c) 2000 Mattia Barbon ## Licence: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the same terms as Perl itself ############################################################################# use strict; use Wx;   #导入Wx package MyApp;
#每一个wxPerl的程序都要有一个类继承Wx::App use base qw(Wx::App);  # OnInit继承自Wx::App,这个方法在对象创建的时候会自动运行 sub OnInit { my( $this ) = shift; # 创建一个新的frame并设定为 top(最顶?)的frame  my( $frame ) = MyFrame->new(); $this->SetTopWindow( $frame ); # 显示这个frame $frame->Show( 1 ); }
#下面定义这个frame package MyFrame; #use vars qw(@ISA); #our @ISA = qw(Wx::Frame); use base qw(Wx::Frame); use Wx::Event qw(EVT_PAINT); # this imports some constants use Wx qw(wxDECORATIVE wxNORMAL wxBOLD); use Wx qw(wxDefaultPosition); use Wx qw(wxWHITE); sub new { # new frame with no parent, id -1, title 'Hello, world!' # default position and size 350, 100 my( $this ) = shift->SUPER::new( undef, -1, 'Hello, world!', wxDefaultPosition , [350, 100] ); # create a new font object and store it $this->{FONT} = Wx::Font->new( 40, wxDECORATIVE, wxNORMAL, wxBOLD, 0 ); # set background colour $this->SetBackgroundColour( wxWHITE ); $this->SetIcon( Wx::GetWxPerlIcon() ); # declare that all paint events will be handled with the OnPaint method EVT_PAINT( $this, /&OnPaint ); return $this; } sub OnPaint { my( $this, $event ) = @_; # create a device context (DC) used for drawing my( $dc ) = Wx::PaintDC->new( $this ); # select the font $dc->SetFont( $this->font ); # darw a friendly message $dc->DrawText( 'Hello, world!', 10, 10 ); } sub font { $_[0]->{FONT}; }
#主程序 创建一个MyApp对象 package main; # create an instance of the Wx::App-derived class my( $app ) = MyApp->new(); # start processing events $app->MainLoop;


